Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Carib is right... this mother is not one to fuck with


And welcome.
Wooz said:
Methinks most people (falsely) think that they will unevitably suffer the same treatment as Fartard or other ban-bait.

You won't, folks. As long as you follow the rules and avoid being a jerk, anything goes. Lurk around and see for yourselves.

Alright then, new ones. Welcome to the No Mutants Allowed forums.

I am Lt. Col. Gonzalez, and in order for you to avoid problems with admins and moderators I will provide you with a basic posting training or BPT... wich consists on a short instructional video.

Now, pay attention to the video... if you do, you will avoid all kind of inconveniences.

Nice to be welcomed.

The avatar was a mother to size down, but was one of the better enclave trooper pics (that I didn't see being used) thankya.
Jenx said:
Saying hello in he "say hello" thread.

...Well.. Hello?

Hello there.

I've never been quite good at greetings so I'll keep it brief...

Stay out of my booze and it'll be sunshine and rainbows between us.

(Just realized I've never actually said hello here... oh well)

Hi guys, I'm new to the site (well, one of them bastard lurkers for years) but old to the games and I thought I'd unveil myself and say hello!

There has been a "Hello" thread for a couple of years, mr. "lurker".
Hello, just got bored tonight and have been reading the site for about 2 years now. figured I would finally join. ( did this while posting in HG:L)