Interplay's D&D rights; possible explanation

I laugh at interplay and at titus. The only title that titus have made correctly was roadster, after that... mhe.

Dam i got to buy baldur's gate 1 and icewindale collection.
You all realise that if Interplay, Titus and Avalon all go down, Herve will probably try to put the blame on the Fallout fans...
Well it seems that the Fallout community is always to blame when it comes to IPLY.

As far as Herve and Titus...titus was failing so they bought IPLY to make money for titus to prevent it from going under. At the time IPLY really needed TLC of its own but instead became Herves cheap whore and this just lead to IPLY getting sucked dry trying to make up fro titus's lack of income.

So basiclly one dying company, infected and killed another...unfortunalty it was IPLY.

Briosafreak said:
Killzig told me he didn`t want to see any news about DAC on NMA, you can check it on , they are having some troubles.

...Seriously? What poppycock, I'd be happy to leave a note on the frontpage with any news about DaC anyone can give me. It can't hurt them, a lot of people pass through here looking for DaC
AltraWave7 said:
As far as Herve and Titus...titus was failing so they bought IPLY to make money for titus to prevent it from going under.

Titus might be failed. All their web sites are down, and the servers are still up. They also announced they'd have a meeting with shareholders today, so I dunno.

At the time IPLY really needed TLC of its own but instead became Herves cheap whore and this just lead to IPLY getting sucked dry trying to make up fro titus's lack of income.

That would explain why Herve blew that big money Interplay buy out back around the turn of the decade and instead bought Interplay, which costed Titus hundreds of millions of dollars considering how quickly the stock devalued.

So basiclly one dying company, infected and killed another...unfortunalty it was IPLY.

Three companies.. Titus also bought Virgin and then changed the name to Avalon. He's diverting some debt from Interplay to Avalon now in order to keep Interplay around a little longer while he looks for a buyer.

But the sad things is, no one wanted to buy Interplay a few years ago when it was doing better. Who would want to buy it now that it's completely in the shitter?
Saint_Proverbius said:
Titus might be failed. All their web sites are down, and the servers are still up. They also announced they'd have a meeting with shareholders today, so I dunno.

Yeah, the AGE. I think the shareholders are leaning on Caen, I mean, he's not in a sole ownership position inside Titus. They might be pressuring him to change direction.
I just confirmed a tip made by Saint about a major Shareholders meeting at Titus beeing held today. I`M trying to find out what happens. Any help would be apreciated.
Briosafreak said:
I just confirmed a tip made by Saint about a major Shareholders meeting at Titus beeing held today. I`M trying to find out what happens. Any help would be apreciated.

You just did, huh? Gee, you're slow. That's the AGE both of us mentioned above and being discussed, kind of, on the WinterWind forums

Ehehehe, I kid. I kid. Just picking on you, Brios

For the curious, here's a link

There's not much to find out right now, it even over yet? According to that MRO dude, it'll take an hour or two 'fore it even starts
Sorry Kharn :)

Any statement will come only after the markets are closed in France, so it may take a while until we find out what happened.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Nope. No one can sell them. Atari owns the brands because they own WotC, who owns the BG/IWD/etc. brands, and also owns D&D.

What about releasing them as freeware (as if...), would that be allowed?

What a sad end... :(
Delayed again

Monday May 3, 2004, 17h45


Titus: AG did not join together the quorum on second convocation
Titus Interactive (Paris: FR0000050122 - topicality ) announces that the convened Extraordinary General meeting this day in second convocation, with the registered office of the Group, Saint-Thibault of the Vines, did not join together the quorum necessary to proceed to the vote of the resolutions. The shareholders will again be convened within 2 month. The date will be notified in due course.
I wonder how long they're going to be able to do this dance.

I really doubt they can last two weeks, let alone two months.

I wonder how old Shadow Paladins thinking the greatness of IP is.
...or someone doesn`t show up to get another two months to try to straighten things up. Sometimes there are negotiations to get this last minute delays, or shareholders boycott the event because they need time to pressure for another solution.

I still can`t see how the brothers will sort out this mess, but whatever.
Are they even trying to sort everything else? I have the definite sense that this two-month extension is just that. Nothing will be done, just stringing things out as long as possible, hoping for a miracle.
Going to be hard to string it out when the company has zero cash flow. They HAVE to determine some things, or they're dead.


It will just be a of matter of how they try to exit. Do they try to develop a strategy to salvage what they have left? Do they go into Chapter 11, and try to develop a plan to exit bankruptcy.

Or do they have a fire sale?

Any way you look at it, IP is fucked. It's going to be interesting to see what the investors are going to say, if the try to file a class action law suite against Herve/Eric and Titus for fiscal mismanagement, plus causing conscious harm to stock values.

Should be most interesting to see if they eck out sort of survival, or get run through like a kobold in heat.