Interviews, Jeff Gardiner, Mothership Zeta

The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet

That explains the Pulitzer level writing. Googling for alien conspiracy is the best source of inspiration since Tolstoy.
patriot_41 said:
. . . quest space allows for non-linear exploration.

Imagine that - non-linear exploration. As opposed to what . . . linear exploration?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

These guys crack me up.

Y'know, sometimes when exploring, the player can turn left, or right! Oh...he can even go backwards! How inspiring :mrgreen:

Games are becoming exploring simulators for some reason.

Yes, you can use the ship as a home-base of sorts. It sure has a great view!

Hurray! After you slaughtered every Alien being on the can use it as your own home!

Can we paint the walls and decorate it with a retr-tv and anti-communists' posters?

The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet, while neither of us is quite sure what to believe it makes for interesting coffee conversation.

JG: Oh man, I saw that new video on Youtube! LOL
EP: Which one???!!
JG: Y'know, the one that shows lights in the sky at night!
EP: The one made by some teengers screaming "WHAT IS THAT THING??!!" lol
JG: Ye, ye! ROTFL
EP: Oh man. It's awesome! And I still don't understand why society can't believe Aliens exist and they're watching us.
JG: Yeah man. They're just too dumb I think...
EP: lol

(Actually, I'm quite hopeful for Fallout 4. hoping they learn from the mistakes of Fallout 3, and they listen to the fans. I'm what is call optimistic. Laughing )

What mistakes?

1. Don't bother listening to old fans and any criticism. It'll just give you headache.
2. Make the main game with an open ending, so you can then continue making DLCs, to cash up.

Dude, where have you been? Living under the rock for the past 2 years?
Ausir said:
They will listen to the fans. Their fans, not fans of Fallout 1 and 2.

My dear Ausir, not Fans - Buyers. There is a huge difference.

Fans are expendable. Buyers are not.
Ausir said:
They will listen to the fans. Their fans, not fans of Fallout 1 and 2.

From my experience they haven't even done that. Some fans of Daggerfall were disappointed by Morrowind as were many fans of Morrowind disappointed by Oblivion. I even e-mailed Pete Hines a couple of times and he wouldn't listen to me, he just said "who are you leave me alone". The nerve of that jerk! Actually, not really, it was just some questions about getting in contact with some former Daggerfall staff, which he actually obliged.

I'd feel safer to say that they listen to their fans if you consider Bethesda to be their own biggest fans.
frosty_theaussie said:
I'd feel safer to say that they listen to their fans if you consider Bethesda to be their own biggest fans.

In that case, let them buy their own crap and not expect others to pay for their hobby of making stupid games.
It's been said many times, that they make games for themselves, not for others (especially not for fans).

I thought everyone already got it.
Public said:
It's been said many times, that they make games for themselves, not for others (especially not for fans).

I thought everyone already got it.

For Bethesda, by Bethesda.
Hahaha... I knew I should have left the "hopeful" comment out. :lol:

Anyway, I get it, I get what everyone is saying about Bethesda and I agree. I used to be a fan of Bethesda, back during Daggerfall. I thought Daggerfall was the greatest thing in the world. For awhile I stopped playing games, until I stumbled across Oblivion. I thought, "Elder Scrolls, huh? Like Daggerfall? OK!" Man, was I wrong, nothing like Daggerfall. disappointed, but I still played through it (I'm persistent if nothing else :lol: ).

Yeah, I know about Bethesda and it's history and all that. But I'm still optimistic about Fallout 4. Why? I have no idea, its just a hunch. I'm sure once more information comes out, my feelings will change.
generalissimofurioso said:
Oh boy.

Another house for the player!

And it's an intergalactic space ship!

it's mind-blowing how "lol, k</s>ewl!" Jeff Gardiner is in these interviews. i mean, i expect it from these juvenile assholes claiming journalistic skills, but a grown fucking man giggling along with them is just embarrassing.

i literally groaned when i read "it has a pretty k</s>ewl view, lol!"
I have no problem with the general concept of ETs or EDs (extradimensionals), or the use of such concepts in games. But it doesn't belong in the Fallout universe. And not in the utterly stupid, cliche and overblown way they're doing it. I guess the kiddies don't get subtlety.
Having an ultra-advanced alien spaceship at your disposal would make you...the most powerful person in the world. Being able to travel anywhere on Earth and to other planets is quite an opportunity, isn't it? Also, I be there is some mind-blowing technology on-board, which could be use to rebuild society on Earth.

And all you can use it for is a storage house. How innovative.
TwinkieStabllis said:
i literally groaned when i read "it has a pretty k</s>ewl view, lol!"

Judging by the whole "omg alien OVAR TEH TAWP" theme they have going on in this DLC, I'm kind of dreading what the actual earth skybox background seen from the ship will look like.
Ravager69 said:
Being able to travel anywhere on Earth and to other planets is quite an opportunity, isn't it?

It turns out that human lifespan is shorter than the duration of the loading-screens required for even a short trip through space. I'm sorry, but until they find a way to place the human mind into suspended animation during those tedious minutes, you're just going to have to stick to that little bit of space directly above that little brown patch of the Western US.

Of course, some people talk of Faster-than-loading-screen technology but this is highly speculative, and possibly nothing more than mere dreams...

Ravager69 said:
Also, I be there is some mind-blowing technology on-board, which could be use to rebuild society on Earth.

Inconveniently, it all fell out of an airlock. All. Of. It.

Ravager69 said:
And all you can use it for is a storage house.

Maybe there'll be an option to crash it straight into the planet, thus ending the whole sorry business once and for all?
Dead Guy said:
OMG! I can has spacestations!!?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

You have to credit to them, they keep surpassing themselves more, and more... A FUCKING ALIEN MOTHERSHIP AS A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck this POS, it's insulting, it's moronic, makes no sense, IT'S BULLCRAP... why don't they realize? Just THINK for a minute, for Christ's sake... use that apendage that grows over your shoulders.

I... i.... can't... take this.... please kill me now. Or, better yet, kill them.
^ Agreed.

I was secretly hoping for a long time that they wouldn't make an alien DLC, then when it happened...I thought 'nurgh'.

Reading that you could turn it into a house makes no sense. At all. Aliens with that technology would clearly over-run a fucking vault dweller....right?
It would be better if the player needed to destroy the Mothership. With a short clip like when the Oil Rig was blown up.
Figures you can revisit the spaceship afterwards, don't know why you would but I guess that's what people want. Oh well, this is just more crap in the stream.
LauraJay said:
^ Agreed.

I was secretly hoping for a long time that they wouldn't make an alien DLC, then when it happened...I thought 'nurgh'.

Reading that you could turn it into a house makes no sense. At all. Aliens with that technology would clearly over-run a fucking vault dweller....right?

Aliens can't pause time and then cause the world to go into slow motion. Only a single person can do that and that's the mother-effin' Lone Wanderer!!!!.

They could of pulled it off if it turned out to be an Enclave front to abduct people to their super awsum secret space station and blame it on little green men.
Give me the option to blow those fuckers up instead, would make more sense storywise than having a huge fucking spaceship as a HOUSE.