Interviews, Jeff Gardiner, Mothership Zeta

The whole notion that the Lone Wanderer has a house in the first place is strange.
rcorporon said:
They just don't get it. "Retro" =/= Fallout.

Let the pain stop after Zeta. Please.

Bleh. Exactly. Unless the man says "retro" to mean "retrofuturistic" which is also wrong.

But really, they did say it's last, but they have 100 more achievement points - I'd say, expect a surprise. Say, maybe a gundam DLC? Original old Gundam is sure "retro". Oh wait, there were giant robots in the main game already.
Besides if you had a FAB home on board a mothership, would you want to beam back down to the nuclear-ravaged wastes?

Imagine how cool you'd be to all your friends!

Simms: Here's the key and deed to your new house in Megato...

Well, that does make you wonder... how many new dialogue options are added into the main campaign by this DLC? I mean, you would tell everyone you meet that there are spaceships and stuff, right? Invite Rivet City scientists to science the hell out of your new house?

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just passed the point of no return. By producing an alien DLC bethesda gave a clear indication on the character of the next game.

I find it amusing there are people who hope bethesda will "learn on the mistakes" of Fallout 3. What looks like a mistake in judgement from our perspective is seen as "cool shit" by the masses. Their money is better than ours, because there's more of them. If a game generates big profit then it isn't a mistake, from their perspective, regardless of what it is.

There's nothing bethesda won't violate and defile, because the majority of people don't care for world consistency, well-written dialogue or true inspiration.

Time to move on.
LW: [intelligence] I live on board a high-tech space vessel which has lingered above our planet for quite some time undetected, despite the fact that we have fully-functional sattelites.

Simms: [moar intelligence] That makes no sense

LW: [even moar intelligence] Not an iota.
Dad: I believe we use the alien technology from the ship you captured to repair the water purifier.

LW: [Intelligence] So you believe we can use technology from the ship I found to repair the water purifier?

*Winner of the GDC 2009 best writing award* :lol:
Syraxith said:
Dad: I believe we use the alien technology from the ship you captured to repair the water purifier.

LW: [Intelligence] So you believe we can use technology from the ship I found to repair the water purifier?

*Winner of the GDC 2009 best writing award* :lol:

My palm is now integrated into my face after reading this. The self-praise, well it's marketing so I expected that, but the content is..meh. Figures that the spaceship can be returned to, their fans would be outraged (why you'd want to..I've no idea). Sort of like a MMOG, the way nothing's ever really gone.
But of couse the new DLC have multiple endings: you can kill everybody inside of it with some random ammo, crash it to the sun with everybody inside including you or you can ask somone else from the Brotherhood to do it, they are used to it.

frosty_theaussie said:
I'd feel safer to say that they listen to their fans if you consider Bethesda to be their own biggest fans.
I felt like that when my brother found the Bethesda ruin in F3 (even tough, they are not in the same place at the actual one, and it may refer to the town of Bethesda). I said: "Are you kidding me, they should at least put the ruins of Black Isle", would have been funnier.
Or maybe they made the ruins thinking of the old fans, who wish Bethesda to lie in ruins. :clap:

They just googled paleo-future from the 50s and found out people was interested in space back then.

I don't know the story behind the Martian visit to the earth, but: why the f*ck would they want to land in a inhospitable world? they are after the GECK too? Everybody wants a piece of that nowadays...
well, I guess in space no one can hear the stupidity at least ... sadly that doesnt count for Bethesdas space ...
Why not give us access to the big cannon of doom located on the underside of the alien mothership.

That way we don't even have to bother to go to Raven Rock, Adams Air Force Base and so on, we can just bombard it from space with our ultra mega cool energy cannon of doom.

While we are at it, while not destroy all other locations as well so to make the East Coast truly PA.
Jorund said:
I don't know the story behind the Martian visit to the earth, but: why the f*ck would they want to land in a inhospitable world? they are after the GECK too? Everybody wants a piece of that nowadays...

Even Denzel Washington!
Jorund said:
I don't know the story behind the Martian visit to the earth, but: why the f*ck would they want to land in a inhospitable world? they are after the GECK too? Everybody wants a piece of that nowadays...

I can see it now. You finally bash you way into the bridge, and demand the head honcho answer why they're attacking. The alien sadly tells you how they ruined their world with a war using superweapons but they heard of the GECK via TV broadcasts that reached their world.
Ulysses said:
I can see it now. You finally bash you way into the bridge, and demand the head honcho answer why they're attacking. The alien sadly tells you how they ruined their world with a war using superweapons but they heard of the GECK via TV broadcasts that reached their world.


This thread is damaging my sanity.