Interviews, Jeff Gardiner, Mothership Zeta


Vault Consort
Staff member
Go! Gaming Giant goes where no giant has ever gamed before.<blockquote>How many quests are in Mothership Zeta?

It includes one large, branching quest.

Can you give us a bit of information about the quests? What will our tasks be in the quests?

Mothership Zeta begins with the player being abducted and held captive aboard a huge Alien craft hovering high above the Earth. The player will have to escape the craft; along the way they’ll meet other captives, have to solve difficult puzzles and secure new high-tech weaponry to employ against their captors.

Will you be able to return to the space ship once you beat the main quest?

Yes, you can use the ship as a home-base of sorts. It sure has a great view!</blockquote>Talking about Games does their darnedest to earn their name.<blockquote>What was the motivation behind taking players onto an alien spacecraft for Mothership Zeta? Did someone on the team have an encounter?

JG: We thought it would be a very unique environment to explore, a far cry from the dust ravaged wastes of DC. The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet, while neither of us is quite sure what to believe it makes for interesting coffee conversation.

So far you've taken several opportunities to branch out into areas considered less "Fallout-like" than others and had a good amount of success. Can you give us any examples of how you'll retain that Fallout feeling when players are creeping around space ships?

JG: The high-level technology employed by the Alien invaders still has the 'retro' feel of Fallout. Mothership Zeta is also laced with dark humor - it was penned by the same quest designer responsible for the Fallout 3 'main' questline, Brian Chapin.</blockquote>Spotted on RPGWatch.
it was penned by the same quest designer responsible for the Fallout 3 'main' questline, Brian Chapin.

Bugger. They say it like the Fallout 3 main quest was a good thing.
Per said:
The high-level technology employed by the Alien invaders still has the 'retro' feel of Fallout.

i.e. Not much related to anything PA. Fallout: Plan 9 from outer space.
Per said:
The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet, while neither of us is quite sure what to believe it makes for interesting coffee conversation.
That's what people who believe in such things always say when they talk to people who they know don't believe in it or might not believe in it. There goes their credibility about anything having to do with reality.
JG: The high-level technology employed by the Alien invaders still has the 'retro' feel of Fallout. Mothership Zeta is also laced with dark humor - it was penned by the same quest designer responsible for the Fallout 3 'main' questline, Brian Chapin.

They just don't get it. "Retro" =/= Fallout.

Let the pain stop after Zeta. Please.
difficult puzzles

There was dark humor in the main quest? Or any humor? I must be numb or something as the only time I laughed during the main quest was when dad died by post-nuclear fart and killed everyone in that room and Dr.Li's reaction to me shooting her friend with the heart condition. Oh! It must be the part where the freaking game ends after the main quest and you can't play anymore... I get it now.

Per said:
JG: The high-level technology employed by the Alien invaders still has the 'retro' feel of Fallout.

Good to know even Alien powers are influenced by American design's.

Section8 said:

Oh boy.

Another house for the player!

And it's an intergalactic space ship!

I'm going to stop now before my brain decides to kick it's own ass for being sarcastic.
rcorporon said:
Let the pain stop after Zeta. Please.

I think Mothership Zeta is the last of the Fallout 3 DLC. Here's something to keep you in high spirits: there's always Fallout 4! Yay!

(Actually, I'm quite hopeful for Fallout 4. hoping they learn from the mistakes of Fallout 3, and they listen to the fans. I'm what is call optimistic. :lol: )
Rufus Luccarelli said:
(Actually, I'm quite hopeful for Fallout 4. hoping they learn from the mistakes of Fallout 3, and they listen to the fans. I'm what is call optimistic. :lol: )
Look at the progression from Daggerfall to Morrowind to Oblivion to Fallout 3, there's a clear pattern and it's not one of increased complexity and improved gameplay. They have been simplifying TES games since Daggerfall and Fallout 3 was basically the application of as much of Oblivion as possible to Fallout. My guess would be that Fallout 4 will be pretty much the same as Fallout 3, the dialogue interface and minigames are the two things that are most likely to changed. I imagine that Fallout 4 will basically be a tweaked Fallout 3 with more weapons. Depending on the plot it is also possible that they may allow the player to start as or become a ghoul or super mutant due to how much it's been requested, but that assumes that it isn't yet another story about a vault dweller.

Besides, their DLCs have hardly been steps in the right direction or true improvements. The improvement that I envision to be least likely implemented is having the slow-mo camera fuckery in VATS be togglable as questions/requests for as much were made as soon as the system was announced.

TESV should be a good indicator of what's going to happen with Fallout 4 so we'll have an idea then.
I'll be optimistic about Fallout 4, Obsidian gets to do it after Fallout: New Vegas. What are the odds of that happening?
Syraxith said:
I'll be optimistic about Fallout 4, Obsidian gets to do it after Fallout: New Vegas. What are the odds of that happening?

Considering they've already set up Fallout 4 to take place near M.I.T. in Massachusetts, I'd say slim to none.
Per said:
Yes, you can use the ship as a home-base of sorts. It sure has a great view!

This reminds me of a time when I was about 12 years old, playing pen and paper RPGs with the worst GM the world has ever seen. Everyone had their own mechanized attack armor and a space station that would make the death star look like a go kart with a BB gun attached to it.

OMG! I can has spacestations!!?
I know this is fallout site, but I still don't know why you are popularizing this guy. He should fade into the mist of emptiness along with his originality and talent. Nothing personal, but these people are not designers or artists or something that people should speak of. All they know is to type and count. They are salesmen. Sellers. Merchants. Nothing more. Not an inkling of a dream in their little heads. "Must feed family at any costs..." It's ok, but things should be called by their true name.


And on top of that, they sell kid's stuff. It's a pampers village, all over again....With "gunz and sh*t"...

Rufus Luccarelli said:
(Actually, I'm quite hopeful for Fallout 4. hoping they learn from the mistakes of Fallout 3, and they listen to the fans. I'm what is call optimistic. :lol: )

Eh, man. How they say here: "been there, seen it all". Listen, I hate to be a bearer of a bad news, but if "they" have learnt anything about theirs F3, that's how to pimp kids even more, it has nothing to do quality of a story, maturity of a plot, conversation, c&c and those minor things. In a history of Bethesda, there is no precedence to point out at different conclusion. And I was there when "Arena" was built...

Ok, I know what you are thinking. Just wait and see for yourself...
Rufus Luccarelli said:
(Actually, I'm quite hopeful for Fallout 4. hoping they learn from the mistakes of Fallout 3, and they listen to the fans. I'm what is call optimistic. :lol: )
A perfect example of how Bethesda succeeds at persuading the gullible and the ignorant.