Interplay wins preliminary injunction hearing

It would just be fucking hilarious if Interplay (Herve) managed to screw over bethsoft.
Psyckosama said:
I hope Interplay wins this. As far as I'm concerned Beth has proven that they're unworthy with the rampant idiocy in Fallout 3.
And Interplay are still worthy? You all seem to have forgotten ....

a) They sold the IP to Bethesda in the first place, and

All this is going to achieve is the permanent death of a Fallout MMO. Interplay don't have the ability to pull anything off .... except perhaps dragging down Masthead with them.
Lichbane said:
Psyckosama said:
I hope Interplay wins this. As far as I'm concerned Beth has proven that they're unworthy with the rampant idiocy in Fallout 3.
And Interplay are still worthy? You all seem to have forgotten ....

a) They sold the IP to Bethesda in the first place, and

All this is going to achieve is the permanent death of a Fallout MMO. Interplay don't have the ability to pull anything off .... except perhaps dragging down Masthead with them.

Yeh, everybody knows this. But still, Interplay is somehow the lesser of both evils. So... let them do the damage. Regardless of what will happen next, it is already one of the best soap operas.
Wow. Just wow. You guys would rather see this and loose any chance of actually seeing a Fallout MMO? You guys simply hate Bethesda beyond any level of sensibility.
Lichbane said:
Wow. Just wow. You guys would rather see this and loose any chance of actually seeing a Fallout MMO? You guys simply hate Bethesda beyond any level of sensibility.

IMO at this point, a quality game that never existed is > low quality game with a short lifespan.
Lichbane said:
Wow. Just wow. You guys would rather see this and loose any chance of actually seeing a Fallout MMO? You guys simply hate Bethesda beyond any level of sensibility.

I have no love lost for Bethesda, or Herve, for that matter. That said, I couldn't care less if a Fallout MMO never sees the light of day.

Say what you will. Few around here may respect what Bethesda has done with Fallout 3(myself included), but I can't fault Bethesda for sticking to their guns when it comes to making single player games. Too many other popular game franchises have disregarded the loyalty of their long time fans in order to chase after that mythical MMO pot of gold. Most end in ruin, obscurity, or weakened to a point where a soulless corporate entity can buy them out.(ironic, I know)

In a nutshell, the MMORPG genre is a blight on computer gaming that needs to die in the most gruesome fashion imaginable.
What I said in the other thread towards this issue:
Reconite said:
Interplay - Made a Fallout spin-off which evidently fucked up the franchise, cancelled Black Isle's epic Fallout 3 (Van Buren) and caused them to sell it.

Bethesda - Made Fallout 3 which was just as much of a fuck up to the franchise and have the rights to 2 more Fallout games. These games will most likely be in the same style as Fallout 3 after its success. Bethesda made a horrible mess of Fallout 3 and the amount of bugs, glitches and inconsistencies with the canon are horrific. These also being direct sequels (thus, supposedly canon) and not a Spin-Off like FO: BOS.

I still see Interplay as the lesser of the 2 evils in this. Everyone's hoping for them both to lose out and die, but that's not gonna happen now is it? At least with Interplay we actually have some sort of chance, unless Herve decides to be some massive fucktard again, but maybe he's learnt his lesson. On the other hand though, he could try to reap the rewards from Fallout 3's success and do what Bethesda is going to do anyway with another First Person Shooter Fallout.
I'd rather have Interplay fuck up again than 2 more Fallout 3 clones (+ the fanboys that come with them) tbh. Even if Interplay make another FPS Fallout after Fallout 3's success at least it won't use the Oblivion engine.
Lichbane said:
You guys
You guys

Which guys are you talking to? The ones who think Bethesda is in the right? The ones rooting for Interplay? The ones who despise both? The ones who don't care either way?
The Dutch Ghost said:
Public said:
The end of Round 1

Interplay: 1, Bethesda: 0.

Let's wait for Round 2!

...and work on FOOL while the course-case goes on.

But will they use "Fallout Online" or "Project V13" for it?

I have an idea, both parties should duke it out a la Celebrity Deathmatch.
Whoever wins, it will be spectacular to behold.



And the gayest versus screen

Lichbane said:
Wow. Just wow. You guys would rather see this and loose any chance of actually seeing a Fallout MMO?

Damn, what a waste!
Just don't tell me we won't see BoS 2, I'm afraid I won't survive it.
i hate bethesda

i hate what herve did that cause iply and its subsidaries to collapse.

i hate beth more.

i hope this contract gets invalidated and beth gets taken to the cleaners.

at the very least, this refusing of the injunction means that iply could possibly sue for predatory business practices or else contract violation
People seem to be forgetting that Bethesda will still have the rights to Fallout 5 & 6 per their previous contract.

Iozeph said:
Say what you will. Few around here may respect what Bethesda has done with Fallout 3(myself included), but I can't fault Bethesda for sticking to their guns when it comes to making single player games. Too many other popular game franchises have disregarded the loyalty of their long time fans in order to chase after that mythical MMO pot of gold. Most end in ruin, obscurity, or weakened to a point where a soulless corporate entity can buy them out.(ironic, I know)

In a nutshell, the MMORPG genre is a blight on computer gaming that needs to die in the most gruesome fashion imaginable.
You forget about Zenimax Online Studios and I do believe that they have mentioned the likelihood of a TES MMORPG. I think that Bethesda figured that Herve was going to fuck things up and that they were going to get the rights to the Fallout MMORPG, which they were then going to make at Zenimax Online Studios.
UncannyGarlic said:
People seem to be forgetting that Bethesda will still have the rights to Fallout 5 & 6 per their previous contract.

Iozeph said:
Say what you will. Few around here may respect what Bethesda has done with Fallout 3(myself included), but I can't fault Bethesda for sticking to their guns when it comes to making single player games. Too many other popular game franchises have disregarded the loyalty of their long time fans in order to chase after that mythical MMO pot of gold. Most end in ruin, obscurity, or weakened to a point where a soulless corporate entity can buy them out.(ironic, I know)

In a nutshell, the MMORPG genre is a blight on computer gaming that needs to die in the most gruesome fashion imaginable.
You forget about Zenimax Online Studios and I do believe that they have mentioned the likelihood of a TES MMORPG. I think that Bethesda figured that Herve was going to fuck things up and that they were going to get the rights to the Fallout MMORPG, which they were then going to make at Zenimax Online Studios.

I thought Bethesda owns the fallout IP outright, and licenses the MMO only option to interplay?

meaning Bethesda is free to make as many single player fallouts as they want?

or do you mean Interplay cant make their MMO called "Fallout 4"?
Should they get back the whole rights for the franchise, they should just finish Van Buren, with a new engine and updated graphics and all, and call if Fallout 3 and get on with it. Just like that.

And if that's not possible, call it "Fallout. Three." or something of the sort.
But without the right people working on this, it would just not be the same.
UncannyGarlic said:
You forget about Zenimax Online Studios and I do believe that they have mentioned the likelihood of a TES MMORPG. I think that Bethesda figured that Herve was going to fuck things up and that they were going to get the rights to the Fallout MMORPG, which they were then going to make at Zenimax Online Studios.

Although I neglected to mention them, I've not forgotten ZOS. That said, the bulk of Bethesda's games, to date, have been single player affairs, and that's what I was driving at. As to interplay- I'll agree, BS had good reasons to expect ending up with the whole schmear. After all, with a CEO like Herve "Général de l'Armée de l'Fail" Caen, who needs to engage in dirty dealing? To change tacks a bit, I still don't understand this infatuation with the MMO. Unless you're some juggernaut like WoW, it's just throwing good money after bad.

And Oblivion and Fallout 3 are/were bad. Experiencing the former's ending queered any desire I might have had to want to stay in, or revisit, Tamriel- and the latter doesn't merit further mention, as it's been beaten to death here already. Granted, that's my opinion, but given that- Who, in their right mind, would want to play a Fallout/TES MMO by Bethesda?

They have zero experience making/balancing an MMO. Their current micro-transaction model(DLC) is rubbish. If that weren't enough, the bulk of their target audience consists of console players. Good luck conning console gamers into shifting their play styles to a subscription-based model(read: expensive box they can't resell when they grow bored of the game on top of a monthly fee). Sounds like so much wishful thinking on Bethesda's part. Oh... and have I mentioned how much MMOs suck?

Nevertheless, there's likely to be a goodly amount of free entertainment to be had by simply waiting to see how nasty the fighting gets between BS and IP before its conclusion.
Public said:


And the gayest versus screen


Now we're talking!

I think Interplay will never die, Herve will be keeping it artificially alive (undead) with his evil sorcery for all eternity. If he can manage to screw over Bethsoft too in the process, I'm happy.