Interplay wins preliminary injunction hearing, really


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
While earlier we reported wrongfully that Interplay had won its preliminary injunction hearing, it appears it was merely premature. Ausir is reporting that Interplay has now won its preliminary injunction:<blockquote>Motion Hearing held on 12/10/2009 re [3] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Bethesda Softworks LLC - Argued - "DENIED" as stated on the record by Judge Deborah K. Chasanow. (Court Reporter - Sharon O'Neill) (td, Deputy Clerk)</blockquote>This means that Interplay will be allowed to continue to sell the Fallout Trilogy pack and continue work on Project V13 until the case is decided.

Thanks, Ausir.
It's quite a success for Interplay. If Interplay's lawyers are good enough at prolonging the litigation, maybe Bethesda could end up going for a settlement in the long run.
I don't think this means much... They just avoided having to stop operations while the case is decided, which gives them time, nothing more.
DarkPhilly said:
Herve has more lives than a cat :shock:
yes but has he more inteligence then a chimpanse to capitalize on that luck/lifes ?

Thats what Herve can do. Laywer stuff. Game design or actualy runing a company should be left to others which know their thing.
Morbus said:
I don't think this means much... They just avoided having to stop operations while the case is decided, which gives them time, nothing more.

Incorrect. If you get a preliminary injunction, that means the courts think it's pretty much a non-case. If Interplay lost this, it would have shown they had no shot. The fact that they won it proves nothing as extreme, but it is a positive note on their chances. Not huge, but not small either.
to bad interplay isn't in the hands of the original creators. also beth seems to be doing poorly they just released a game for 50 bucks that got a rating or 1.5 to 2 by most critics.
i actually saw that game and wondered if i should buy it... untill i saw who had made it. Then i read the reviews and felt good about myself.
Funny enough, this wasn't developed by Bethesda, but (AFAIK, I may be wrong here) by the guys who are developing the new AvP... very bad sign, indeed.

But somehow, I have the feeling that Bethesda is still the one to blame here. Probably forced them to release the game.
I doubt any dev studio would release such a game in that... state.
TheSHEEEP said:
Funny enough, this wasn't developed by Bethesda, but (AFAIK, I may be wrong here) by the guys who are developing the new AvP... very bad sign, indeed.
They better not fuck up the new AvP if it is them...

On-Topic: Well... I guess I'll wait until someone posts the whole "We made a mistake" thread again. :wink:
Von Drunky said:
So what does this really mean for the franchise and its fans?

As long as Herve is alive, further raping. After all he sold Fallout to Bethshit in the first place.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
proof that not everything Beth touches turns to gold.
Everything Beth touches is proof that everything Beth touches doesn't turn gold. Even Call of Ktulu was only about silver...

And you guys mean WET? It's not DONE by Bethesda. It's done by some other company. Only published by Bethesda.

Which is reason enough, of course.
One of the games recently published by Bethesda was actually declared by the Official Nintendo Magazine to be the worst Wii game ever.