Interplay's D&D rights; possible explanation

Three companies.. Titus also bought Virgin and then changed the name to Avalon. He's diverting some debt from Interplay to Avalon now in order to keep Interplay around a little longer while he looks for a buyer.

Actually, Herve had stopped making payments to the gentlemen that owns the Virgin Interactive brand name. So he had a choice, cough up some cash or change the name, hence the creation of Avalon Games.

Titus is in deep trouble because the Caen Brothers were recently told that they had to pay back most of the money that Titus was given by the French Government. :twisted:

But the sad things is, no one wanted to buy Interplay a few years ago when it was doing better. Who would want to buy it now that it's completely in the shitter?

At the beginning of this year, Interplay had some potential buyers interested in purchasing the company. Unfortunately, Herve's greed overcame his better judgment and he tripled the asking price. :evil:
Eragon2004 said:
Titus is in deep trouble because the Caen Brothers were recently told that they had to pay back most of the money that Titus was given by the French Government. :twisted:

Exactly how much do they owe? I know they've gotten a lot from the French government over the years, so that debt could be astronomical.

At the beginning of this year, Interplay had some potential buyers interested in purchasing the company. Unfortunately, Herve's greed overcame his better judgment and he tripled the asking price. :evil:

That explains why he stopped paying rent and other bills. He was just going to sell and let the buyer deal with those issues.

Of course, over the last several months, the company has been devalued further. Fallout for the console bombed in a bad way, just like we all knew it would. They lost the D&D rights because old Herve let those payments lapse, probably because he thought that buyer would buy, and I doubt that Atari will give them back ever.
Yes, it's all our fault for not subjecting ourselves to crap product like FoBoS....


It's the old-fashioned Blame Game, where it's everyone else's fault.
jr. said:

share price opened at 0.08, closed at 0.06. Herve's probably thrilled with those 8,000,000+ shares he bought 0.05.

Well, most people are thinking IPLY is going to go bust this month, so Herve can't really sell those shares because that would look like insider trading. If Herve cashes them in, and IPLY folds in the next few weeks, it just looks bad.

So, let's just hope he's really that stupid and does it.