patriot_41 said:
. . . quest space allows for non-linear exploration.
Imagine that -
non-linear exploration. As opposed to what . . .
linear exploration?
These guys crack me up.
Y'know, sometimes when exploring, the player can turn left, or right! Oh...he can even go backwards! How inspiring
Games are becoming exploring simulators for some reason.
Yes, you can use the ship as a home-base of sorts. It sure has a great view!
Hurray! After you slaughtered every Alien being on the can use it as your own home!
Can we paint the walls and decorate it with a retr-tv and anti-communists' posters?
The lead designer, Emil Pagliarulo, and I are interested in Alien conspiracy theory... There's a lot of information to sift through on the internet, while neither of us is quite sure what to believe it makes for interesting coffee conversation.
JG: Oh man, I saw that new video on Youtube! LOL
EP: Which one???!!
JG: Y'know, the one that shows lights in the sky at night!
EP: The one made by some teengers screaming "WHAT IS THAT THING??!!" lol
JG: Ye, ye! ROTFL
EP: Oh man. It's awesome! And I still don't understand why society can't believe Aliens exist and they're watching us.
JG: Yeah man. They're just too dumb I think...
EP: lol
(Actually, I'm quite hopeful for Fallout 4. hoping they learn from the mistakes of Fallout 3, and they listen to the fans. I'm what is call optimistic. Laughing )
What mistakes?
1. Don't bother listening to old fans and any criticism. It'll just give you headache.
2. Make the main game with an open ending, so you can then continue making DLCs, to cash up.
Dude, where have you been? Living under the rock for the past 2 years?