Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello Ozrat and Kharn

Heh, I'm only telling how I came here, not actually discussing the 'subject' (so technically I am not breaking the rules of this forum ;) )
morning - I've newly registred, but lurked over here long ago, and yet stoped.

Now I'm back casting out an anchor if DaC sinks, but still the probabilty of rest is not high, as I prefer IRC over forums.

- and night monk3y, that Princess Mononoke avatar is pretty neat, I would prefer those that roll so much with their heads that one can not be sure of eyes or mouths, but still - pretty.
Got any tea and biscuits? Earl Grey if possible as I can't stand that Lipton rubbish!

Another asylum seeker from DaC here, I'm afraid.... Grumpy, reactionary and occasionally helpful old Brit with own teeth, hair and middle age spread seeks intelligent debates with some venting of spleen.
Uehehehehehe, I bet you some of you guys didn't dis me back on the DaC boards now, eh? :lol:

But seriously, welcome to NMA! :D

Hopefully we can manage to fit both NMA and DaC ideologies together in the same place without too much conflict...

I'm Ryno, formerly of ExtremeDrinker fame. I wear black, people are frightened of me, and I drink. A lot. As I mentioned in another post, I also like to use the elipisis...
Ozrat said:
Uehehehehehe, I bet you some of you guys didn't dis me back on the DaC boards now, eh? :lol:
Don't you worry, I still think you're an annoying cockmeister :D

- Gimp flask approves
s4ur0n27 said:

I eat croissant with berry jam for breakfast, and a milky coffee.

Et tes hot dogs au MOntreal pool room? Smoked meat chez Schwarts?

bienvenu dans ma cour. Welcome to my yard.
Hmmm... I don't think that i have posted here yet?
If i have i've been most likely raving drunk.

*Raises hat*
throughout the Net I go by the name of Mad Larkin... and generally considered to be either a schizo, a idiot or very, very intoxicated.
In truth, most of the time i'm a combination of them all.
You will fit in just fine, I think. Most of us are a little altered all the time, except Malky.

And welcome to our fine community, watch your step, and keep your hands and feet inside until the ride comes to a complete stop.
Dove, I've gotta say this..You'd be a really hot chick. Even with a dong swinging between your legs, I think I'd do you. My girlfriend agrees.
I got my nick from Max Payne I, Coldsteel was the name of this abandoned factory, I think it was a steel factory. Then I added the trs4u to give it that personal note.
Hello everybody! (a la Dr. Nick) I'm a crazy, bearded, beer quaffing Swede. I guess you couldn't deduce that from my avatar? Huh? Could you?