Maybe there should be an automated PM that new members get the first time they log in.
"Thank you for joining NMA. You must read all of the Stickies as soon as you finish reading this PM, or Bad Things will happen to you. Also, before logging on, please take your personal supply of stupid and put it as far as possible from your PC. Failure to do so may result in a large, fiendishly grinning death claw permanently removing said supply of stupid. This removal process will be VERY painful for you to experience, and very entertaining for us to watch. If removal becomes necessary, do not attempt to argue with the death claw, as this will only make the removal process take longer and hurt more. Also, do not turn to others on the site for help, as there is a 50-50 chance of them either ignoring you or pouring salt into the wounds created by the death claw. You have now been warned. Failure to heed this warning is proof of the fact that you have been dipping into your supply of stupid while logged in, and is punishable by death claw. That is all. This message will self destruct in five seconds..."
Hello, new members!