Hello. Obviously I'm not new, but I've always been a lurker at NMA and have been inactive for several years, so I might as well be. I started playing Fallout in 1997, started playing Fallout 2 in 1998, and have played each of them more than a dozen times since then.
I've returned to NMA because I'm working on two Fallout-related projects. The first is a parodical Fallout 2 "Let's Play"-style series, in which I take various screen shots while playing through the game and use Photoshop to add bordered Fallouty floating text as dialogue. At my home forum, it's been well received thus far, reading more like a comic strip than your typical boring Let's Play thread. Childish, rude language and ridiculous humor is the word of the day.
It's called "Blaine's Totally Rad Post-Nuclear Vision Farce: Gaiden." I've created two parts already (35-45 screen shots per part) and I'm working on the third part now. It may be that NMA will find this humorous. You need only Google the title to find it online, if you want to take a gander. If desired, I or someone else can repost it (and update it) here at NMA.
Secondly, I'm working on animating FRM sprites, backgrounds and Fallouty text in .GIF format, so that BTRPNVF:G can become an animated project, rather than a series of screen shots. I'm a fair hand at using JASC Animation Shop, and I know how to extract FRM sprites from Fallout 2's .DAT files. I just need to clear a few more hurdles, such as actually converting the FRMs to GIFs, which I need a bit of help with. I know where NMA's modding file section is, but I'm having trouble using the programs.
So if someone could PM me with a bit of advice about exactly which subforum to post in looking for help, that would be grand.
Thank you for reading, and NMA... I salute you. May Fallout live on forever in our memories, if not in actual fact.