Invade Canada


Vault Dweller
I came across this site earlier today and thought it was pretty neat as I've wanted Alaska to invade Canada for quite some time. And the poster reminds me very much of Fallout. It'd fit perfectly in the fan art section.

I found it through this page. While I'm not sure exactly what it's going on about, two points for effort. I wish there was more information on the United States' annexation of Canada. Could make for a few interesting stories. - Colt
Who the hell would want to annex Canada anyway?

Someone with a tree and snow fetish?
Jebus said:
Someone with a tree and snow fetish?

I'm Alaskan, what do you think?

The real reason being that Canada might have oil reserves farther north just like the North Slope here in Alaska does. If you're after oil, you'll have to look everywhere.
Colt said:
The real reason being that Canada might have oil reserves farther north just like the North Slope here in Alaska does. If you're after oil, you'll have to look everywhere.

god forbid diet-america vould look on their own and possibly make a buck or two...

O_o do they even have environmentalists in canada?
Canada supposedly has more crude oil than the Middle East, but the problem is that its too hard to get at.

There are plenty of environmentalist here in Canada too, btw.

Anyways, I fail to see what this whole conversation has to do with Fallout, so it doesn't belong in General Fallout Discussion. I'd vat this, but lets see what General Discussion has to say about this first.
Ozrat said:
I fail to see what this whole conversation has to do with Fallout

What? Are you kidding? According to our falloutish tradition the USA annexed Canada. There is a fragment of this historical event in a video where a peacekeeper talks with a canadian....

But Scott Bennie has a different point of view of this event and I quote him.

Along with Dave Hendee, I constitute the Canadian contingent of the Fallout design team. And when I saw the "Canada annexed" part of the intro, I snickered and said "yeah right," just like every other good, patriotic Canadian Fallout fan. Though I harbor secret ambitions to tell the real tale of what happened in Canada, and to write the history of Dogmeat.

There is also two random encounter in fallout. The Canadian Invasion which is a re-enactment of the Canadian invasion by a bunch of Tribals where you can get the water gun (with acid ammo). And there is another one the cpf vs. pvc - The Canadian Peoples Front and the Peoples Front of Canada or something like that.

hmm. You are canadian...... I see.... :twisted:
Canada has vast expanses of untouched wilderness waiting to be raped by American capitalism...that and smart people. Lots of smart people up in Canada...

The Vault Dweller
Ugly John said:
No quebekers don't count...anyway, why would you want them?...besides the hot women.

and their hairy armpits..... :roll:

An invasion of Canada is definately a good thing though. With all the smut and gross fart-humor being peddled by their comedy duos such as Terence and Philip, invasion would only bring the good moral values of Survivor and The Apprentice to a wider audience. :wiggle:
EyeMaster7 said:
What? Are you kidding? According to our falloutish tradition the USA annexed Canada. There is a fragment of this historical event in a video where a peacekeeper talks with a canadian....
I got that part right away. It's the rest that had nothing to do with the Fallout Universe and I didn't see any redeeming factors in the thread that would pull it back onto the forum topic.
I think Ozrat's right, this is better for GD.

Heh, Why invade/Anex Kanada ? We practicly own it allrady (sending page to a kanuk freind over aim though)
PsychoSniper said:
I think Ozrat's right, this is better for GD.

Heh, Why invade/Anex Kanada ? We practicly own it allrady (sending page to a kanuk freind over aim though)

Meh, it makes border crossing easier. And we can get some of that delicious maple syrup.... mmmm...

But we'll need lots of razors, and some bibles, and a few bottles of real bear.

PsychoSniper said:
I think Ozrat's right, this is better for GD.

Heh, Why invade/Anex Kanada ? We practicly own it allrady (sending page to a kanuk freind over aim though)

Meh, it makes border crossing easier. And we can get some of that delicious maple syrup.... mmmm...

But we'll need lots of razors, and some bibles, and a few bottles of real bear.

EDIT: Maybe we can get our freindly neighborhood comrade to go up there and annex it, it'd probobly take like 15 minutes, assuming you don't get shot up in detroit(I figure the rest of canada will just be stuck at the negotiating table, eh?
Actually, we (the US) already own Canada, they just don't know it yet.

We would do better in controlling it, but most of us don't know French.
We really should have annexed you guys in 1812. We could make real use of a currently useless land (outside of Alberta), and make slave harems of beautiful Quebeci women. Damnit, I want Marie Josee-Croze NOW!
Do you guys any other country that was able to burn the white house, besides Canada?

no... i didn't think so