Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

I work as an engineer in the Los Angeles area. I've been to the Philippines and the Czech Republic. I am kind of a jack of all trades. I like hiking, doing physics problems, swimming in open waters (which can be a problem in L.A. due to run-off pollution after it rains), cooking, drawing, intellectual conversations, and telling jokes.

I have been a Fallout fan since sometime around the year 2001 when I first heard about it's notoriety. I have been visiting NMA a couple of years but just decided to create a profile when the details for FO3 started trickling out.
Ahoy there! Been lurking here for a while without saying a thing, but finally registered to the site.
It's good to be here! Arrr!
I found this site after playing both fallouts through few years back. THere was this adress for fallout 3 in some other site and found link there for this site. I registered just recently because ill probably be visiting more regularly now that i got more free time than ever.
Names Graphic, you might see me on Beth's forums as well. I'm skeptical about Fallout 3, but willing to give it a try. I'm not a Fallout Purist.
Hello everyone! This is one of the best forums i have ever seen so much informations and other! My name is Nick anyway i'm looking forward to play a FO3 ...
Yo, I'm Landrik and an avid Fallout fan. I've followed the news on NMA for a couple years now but am just now registering on the forums. I have a lot of free time, so I'll probably be around a bunch.
Madbringer said:
TwinkieGorilla said:
welcome back.

...alec? :|

he used the word "lick" in his last post, so it's necessarily him =>

The "journalists" lick the companies ballocks

P.S : oh and I realize that I didn't came in that thread first before posting... so... just passing by to say hello :wink:
Howdy all. Name is Evan, long time Fallout fan but never joined NMA until now obviously.

I'm an American currently living in Taiwan and I look forward to discussion both of Fallout and anything else and hope that I can contribute something while I'm here.
Hi all. I just recently registered in the NMA and i look forward to discussing The fallout games with you all.

Hi. I used to be Xavierblazer from way back when(about two years ago), but I kinda sorta got a life and forgot about computers for a while. But lo and behold...I am back!!! The nerd lifestyle kept calling me, so, um, yeah. Hello and stuff.
Hey folks, decided to join after lurking for a bit.
My name's Pierre Theron and I'm a student in the Eastern US, born in the good old Republic of South Africa.