Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello everyone! I am a newly registered member of the forum but I have been visiting it for several years now (something like 3 or more but can't quite recall it). I guess I don't like drawing attention to myself so I kind of kept myself anonymous :)
Of course - no pyramids... maybe a large abandoned underground military base instead? :) And thanks for the Nuka-Cola - I kind of hoped for a round of Gamma Gulp beer instead but it will do :D
Hideous Freak of Nature, I like that.

Anywho, greetings to all. Found this site after playing the wonderful Fallout 2, and finally got around to registering. Hope to stick around.
Oi, kids. Maybe some of you remember me from Vault 0.

I'm the exciter and the igniter, the highlighter, the firefighter, and several other descriptors that end with "ite-er."

Played Ezekiel Light back in V0, possibly looking to reprise! See some of you still haunt from those days.

Hi guys, I'm Samon, I'm a staff member over at and it's there I met Mikael, who sent me this hello all. \o/
um.. well.. hello there!
i`m using this nma forum a long time
at last i registered here myself
and i`m realy satisfied ;-]
i`m from a farfaraway country called Latvia
and-why i`m saying helo here-i was seeking for a topic to ask you about fallout-kind larp`s
is anything like going on in your native countries?
Hows it goin guys?

Yea so I've been lurking in the shadows for some time, reading random junk, opinions etc, and decided to sign up finally. Been browsing NMA and DaC for a while now, Probaby after FO:POS.
I'm a long time fan of anything Apocalyptic or Post Apocalyptic. I really love Fallout I and Fallout II. Lets hope Fallout III fills its shoes correctly.
top of the morning
im the ogre, been stopping for some time to check on news for F3. figured id register and throw in my two cents when i have it
Since I already managed to produce some posts over here it would be in order to do some proper introducing.
G'day. As it is probably with the majority of the newcomers I've been visiting the forums for some time and by some strange twist of fate (though a slight fever due to illness sounds more probable) I decided to officially put my arse into this pool o' sharks. Feels home already.
Dig the pbf av, Sarcastro.

Lots of new faces. Welcome all, stick around, we're in for some interesting times now
Terry Pratchett would have a word or two to say about the interesting times ahead.

PS. Nicholas Gurewich for life! ;)
Umm... As you can see from my profile, I've registered here a while ago. But I totally forgot about it until today, when I started to think that I should register.

I thought I've been lurking around the forum long enough and decided to step away from the shadows to say hi.

So... Hi.