Interplay to be at E3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Looks like Interplay will be present at the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo. Though they're not listed, Eric Caen notes on the Interplay forum that they'll be showing their upcoming release DSi/DS release T-Rex Rumble.<blockquote>T-Rex Rumble is currently in development and will be released in 2 or three quarters.
The game will be shown to press and website journalists during E3 in ten days, and preview of its unique gameplay should appear right after.
As of today, six missions are playable and we are scripting the other missions and we are working on sound effects & musics.</blockquote>'s right, Interplay's actually got 3 games (V13 and the DSi/DS titles T-Rex Rumble and Prehistorik), if not more (Earthworm Jim 4?). The chances of V13 making a showing at E3 are likely near nihil, but we figured we'd just chuck this out here since, heck, Interplay really seems surprisingly not-dead.

Also, don't forget Bethesda will be at E3, so prepare for stacks of Point Look previews.
Brother None said:
Looks like Interplay will be present at the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo. Though they're not listed, Eric Caen notes on the Interplay forum that they'll be showing their upcoming release DSi/DS release T-Rex Rumble.<blockquote>T-Rex Rumble is currently in development and will be released in 2 or three quarters.
The game will be shown to press and website journalists during E3 in ten days, and preview of its unique gameplay should appear right after.
As of today, six missions are playable and we are scripting the other missions and we are working on sound effects & musics.</blockquote>'s right, Interplay's actually got 3 games (V13 and the DSi/DS titles T-Rex Rumble and Prehistorik). The chances of V13 making a showing at E3 are likely near nihil, but we figured we'd just chuck this out here since, heck, Interplay really seems surprisingly not-dead.

Also, don't forget Bethesda will be at E3, so prepare for stacks of Point Look previews.

Eric Caen, now there is a joke of a human being. Kinda like Randy to Herve's, "My Name is Earl", Earl
The full name is Legendary Wars: T-Rex Rumble.

And stop hatin', Corith. Jeesh, it's like you're always lurking ready to pounce whenever someone says Caen. If I look in a mirror and say "Herve Caen" three times, do you appear?
Too early in the day to hope for any New Vegas stuff.. a teaser trailer is the most we could possibly expect at this point.
Brother None said:
Looks like Interplay will be present at the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo. ...
Also, don't forget Bethesda will be at E3, so prepare for stacks of Point Look previews.

alright ...

Brother None said:
And stop hatin', Corith. Jeesh, it's like you're always lurking ready to pounce whenever someone says Caen. If I look in a mirror and say "Herve Caen" three times, do you appear?
That sounds like a potentially useful ability, always having Corith on a metaphysical speed-dial.


Oooh, I can't wait for a lil' skirmish Iplay vs Beth.
Also, I wonder if herve now thinks if it'd be a better idea to keep the FO license.
or the press claiming games to be awesome and perfect by just watching a taiser (not even a full trailer ...)
Crni Vuk said:
or the press claiming games to be awesome and perfect by just watching a taiser (not even a full trailer ...)

Yeah, they get to watch a little video with some voice overs and scripted events and on the basis of that declare a game awesome.

It does help when its made by a big developer.
I heard it does help as well sometimes to spend a night in a special hotel, with lots of good stuff to do, and getting the one or other blo... work and such ...
Crni Vuk said:
I heard it does help as well sometimes to spend a night in a special hotel, with lots of good stuff to do, and getting the one or other blo... work and such ...

For the record, I am not accusing all gaming journalists, but should this be the case Cri Vuk wrote, and there are journalists who actually fall for this stuff, aren't they ever bothered by work integrity.
That little piece of actually giving a damn about their work?
The Dutch Ghost said:
For the record, I am not accusing all gaming journalists, but should this be the case Cri Vuk wrote, and there are journalists who actually fall for this stuff, aren't they ever bothered by work integrity.
That little piece of actually giving a damn about their work?

Well, as far as I know most game journalists are not real journalists, so maybe they never got to learn about work integrity in the first place? :(
Then again, you cannot as a journalist, constantly compare the games of today with the standard of 2000 because that would mean that even the best games of today would get a very mixed review.

I know that it's hard to swallow but you have to admit that they couldn't give Fallout 3 poorer reviews than what they gave Oblivion just because Fallout 3 sucks as a Fallout game. If you compare FO3 to Oblivion, Gothic 3, or Two World, I guess Bethesda did a rather good job. As a journalist you have to acknowledge that fact. You cannot give all these games 8/20 just because Fallout 2 and Planescape Torment did better ten years ago...

Why ? Well because your readership most likely doesn't care...

EDIT : let me say that I agree that exagerrated hype is beyond laughable despite what I've just said.
that is not a real excuse in my eyes. Not if you call your self a "professional" journalist as some of those people do, and many of them do not even have any kind of degree in journalism.

You dont have always to compare things to say what you personaliy think is good or bad as long you try at least to be unbiased. It is anyway impossible to be completely neutral, particularly when you let someone do a review about RPGs that is usualy a fan of shooters ...

But how comes that many of them even completely ignore the fact that Fallout 3 for example (and its DLCs) are riddled with bugs, glitches or the bad outdated voice acting for example. At least 2 of their DLCs had to be removed from Microsoft Life for a fix (and I doubt its EVERYTHING a issue on Microsofts side I mean other stuff can be downloaded as well no?). I dont know but I think to mention bugs and design errors (like the holes in the story) should be at least something those people should do.

To say that though, I have no issue with big hype around games for the mass market, I like some of those games cause they are excelent amusement sometimes. Like certain shooters and even light strategy games. But what I really miss is the diversity in games. It seems like almost every developer is thinking that a game like Planescape or Fallout 1 would not sell today anymore ... I admit Planescape was even back then somekind of niche title, but at least the market allowed such titles to exist ! It allowed for some diversity.
Brother None said:
The full name is Legendary Wars: T-Rex Rumble.

And stop hatin', Corith. Jeesh, it's like you're always lurking ready to pounce whenever someone says Caen. If I look in a mirror and say "Herve Caen" three times, do you appear?

Pretty much. Although if you don't have a mirror, you can use, Interplay, Interplay, Interplay.
