AT LAST! I'm registered! so much triyin', i'm gonna cry
And now i introduce myself:
I'm from Chile, i'm 19 years old, and i'm in 2nd year of medicine, i played a couple of times both fallouts and fallout tactics (i didn't liked)
i can speak english, french, spanish AND chilean (we chileans have a particulary way of speaking spanish....
asique HOLA A TODOS!
Reporting in from Santiago, Chile!
AT LAST! I'm registered! so much triyin', i'm gonna cry

And now i introduce myself:
I'm from Chile, i'm 19 years old, and i'm in 2nd year of medicine, i played a couple of times both fallouts and fallout tactics (i didn't liked)
i can speak english, french, spanish AND chilean (we chileans have a particulary way of speaking spanish....

asique HOLA A TODOS!
Reporting in from Santiago, Chile!