Interplay wins preliminary injunction hearing, really

Ausir said:
One of the games recently published by Bethesda was actually declared by the Official Nintendo Magazine to be the worst Wii game ever.
And that's saying something... :shock:
Meh said:
Judges are harder to buy.

Especially when you make a mockery of them and their court by lying to them and backup up your lying by doubling down on the lying and lie some more as a value added DLC Lie pack/upgrade.

Maybe Bethesda's plan goes along these stale Propaganda lines: "Let's see" Maybe we have not reached an acceptable threshold of lying tolerance overload. Something does not compute since we are going by the book just like Goebbels said: just repeat the lie over and over until it sticks but this judge is not buying it.

She must be a tough cookie. Hmmm. Maybe we should bribe her and if that does not work offer her a buyout of her Intellectual Honesty rights?

As the Rotty said on the London Stock exchange as Waterloo unfolded: Buy buy buy, especially when there is blood in the streets and it's a Rotten Lordly Winepress out there.

Bethesda is tackling their serial lying problem like we are tackling our debt: It's akin to solving a financial crisis of too much sovereign debt by printing your way into hyperinflation stratosphere of indebtedness and then calling a force measure and telling everyone to kiss your IOU owing a$$.

Print Print Print,

Eventually the piper is paid, even in devalued Thin Air monetary units.

This ad sponsored by the thin air Uniterian thought police.

Don't think, just lie, steal and print so we can prop a gander at what lies beneath the festering Cessna pool of petrolified Dark "Lords of Poverty".

Book that pun as intended.
Ausir said:
One of the games recently published by Bethesda was actually declared by the Official Nintendo Magazine to be the worst Wii game ever.


To be honest, it looks like Bethesda is an absolutely horrific publisher. But we've pretty much known that since the Star Trek tales.

I wonder if they're losing money on all these misfires...
Morbus said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
proof that not everything Beth touches turns to gold.
Everything Beth touches is proof that everything Beth touches doesn't turn gold. Even Call of Ktulu was only about silver...

And you guys mean WET? It's not DONE by Bethesda. It's done by some other company. Only published by Bethesda.

Which is reason enough, of course.

Call of Cthulhu was only published by Bethesda as well.
It was developed by Headfirst, of course Bethesdha did influence some creative control over it. ( I'm not convinced that this was, entirely, a bad thing, for instance the Deep One rape scene they ordered removed was to be fair, a good thing to remove. )

Still working with Bethesda was... an interesting experience.
To be honest, it looks like Bethesda is an absolutely horrific publisher.

Another reason to worry about New Vegas. Then again, Fallout is now a high-profile IP for Bethesda, so they might treat Obsidian differently.
Ausir said:
Another reason to worry about New Vegas. Then again, Fallout is now a high-profile IP for Bethesda, so they might treat Obsidian differently.

Personally, the thing that comes to mind is that Bethesda wants to make as much money of the IP, if that means 'pimping' it out to appeal to the LCD with all kinds of ridiculous brains farts, they will do so.
Heh. The Vault and Duck and Cover bumrushing to be the first to publish public - albeit paid-for - court documents is hilarity +1.

Please continue.
Ausir said:
One of the games recently published by Bethesda was actually declared by the Official Nintendo Magazine to be the worst Wii game ever.
That's pretty significant for an official platform magazine to come out with. Usually they hype up everything on their platform for obvious self-serving reasons. It must be pretty abyssmal, for a glorified advertisement like that to bury it.

Especially when you make a mockery of them and their court by lying to them and backup up your lying by doubling down on the lying and lie some more as a value added DLC Lie pack/upgrade.
It's going to be fun to see how this plays out. Knowing what we know about how Bethesda are huge control freaks and spin-doctors when it comes to releasing information. We see them in a situation now where they can't hide behind non-disclosure agreements, the ever pliable gaming media reading off the Betehsda script, and (euphamistically speaking) aggressively vigilant forum moderators.

I don't know what Interplay's chances of coming out of this are, but one has to think that if Bethesda (with sugardaddy Zenimax's backing) could draw this out legally to the point that Interplay just can't keep afloat. Then again, how many times have thought that Herve was done before?
Most racing games are boring and repetitive anyway, so I don't see why it's any surprise that any racing game could get the coveted "worst game ever" award. :P
I hate Herve as much as the next guy, but Beth's somehow worse, so... awesome. Rooting for Interplay is nigh incomprehensible, but yanno, doing it anyway 4tw. Hopefully the injunction will be a preview of the whole case; Bethesda failing miserably.

Also: Beth's policy of sorry game, super hype (apparently their strategy as publishers too, afaik) cannot pay off forever. Maybe we're seeing the beginning of the downward spiral?