It Wandered In From the Wastes

Look! Another n00b!
Uh... yeah, I'm DGT (or Chuck). Been a fan of the site for quite a while, fairly recently looked at the forums, and decided to join up. Since a lot of other people also seemed to feel the need to mention the painfully obvious, I love Fallout (as well as Fallout 2). I also consider Fallout Tactics to be a wonderful game, if only because it's a decently-made strategy game that almost fits into the Fallout universe. However, I have not played POS, and I refuse to do so. I think that pretty well says everything that needs to be said.
[/lame, overly-verbose introduction]
Uh... yeah, I'm DGT (or Chuck). Been a fan of the site for quite a while, fairly recently looked at the forums, and decided to join up. Since a lot of other people also seemed to feel the need to mention the painfully obvious, I love Fallout (as well as Fallout 2). I also consider Fallout Tactics to be a wonderful game, if only because it's a decently-made strategy game that almost fits into the Fallout universe. However, I have not played POS, and I refuse to do so. I think that pretty well says everything that needs to be said.
[/lame, overly-verbose introduction]