Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello, Glad to finaly be here with the forums. I have played Fallout 1 and 2, Tatics and now just got the Beta Fallout for PPC.

Can't wait for Fallout 3, just hopeing it's not for 360 first

See yall in the forums
Decided to give this registering a chance.

I played these games when i was 15 and i just recently bought the collectors edition. Found this site while searching for patches for the games and it surprised me that a fallout community still existed.

Per said:
We actually don't exist. The site is just a life-sized cardboard cutout.
I thought we were scraps of consciousness left over from lost souls trapped in the spiritual labyrinth that is the internet?
Tannhauser said:
Per said:
We actually don't exist. The site is just a life-sized cardboard cutout.
I thought we were scraps of consciousness left over from lost souls trapped in the spiritual labyrinth that is the internet?

Yeah, that sounds more like us.

Hey to all newbies :D
Hello NMA. I've been reading fallout-related news from your site for years now, and I finally decided to maybe start posting.

So anyway, hi.
I'm Ogy. I come from Croatia.
I am a big fan of Fallout series since 1997. I'we played Fallout 1 & 2 so many times and i still can get enough.
Infact i am going to install it agen right now ;)

I can't wait for Fallout 3 release... 8)

As i can see there is too much information on this forum... It will take me days to get myself aqueinted...

Any questions, feel free to ask ;)

P.s. pozdrav svim Hrvatima na forumu :)
Hey I'm Steve (Aka Scuba Steve),

I'm a big Fallout fan (Obviousely) and studying Games Design in the UK. I'm also the author of "Fallout : The game that wiped out the earth" on youtube (Check it out), Im planning a second edition inorder to rectify mistakes, update it, add more information and make it more presentable.

Im actually on NMA alot but read the home page and threads more then post but I'm going to start getting involved in the community now.

Welcome Steve, we've seen the movie, good work but it needs some tweaking here and there, for sure.

The moderators are going to give you a hard time if you keep posting in bold, but for the rest welcome.

And welcome Seafreak
I would like to say hello to everyone here.

I've registered here quite some time ago, but didn't get to posting much (aka at all). So well, uh, I think I am going to do so now, hopefully.

For me, NMA has been an awesome, no, the best source of information about Fallout and everything related to it. And not just that. The vast amount of interesting articles and, of course, posts is stunning.

I guess I should say something about myself, too.
I live in Slovakia (the little spot just south of Poland :)). I'm currently studying at a grammar school/high school/whatever. And naturally, I'm a huge fan of everything fallout-ish (except of... you know what)

Well then, Hello!

I'm Daniël, been a Fallout fan ever since the first one came out and...

I am currently unemployed, addicted to alcohol & mdma.
Hi! Just registered, I`m a 20 year old lunatic, have played Fallout 2 trough, love the game. Decided to join, but I doubt I will not post much, mainly in here to support you and for occasional posting