Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

ZiggyMeister said:
I'm just saying "Hello" because this is the "Say hello" thread.

I'm a Fallout Fan.
I started by playing Fallout 2, after having played the Fallout demo, and by the time I grabbed the game, it was Fallout 2...

I only played Fallout a few years ago, after buying it on "sales".

I tried Fallout Tactics, but never really liked the damn game...

I only own PC's, so I never played any other game of the Fallout Franchise.

I liked Fallout and Fallout 2, because they are Real Turn-Based, like UFO was...
So I have a lot of mixed feelings towards Fallout 3 and what will Bethesda do with it.

I hope in the end, it'll be a good game, but unfortunately I doubt it will do justice to its name.

Welcome then, anything you need just PM me or something. Bemvindo!

Hey everyone. Been inactive for almost two years to the day. Kinda. But hello everyone.

Ummm...I just beat Fallout one again. Erin Go Brag!!
The Raging Russian said:
I'm Mikhail, I've been a fan of the Fallout Franchise for a while, I found the first FO and absolutely loved it, now I'm looking for a place that has FO 2, (My town sucks).

Why don't you buy it online? Like on e-bay or something like that?
Don't choose Fed Ex for the transport. I have already seen the film : their planes tend to crash close to the Cook Islands.

And seriously, no, don't post that kind of stuff in the 'hello' thread, dude. Please edit that post before I do it myself.

I'm new here!

What's Fallout? Is it that game with the boobs and nukes?

Wait, I'm not new, so I don't have to pretend to be an idiot. I'm fairly sure my natural idiocy has become apparent by now.

I'm back, not sure for how long, or how much I'll say, but I'm present.

PS. I've no clue what's been going on.
Greetings! I have long been a fan of this website, (and even longer fan of Fallout,) but never really had time to join and post a lot. (I spent a lot of time at another non-Fallout forum). I look forward to new friends and good discussion.
"Hey~ Look! Chinese invade here now"

That the first thought of the first guy who meet the Modern Chinese BOS mod maker first in the top first Fallout forum ---- NMA......( no mutants, not means no Chinese :P )

OK, back to thread. Me, gunner, from a Chinese Fallout forum "BN13", a mod maker, I played all the fallout games, even the "waste land" in DOS. You can find me in the NMA BOS mod forum and this Generial Discussion Forum ... looks like when I said:" Hi~I'm none, from..." they always said:" We are looking at you, stranger..." or "Look, a lao wai..."

I know a bit Kongfu, but not live in the mountain village with all old style wooden houses that only appeared in Hollywood films or in the games. I'm in a city called Zhengzhou, you can see it with Google map. :roll:

:D That's my story for now. Nice to be here~

Hi~Briosafreak, horst, Carib FMJ......
ni hao, friend.

anyway, hay guys, im horst. i was gichtboy (iirc) back in the days and changed nearly all my trolls to horst, dunno why. after replaying fo series, i took a look back in here and found the usual funnt-as-hell. so ill be around for some time.

speaking of time, its high time fo2 goes freeware.