Hello fellows! My name is Karol,
I didn´t see that threat and was not very active here,
shame on me!
But that´s the reasons why I´am so late here...
I was born in Poland, and l live since I´am 7 years old in Germany.
It´s very funny to read news on NMA in three languages.
I´ve joined this community on the late 2005,
It was 1-2 days ago when Supermutant.de dies.
(At that time it was the biggest german fallout community)
Since them we build it up, and the result is FalloutNow.de.
My primary task there is to moderate the "Games Corner",
this is a board which is full with tournaments and fallout-like mini-games.
I´am also a Global-Mod (but in pared-down form causo I´am busy).
I´am here to amused me with other Fallout-Fans worldwide.
Also I´am curious about what Bethesda will do whit us favourite Game since 10 Years...!
Greetings Sharcc
(Sorry for my school-english, it was a long time ago that I´ve used it )