Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

hello every1,im 37 x-navy retired,been into comp games for about 8-9 years,started with MoM d1 x-com HoMM2 and MOO2,found i realy enjoy computers,married with probable divorce on the way.anyway thats the basics.

Hi all,

I'm not really new here, but as my last post was from about 2001 & I recently reinstalled Fallout, I reactivated my account :)

Being about 14 or so when Fallout was first released, I learned most of my more "advanced" English from it (I'm from Belgium, Flemish/Dutch is my native language).
Also, I learnt a lot about real-life person classification and dialogue options from it... The game had a bit greater inpact on me that I thought possible.

I never lost the love of the game, and still often discuss it with the few fans I can find in my daily life. When XP came out, I had a lot of problems playing the game under it.

And, the addiction came back... I placed the game on my mobile drive, so I can even play it at work :p

Working as IT/Technical/Traffic manager in a radio station in Belgium (part of the US Emmis Communications group), this is not quite hard - Working with and between computers ;-)

I really hope FO3 will finally become a reality, in stead of years of wishful thinking.

Hope to have a pleasant stay here once more!


Ps: Is Miroslav still here?
Welcome. Also, no warez talk. Maybe I'm going to have to start banning people for that. Pft.

And no, Miroslav seems to have disappeared after he went into military service.
It's legal to own a (digital) backup of any media you own. I own all original Fallout discs, so it's not exactly warez I'm talking about...

But I don't want to offend anyone or go into "red zones", so ok :)
boer_kameel said:
It's legal to own a (digital) backup of any media you own.
That's completely and utterly undecided in Belgium and the Netherlands, and the laws speak mainly about copies you create yourself.

And at the very least it is very different per country.

boer_kameel said:
I own all original Fallout discs, so it's not exactly warez I'm talking about...
Wrong. Warez=warez, whether or not you own other copies is completely irrelevant.

There are lots of people that have played Fallout 1 and 2. I am one of these.

There are lots of people that bought Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 on their respective release dates and then played and enjoyed them both more times than i can count. I am one of these.

There are lots of people that have continued to come back and play Fallout 1 or 2 continually over the last decade. I am one of these.

Where i stand out is knowing that once upon a time in a moment of crazy foolhardery i lent my sole Fallout 2 disc to a friend at a LAN party. When 6 months had gone by and i wanted to play again no disc... no Fallout... I called ten different people from the party and none of them claimed to have it. At this point i started degenerating into a Gollum like creature clamouring after "My Precious".

When i rejoined the human race i decided that i had but one option left. Fortunately i could not find any rope and have no clue how to make a noose so instead i went to Ebay. As luck would have it i managed to find for the paltry sum of 10 englishy pounds a first edition version of Fallout 2 in the old style box with a CD style case and an intact manual.

Happiness. Joy. Much dancing later and many weird looks from my partner i get to wander the wasteland and bludgeon man, ghoul, mutant, insect and rodent to death with a variety of weaponry.

So even after a decade i still class myself as a

Never again shall my Fallout discs fly from my grasp.

So after many years of
i finally open myself to the wonders of posting on the holy grail shaped beacon of falloutyness that is NMA.

Brethren (and sistren) I salute you and bid you all a fond MOO! (That means hello in the frenzied brain of youngnutter, /nodnod)
After a bit of a long-ass layoff, I'm back. I just wanted to join the debate over Bethseda owning the IP now, so what better time than now to reintroduce myself?

I hope to have enough free time to start playing Fallout 1 and 2 again, but between class, a summer internship and Forza Motorsport 2, I doubt I'll have the time. I still have the discs, though, just in case I do find the time... :)

Ps: Is Miroslav still here?

Welcome back Glenn, Miroslav was away for a couple of years when he had to do the mandatory military service, Odin stayed in charge, then he came and went and decided to move on, Odin still gets news from him from time to time. Again welcome back.

Hello Ferrari, nice to see you again!

youngnutter I'm glad you rejoined the human race, welcome :)
I am a new time member but a long time lurker, yes?

I live in the Nivelles in the north of France, and I have been played the Fallout franchise for many years. I like Fallout, the first, espacially, because it's like the bible of the whole Fallout universe. Fallout 2 was very good as well, yes, but it also had the extra pseudo-cultural things like special encounters which where the shit.

I like the Beastie Boys and Eminem and the taste of the sour pussy of easy French girls in my face as well. They taste like sea creatures of the deep blue, but they make me shot my semen in their face, yes? Very nice. I also like the guns that shoot and the cold wars propaganda which I have collection of, very big posters and photographes of nuclear hiding places. I post them on your forum, yes?

I am 21 years old of age and I study at universite. I have one small children as baby because my girlfriend, she uses the weed and the weed harmed her pills and she got the baby, but I love the baby, the baby is my future. It is called Thomas and he is very nice.

That was me, hello! I hope we become the best friends of.
Thanks Briosafreak!

Hi Jaques, a high Boratesque post you've got here :p If the pussy of your female fiends tastes sour, I'd advise them to was hit more often or to date 20y younger women ;-)

Seriously though, sour doesn't sound that good...

Did you also learn a lot of English from Fallout, or have you got the French version?

Je parle aussi un peu de Français, mas pas si bien... Comprends beaucoup. Any translations needed, drop me a line :)
Hey, just wanted to say hello to you all. Ive been visiting this site very regularly for the past few years, looking through the forums etc and have finally decided to join. Fallout is my all time favourite game and am currently playing the first one again (Aradesh you wily devil you)

Good to finally be a part of the mob!

But please don't double-post, if you have the need to say something extra and no one has responded to the thread, edit it into your old message.
Thanks alot! Now Im just wondering where I can play with other like minded people? Are there programs etc on the internet to play? Ive roleplayed before on forums, but never in the DnD type setting.

Anyway, back to my fanfic!
Wow! most of u that posted in the Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread! weren't new......but i am and im glad i finally joined the forum even though i've been following NMA since the internet gave birth to it as it has to many sites.....the internet is a dirty whore...very dirty indeed...but anyways hello and cant wait to put my 2 cents in when its not needed or wanted ....... :twisted: