Stealste said:
The thing that scares me is however awful some of the theories about Zeta are here, Bethesda have some dark, evil power to make it more awful than you could ever think possible
[spoiler:f495e84b39]After beaten up every Alien soldier in Jedi style (but with a shavel except for the lightsabre), The Lone Wanderer finally has reached to the source of all evil! The mystery of Mothership Zeta will finally be revealed. Why Aliens wanted to destroy Earth? Why they just couldn't wait a bit longer for us to do that by ourselves?
The Lone Wanderer opened the big silo door that led to the answers we've been looking. A silent noise of machinery and a cold, unpleasent feeling in the air, made Wanderer felt worried, but kept moving. While getting deeper into this endless chamber of weariness, the sounds of mechines started getting louder and louder. And then, our hero finally, finally reached...the end of darkness and the beginning of light.
With all the cold fog comming out of the big tubes, which were attached to a big, nono-technological engine, The Wanderer first couldn't barely see. Then, the engine stopped running, and the fog started uncovering the shape or some kind.
"Who...who are you!? And why are you trying to destroy our planet? I WANT ANSWERS!"- our Loner said loudly. The voice spread around every corner of the chamber, and ended with a silence...untill The Voice spoken:
"You rrrreally wwwant to kkknow wwrrrh why?"- a strange, male, robotic voice asked our hero a quastion, not answering first. Which was very rude.
Wanderer answered quickly
"Yes!", while the fog cleared out, revealing the mystery of the strange voice's origin.
There was a big, glass jar, with something swimming inside it, in a pink water. The Lone Wanderer went closer and it turned was a head of a man. With cables attached to it like vains.
The Voice spoken again:
"Mmmmy name is Gggeorge W. Bbbushh. And I'vvvve come from a parrrrallel universsee, where everythinggg happened differently tthan in your univversee. We didn't have a nuclear war, lllike you haddd here. We startedd a New World Orrrder to control every human beingggg on Earth, and one ddday, our scientists discoverred a technollogy which allow usss to travel in differrrent univveerses. We calleed it "S...Sliding".
My dad wantedd me tto be the heead of "Teh Slidings Deparrrtment". I ddiidn't like it, so I made mysself a team of thossse clones, you killled, and decccided to runn away with this ship into other univerrrsess, aaand destroy everrry plaaanet Earth I discovver!
I'vee been doing this for verrry long time, so to keep myself alive, I made this macchine. Then separated my head with a brain from my bodddy, and placed it in this big, made of glass jar...rrr with pink water in it..ttt."
The Lone Hero kept listening and looking at the head swimming inside that jar, with his eyes widely opened. George W. Bush spoken again:
"Now, you know my evvvvil truth. You need to be killed, sssso nobody will know what happppened and where I ammm! MY DDAD CANNNOT FINDDD MEEE!!
You wereere very close, but yyyou cannot stopp mee and mmah evvil PLANN NOW!"
The Voice started loughing making this monotonical and robotic sound:
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha..."
But the Lone Wanderer, our hero and the guardian of the Capital Disneyland...I mean...Wasteland, never surrenders.
[Intelligence] You must stop this horror! You must turn yourself off, and let me have your spaceship as my own house! So I can bring my own, cool goddies here shits like that!
Well...OKAY. You convinced me, I'll do as you wish!
You are very intelligent human being I must say, Lone Wanderer. Your planet should be proud to have someone like you on the watch...
The lights went off and then on, lighting up the previously dark areas of the chamber. Nano-tech engine started slowing down as the fog vanished from the dark corners. Then died.
Another evil has been defeated! Humanity can feel...safer now, and The Lone Wanderer? Nobody heard from him again.
:the end credits:
:the black screen lights up, and shows the scene with our hero heading to the exit. Then speaks:
"And here! I'm gonna make a fucking PARTIES!! BIATCH!!"[/spoiler:f495e84b39]