Interplay Website launched, hires Chris Taylor

I doubt Scott will leave his newly founded company, though.

While were talking about mr. Cain. Is he still working at NCSoft? I've kinda lost track, nowadays.

This would be the best news in gaming for the last 5 years, if only they werent making MMO. I HATE MMOs.
While were talking about mr. Cain. Is he still working at NCSoft? I've kinda lost track, nowadays.

Yes, he's one of the people in charge of NCSoft's Carbine Studios and he's working on a yet unannounced MMORPG.
Well, If the same objective of game development is present within FOOL as it was with FO1, This will be a genre-bending, kickass fucking MMO that no one has ever seen before and will break through the MMO stereotype.


MMO? Garbage. How can you have 100,000 12 year olds running around in the post apocalpytic landscape and call it fallout? It's supposed to be SPARSE!?!? I can see it now : "Kewl, look at the radiated racoon. LOL. Can I pet the furry deathclaw?"

Just a money grab. Probably be first person too. POS and BOS speak to what this is going to end up looking like.

Mark my words, don't get too excited. Interplay needs to go away. (notice I didn't say die).
As for other members of the original team, I saw Sharon Shellman in the forum, so she's probably in as well.
Or she's just wandering about as Jason's wife? Last I heard she was just the stay-at-home now with the kids, tho' no surprise if she does bits of work on it.
Analysis. I made an funny haha observation with a sense of irony.

At the time FO1 was created, most RPGs of the time were based primarily in the fantasy setting. Fallout changed that.

At the time FOOL was created, most MMOs of the time were based primarily in the fantasy setting.
FOOL changed all that.

Are the cogs turning ohh mighty Jupiter to fit into your divine scheme?
Maybe they have /or at least some of them have learned from their mistakes in the past. I really like how that project is called "Vault 13" and the first concept art we saw earlier also really looked good. I just viewed the website and went to "Games >> Fallout", what a "surprise", that they haven`t listed Brotherhood of Steel under the category "Fallout".
rcorporon said:
Every MMO that I've ever played has been mediocre at best, so I don't really care about FOOL at all.

Same. Multiplayer games don't interest me in the least bit anymore :shrug:

Poison Herve now! Something in his coffee, or bludgeoning with an axe. Brainwash him to turn over the company to you in the event of his death!

Pretty please. I love you.

Seriously, from a non logical standpoint, I'm getting good vibes from FOOL, MMO or not.
Hoping at the very least Interplay's financial hardships have taught those in charge what doesn't work for them.