Interplay may be dead, but its spirit lives on

Jesus Christ said:

So much for "using the Vault" lie from John, whom is the official asswipe of GluttonCrapper.

From AOLers, to GC, to clueless artists all in a happy circle-jerk over how their art doesn't suck and fits, to making excuses and corrections, this title just gets even worse and more unprofessional by the day.

So let the professional assholes play. :twisted:

mortiz said:
GC are just too funny (in a retarded kinda way) to be allowed to exist on Earth.

Someone should tell them that the Human Race doesn't require their services.

Given how GC can't even type straight and is supposedly editing this shit (oh, damn...), I'm fully convinced that this is merely a professional fast food chimp's off-work hobby, with a team comprised of himself, other fry-salting failures that already work for him, and anyone else they could scrape up from online to work essentially for free and throw their work away on a scam.

Yes, in other words, if someone were to nuke that McDonald's, the world would in fact be a better place. :D

More stupid shit from dipshit:

Traits in d20 Fallout are much like Fallout CPU and are optional. They have a benefit and a drawback or just a drawback. They are sort of background coloring to add some extra personality to a set character. In a role-playing tabletop envirionment this is different, because your character is not a preset entity, so Traits enhance your characteristics and background history. (Example - Bloody Mess; Billy as a little kid, always saw the worst way a critter could die (bullet to the brain-pan, starvation, trampled by brahmin). Now all grown up, Billy friends and companions seem to always die in a in a similar fashion with gore spread all over).
Fallout CPU? There's a Fallout processor now?
Cool. I want one.

Also, what the hell is he blabbing about? Traits that have just drawbacks? Your character was a preset entity in Fallout? Traits don't enhance your characteristics and background in Fallout? A load of bullshit about Bloody Mess? Huh?
Rakkasan240B wrote
Speaking as a playtester I can tell you many (MANY) of the issues brought up by forum goers here, at DaC and NMA have also been addressed by us as well. I can't mention anything specific, but trust me, we are working hard to refine the rules and with luck our work will pay off.

Yeah, I'm sure you slack bastards have addressed them. Addressed, and ignored. Or made them worse.

Gluttoncreeper wrote:
Keep in mind also that this is a d20 game not SPECIAL, so thing like Speech have been incorporated into skills (Bluff and Diplomacy). I believe that most of d20 was borrowed from the SPECIAL system during it conception, so the transfer is not too rough.

My ass, you lying bastards. d20 has been around LONG before SPECIAL came about. SPECIAL was made for a PnP system by the folks who made FO. Plain and simple. I have a couple of d20 books here, one dated 1996; that means it was in production before FO was ever released. Given the development time needed for a truly good PnP, that means that it was in production before Fo by a wide margin, you jackasses. Thanks for giving us another episode of 'The Moron Show', but I think I'll go watch something slightly more intellectual- like Sesame Street or Spongebob Squarepants.

On the Stat bonus from Traits, albeit it will be revised shortly, the reasoning for the uneven stat bump, is because this was cut from a different RP system we are developing based on the number 30 and adapted/expanded to FOd20 because of the many similarities between the trait system which was original influenced from the FO Traits. Of course we replaced Bloody Mess with Afraid and others with similar tones. Now they all reside in the d20 version of FO.

How exactly do you make a **D20** system game using a **base 30** system? I get the definite feeling that your rectal-cranial inversion is close to imploding, which will cause a black hole of stupidity. Hopefully it sucks you and your whole team into oblivion.

As for the intro sample, it will be in editing first along with the campaign and organization information. The inconsistencies refered to present day issues, will be hedged out and the newspaper styling will come more in line to an area that would have a historian to tell the tale of the wastes to new players not familiar with the Fallout Universe.

You really, truly feel qualified to explain the FO universe setting to others? Especially unsuspecting noobies? What a joke.

As for Traits improving a stat, our play test teams are reporting on this issue, so we'll be looking into it in the next few weeks. Seems it is easily in a point buy system to cheese an extra 3 - 6 points for stats on the current Trait roster. Will traits have stat bumps? Yes some still will.

I notice that you don't sound at all concerned about game balance issues, with the possibility of six extra stat points sitting there for the taking. That doesn't suprise me in the least. I'm sure that you, and every single person working on this hunk of crap with you, is a straight-up Timmy. You are going to screw the whole game up by making it the way you personally want to play it. That's fine, right up until you try to market it.

There is a reason that D&D, d20, Eberron, and all the other PnP games have *core* books and *supplement* books; it allows for maximum customization to the player's needs by having the basic game very well balanced, while at the same time making all types of other material available as an option to enhance and improve gameplay in the direction the players desire. Hasbro isn't forcing one style of play down players throats like you are. By making the game unbalanced , you open a one-way-door in gameplay: if any single player in a campaign plays like a Timmy, everyone else has to or they will get left behind. Players will still be able to roleplay, but many of their choices will be made for them by default. You are insuring your own failure by doing so.

Quite frankly, I relish the thought of you going out of business, because that will mean that someone else will get their hands on the FO license- someone who will hopefully have more insight, talent and skill that you.
Talisien said:
My ass, you lying bastards. d20 has been around LONG before SPECIAL came about. SPECIAL was made for a PnP system by the folks who made FO. Plain and simple. I have a couple of d20 books here, one dated 1996; that means it was in production before FO was ever released.

The d20 system was introduced in 2000. You may be thinking of systems using the d20, which have probably been around since the late 70s but are not the same thing.

There is no influence between SPECIAL and the d20 system, in either direction.
Oops, my bad Per. You're right. I was looking at the copyright/publishing page in a GURPS book, not d20. Just more evidence of what having kids does to your brain, by removing your ability to get a good night's sleep. I bow down to your superior abilities of sleep and cognition :notworthy:
Uhh... hi! I just signed up for these forums because I saw this thread.

I've done a Fallout-based campaign for the D6 System (though nowhere near as complex as SPECIAL) for about 6-8 years now. Though this has nothing to do with D20, it has everything to do with PnP... Their d20 FO system seems... uh... "lacking," for a broad understatement... So my questions are as follows:

1) Is there a SPECIAL PnP system available? Is there a FO module for it?
2) If no such system exits, what are the possibilities of an intepid non-corporate whore designer getting their grubby little hands on attempting a SPECIAL PnP Fallout system?

I've always loved Fallout, I own all the games, and in my previous D6 campaigns I've been incredibly faithful to the series. Though to actually have a viable FO PnP system would be slightly short of a miracle in my eyes.

It seems both Beth and this weird group are taking something completely holy and using it as their own personal outhouse.... Fallout needs better than this.
I'll try to answer your question.

Forum Index -> NMA Nuclear Downloads -> Misc -> PNP

good enough? :)

For more info, don't be afraid to use the search function, google, or just browse around. That's what links and search engines are for ;)

To tie back in with the main conversation, it was made by Jason Mical, who is also now on the Fallout d20 project. Unfortunately for his reputation.

However, if I'm not mistaken the Fallout SPECIAL PnP was mostly well received (even though I don't like it personally... too much "Tictacs" stuff in it).

Unfortunately, I am not qualified to give much more info on the subject (since you're new here, might as well tell you: you mostly need to know what you are talking about before posting. Or else. I would suggest you to read the rules of the forum, then lurk a bit to see how they are applied, since they are applied pretty hard).

Also, they might have been up to something on DaC, but I'm not sure if I misread or if the project is still alive. I remember something about a wiki-based PnP project involving Fallout, but I can't be 100% sure.

EDIT: Ah, yes, there it is. Just follow the links from there I guess.