
Rusty Skull

Vault Senior Citizen
How about this:in the background people are trying to loot oil from gas station that is being guarded by soldiers in power armor carying miniguns and they make people regraet for their atempt to steal oil.And in background it is being played Diamonds are the girl's best friends by Meryilin Monro.
Well, people stealing gas would be a rather moot point, at this point considering that vehicles are aparantly rundown and that it would be a rarity to actually find a already full resevoir of gas. And Marilyn Monroe is too cheerful, moreso in that song.

Fallout One's intro was pretty shocking. In the background, you've got the Inkspots crooning "Maybe". The song "Maybe" is wistful and at least melancholy. All the while, you've got Brotherhood men executing a prisoner. Then the intro fades out from a television screen to reveal a shattered city and the song stutters.

Fallout Two has Louis Armstrong's throaty and powerful voice singing a song of reminsence. And the song is accompanied with a humorous pseudo-instructional film long remembered in the 50's era.

My point is that both Fallouts had easy, set-back songs from the 50's that filled people with either the feeling of hope, lost, and rememberence. At the same time, the visuals are in stark contrast with what the world has become or about to become.
Fallout intros are a masterpiece everytime. I'm excited to see what they crank out :). But yea, yours sounds nice but... the Fallout universe has made the idea impossible.
Before anyone goes firing off long lists of intro songs I would like to make a suggestion:

Stick to what made the FO intro the best of the three.

I say that the FO intro was the best because:
  • The song actually had some connection w/the story, i.e. it foreshadowed the ending. Yes, someone who was waiting for you, proved to be untrue. What did A Kiss to Build a Dream On have to do w/FO2? It was so vague and general that never did I get a sinking "Oh shit!" feeling during the game when I remembered the theme. We won't even discuss the FoT music, since -- this is my hypothesis -- the selection of an instrumental was done due to the lack of dialogue options in the game...
  • The images gave more of an idea of what the world of FO was about. Granted, this was technically less necessary in FO2 since it was a sequel. However, I didn't like that the Enclave was blatantly shown in the intro, rather than simply foreshadowed. This is also necessary since the player should get a glimpse of what it is that this current team's interpretation of the FO universe is like.
  • FO's intro was the most subtle of the three as well. No educational film about the object of your quest, no road signs showing where the game would take place. In short, it was sublime.

With all this in mind, it's really hard to make suggestions about things like intros since we next to nothing about the game. So I think that the fanbase should keep its remarks down to generalities, rather than mapping out particulars for the devs. (Which they will likely happily ignore, anyway, as they should.)

At any rate, my two cents.

Hrm... watching the two intro videos I guess you're right. Though I think in Fallout 1 they got lucky that the song pertained to the plot and it wasn't actually planned :). But I guess I'll never know for sure.

And as for the images, I think both games had the images fine. Fallout 1 gave you a glimpse of the world before the war and what led up to it. Fallout 2's showed you the odd mindset of the vaulties. Of course, this time when I watched the videos... I was wondering why Fallout 2 shows the train of thought held by vault dwellers when you are no longer attatched to that community. I think that video might have made more sense in the first one.

I agree though about the showing of the enclave at the beginning. This revealed a little to much of the plot and probably should have been kept secret.
They've used the Meibi song 3x in both fallouts!

I think at the beggining of 1 and end , and the end of 2.
lilfyffedawg said:
...I think in Fallout 1 they got lucky that the song pertained to the plot and it wasn't actually planned :). But I guess I'll never know for sure.

I recall reading the the original song that was supposed to be used for the intro of FO was I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire, but the devs ran into licensing problems with it and opted for Maybe instead. While I have to say that their original choice of music would have made FO's intro more in the same vein as FO2's, i.e. that the theme song had little or nothing to do w/the main quest, the final product ended up superior to what the devs originally envisioned.

I think the current devs should keep a strong eye on what the was more so that what the original devs wanted it to be. Especially since the average FO fan doesn't read minds, only the screen in front of him/her. ;)

lilfyffedawg said:
...Of course, this time when I watched the videos... I was wondering why Fallout 2 shows the train of thought held by vault dwellers when you are no longer attatched to that community. I think that video might have made more sense in the first one.

I have to agree w/you, although the references to the GECK wouldn't have been appropriate. I think if anything, they should have shown the film, flickering along, then backed off and the viewer see a battered PipBoy playing in a tribal village, if anything.


I agree FO 1 had a great intro, very insightful and depressing. FO 2 intro was different. Describing the vault dwellers when your a tribal. Though when the Enclave mowed down those vault dwellers you could have confused that with the BOS due to the PA and the heavy weaponry. And due to a generation gap a Vertibird could have been powerful. Though that would just conflict with what the BOS stands for etc. etc. And FO:T well IMO the intro with the music could have been symbolic how they were free from the old BOS, with the rock etc. And the intro was intresting to say the least.
With FO 3
1. Stick to the 50's Songs
2. Ron Pearlman
3. Have the song and intro intertwine (a kiss to build a dream on-Geck=Kiss)
4. Something Unique
In fact intro doesn't make any difrence.Sure it spice up a bit whole thing but it doesn't mean that if intro is bad the game is bad.Fallout 2 had "unapropriate" intro but the game itself should won Nobel prize!

I dont know why i said this but if it can't harm it only can use. :wink:
I always thought that "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" refferd to the endgame, when the people of Arroyo and V13 come together to make an empire, and also the GECK? I think that it is almost equally appropriate- that over optomisim and almost Blue Velvet esque ending.
lilfyffedawg said:
Fallout intros are a masterpiece everytime. I'm excited to see what they crank out :). But yea, yours sounds nice but... the Fallout universe has made the idea impossible.

Does the gasoline have to be used on cars? They could very well be trying to get some gas to warm their ramshackle houses.
Azarskittar said:
lilfyffedawg said:
Fallout intros are a masterpiece everytime. I'm excited to see what they crank out :). But yea, yours sounds nice but... the Fallout universe has made the idea impossible.

Does the gasoline have to be used on cars? They could very well be trying to get some gas to warm their ramshackle houses.

The whole problem is there IS no gasoline. Unless they found a way to create gasoline without oil (can you do that?) this can't work. The oil of the worlds been used up so it wouldn't make a difference whether they wanted teh oil to be used on cars or to heat there houses. Perhaps a similar scenario can be done but with another resource in the place of oil.
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Metallica = 80's (or 90's if you include the bad stuff) music

Fallout = set in retro-future 50's

See the problem?
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