Interplay wins preliminary injunction hearing

Ausir said:
I told you this was likely just a proposed order and I would take frymuchan's posts with a grain of salt

Not "likely". I saw that the document was a proposed order and stated as much in the newspost.

That said, shows me to rely on someone like frymuchan for court interpretations. I know I've had academic-level Law-schooling, but everyone should be able to see the difference between a proposed order and a court order.
Not "likely". I saw that the document was a proposed order and stated as much in the newspost.

Yeah, I know. I meant that frymuchan likely interpreted the proposed order as an accepted one.
Yip. I overestimated his ability to read basic legalise. No wonder he's so ecstatic about Interplay's court standings; if you don't understand what's going on, you can always give a positive spin.
Brother None said:
Yip. I overestimated his ability to read basic legalise. No wonder he's so ecstatic about Interplay's court standings; if you don't understand what's going on, you can always give a positive spin.

Here's a snapshot of the actual unsigned proposal document made that made Fry jump to the conclusion he did. The other court documents were signed but I will not be posting them here for such an ungrateful bunch of miscreants.

Hopefully, humans can understand the following prospective: If this was the last page you read after reading 100+ court documents and your eyes were tired from reading especially when it is not your profession, then it would be easy to understand how something so obvious in retrospect can be easily missed but some people cannot help themselves from mocking out of habit or ulterior motive.

Then again, miscreants who don't even bother to read 1-2 page length posts on this forum are always the ones to cast the first hypocritical stone since they are the ones who tend to always have a warped view of those that put in the time to read 100 pages more than them.

Hypocrisy, meet thyself.

Can the people who accuse everyone here of blind Bethesda hatred and the people who accuse everyone here of blind Interplay hatred please get a room or something.
Per said:
Can the people who accuse everyone here of blind Bethesda hatred and the people who accuse everyone here of blind Interplay hatred please get a room or something.

Do we really want them to breed and produce mixed children?
orionquest said:
Here's a snapshot of the actual unsigned proposal document made that made Fry jump to the conclusion he did. The other court documents were signed but I will not be posting them here for such an ungrateful bunch of miscreants.
An unsigned court document is an unsigned court document and means nothing without a signature. Besides which, the order starts with "[PROPOSED]" so it's even harder to misinterpret. Of course people are going to be irritated or upset when a source provides bad information, especially if they appear to have a habit of doing so.
orionquest said:
Here's a snapshot of the actual unsigned proposal document made that made Fry jump to the conclusion he did. The other court documents were signed but I will not be posting them here for such an ungrateful bunch of miscreants.

Strike. Your tendency to get on a soap box and spout conspiracy theories is amusing up to a certain point. But now you're just trolling.

orionquest said:
Hopefully, humans can understand the following prospective:

No. That document is very, very obvious. I glanced once at it and saw it was a proposed order. Anyone with even the most basic legal schooling would be able to do that, but even someone with basic reading skills should. Frymuchan could not, and stated the ruling had been made. I assumed - and that's my bad - that he's a reliable person despite his obvious bias and was getting this from another source. Because of that, NMA posted something blatantly false. I'm not happy about that, and while it's my fault for trusting frymuchan at his word, which I obviously won't be doing again, it's not like his part in it can be absolved.
Wait so no blow has been struck to the Evil Empire yet? Damn.

So does that document just says there is going to be a hearing? Not understanding what's going on.
superstartran said:
Wait so no blow has been struck to the Evil Empire yet? Damn.

So does that document just says there is going to be a hearing? Not understanding what's going on.

The hearing is scheduled to take place sometime in December( unless there are new findings, requests or settlements between the two companies between now and then.