Go! Gaming Giant goes where no giant has ever gamed before.<blockquote>How many quests are in Mothership Zeta?
It includes one large, branching quest.
Can you give us a bit of information about the quests? What will our tasks be in the quests?
Mothership Zeta begins with the player being abducted and held captive aboard a huge Alien craft hovering high above the Earth. The player will have to escape the craft; along the way they’ll meet other captives, have to solve difficult puzzles and secure new high-tech weaponry to employ against their captors.
Will you be able to return to the space ship once you beat the main quest?
Yes, you can use the ship as a home-base of sorts. It sure has a great view!</blockquote>Talking about Games does their darnedest to earn their name.<blockquote>What was the motivation behind taking players onto an alien spacecraft for Mothership Zeta? Did someone on the team have an encounter?
JG: We thought it would be a very unique environment to explore, a far cry from the dust ravaged wastes of DC. The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet, while neither of us is quite sure what to believe it makes for interesting coffee conversation.
So far you've taken several opportunities to branch out into areas considered less "Fallout-like" than others and had a good amount of success. Can you give us any examples of how you'll retain that Fallout feeling when players are creeping around space ships?
JG: The high-level technology employed by the Alien invaders still has the 'retro' feel of Fallout. Mothership Zeta is also laced with dark humor - it was penned by the same quest designer responsible for the Fallout 3 'main' questline, Brian Chapin.</blockquote>Spotted on RPGWatch.
It includes one large, branching quest.
Can you give us a bit of information about the quests? What will our tasks be in the quests?
Mothership Zeta begins with the player being abducted and held captive aboard a huge Alien craft hovering high above the Earth. The player will have to escape the craft; along the way they’ll meet other captives, have to solve difficult puzzles and secure new high-tech weaponry to employ against their captors.
Will you be able to return to the space ship once you beat the main quest?
Yes, you can use the ship as a home-base of sorts. It sure has a great view!</blockquote>Talking about Games does their darnedest to earn their name.<blockquote>What was the motivation behind taking players onto an alien spacecraft for Mothership Zeta? Did someone on the team have an encounter?
JG: We thought it would be a very unique environment to explore, a far cry from the dust ravaged wastes of DC. The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet, while neither of us is quite sure what to believe it makes for interesting coffee conversation.
So far you've taken several opportunities to branch out into areas considered less "Fallout-like" than others and had a good amount of success. Can you give us any examples of how you'll retain that Fallout feeling when players are creeping around space ships?
JG: The high-level technology employed by the Alien invaders still has the 'retro' feel of Fallout. Mothership Zeta is also laced with dark humor - it was penned by the same quest designer responsible for the Fallout 3 'main' questline, Brian Chapin.</blockquote>Spotted on RPGWatch.