Antediluvian as Feck

He's probably referring to the silly incident about the word "scroll".Are you referring to the entire Fallout MMO thing with Interplay?
He's probably referring to the silly incident about the word "scroll".Are you referring to the entire Fallout MMO thing with Interplay?
A GOOD thing? How can shaking down a company of its ownership of something JUST by spending so much money on lawsuits that they have to give up their claim or go BACK into bankrupcy fighting you be a GOOD thing? Whether Interplay would have done a good job or not isn't even relevant. They tried their best to not give up all of their ownership of the Fallout name in their sale of the rights to Bethesda, and all Bethesda needed was its foot in the door, then WELL BEFORE the deadlines stated in the agreements, they started suing Interplay JUST to kill them off financially and take the rest of the ownership for themselves.Are you referring to the entire Fallout MMO thing with Interplay? I thought that was supposed to be a good thing.
A GOOD thing? How can shaking down a company of its ownership of something JUST by spending so much money on lawsuits that they have to give up their claim or go BACK into bankrupcy fighting you be a GOOD thing? Whether Interplay would have done a good job or not isn't even relevant. They tried their best to not give up all of their ownership of the Fallout name in their sale of the rights to Bethesda, and all Bethesda needed was its foot in the door, then WELL BEFORE the deadlines stated in the agreements, they started suing Interplay JUST to kill them off financially and take the rest of the ownership for themselves.
I forgot to mention what they did to Wayside, which is even more insidious. Here we have an indie team making fan films of the series, no profit, no monetization whatsoever, and they crowdfunded their endeavors so they could make a second season, again not for profit, again not to monetize. And IMMEDIATELY Bethesda files a copyright on any past present or future films containing Fallout content... for what? Again, to just own it all, and fuck all the rest from having a chance at creative expression. It's no coincidence that during the recent Paid Mods "scandal" with Valve that Bethesda was at the helm. Of COURSE they'd want to monetize 60-80% of all fan-made content. Why wouldn't they? Because they're Bethesda...
No, it's never a good thing. If a company legitimately fulfills its obligations, that's a good thing. Abusing every possible opportunity to run everyone else into the dirt, regardless of who "anyone else" may include, is a terrible thing. You're SUPPOSED to push your competition out of existence by offering the best product at the best price such that they cannot compete, which is a cyclical process that never ends. NOT by pushing shady products while using your resources to destroy them by other means. What we get as a result of Bethesda's actions are lesser creations because they have no obligations- even to their own consumers and fans -to make anything worthwhile. They own it all. The world can burn for all they care.
I said it before, but despite what people feel about EA and Bioware, had Bioware acquired the licensing rights to Fallout during the Bidding Wars, things WOULD have been better. The one tiny exception might be that we'd never have gotten FONV, but we would've gotten a FO3 worth remembering, that's for sure. Also, Bioware doesn't look like it's anywhere close to being devoured by EA like the others (if you're not familiar with what I'm referring to, it's a thing EA cyclically does) so we'd see many FO titles for years to come. Yes, I would MUCH prefer that Obsidian won the Bidding Wars, but I'm not talking about ideal situations, I'm talking about how practically EVERYTHING was a better alternative...
I don't remember it differently, you didn't check up on what happened very thoroughly. The stipulations were there in the agreement when Interplay made the sale, yes, but Bethesda didn't sue them AFTER they failed to meet their end of the bargain. They started their lawsuits BEFORE the deadlines to start draining Interplay's funds, thus preventing them from EVER reaching their funding deadline, thus guaranteeing they could steal what was left of the right. It was all perfectly legal, in a certain sense, but that doesn't make it any less morally despicable. If you "remember" the events just as you detailed, then all you really knew was what Bethesda wanted to present. As it was, having the much more commanding fiscal power to do as they pleased, presenting the truth as they wanted it to be was very easy.I remember this sequence of events a bit differently than you do. In order to preserve their rights to make the MMORPG based upon Fallout, Interplay had to meet certain financing thresholds by a deadline. They didn't and so it was Interplay who did not fulfill the terms of the agreement. Bethesda just enforced their rights and held Interplay to their word.
Broadly speaking, it's tough for me to have sympathy for a company who wishes they still owned the rights to a game when they voluntarily sold it. The people in charge of Interplay at the time knew what they were doing, and the fact that they clung to the PROJECT V13 fool's gold for as long as they did is not to their credit.
A GOOD thing? How can shaking down a company of its ownership of something JUST by spending so much money on lawsuits that they have to give up their claim or go BACK into bankrupcy fighting you be a GOOD thing? Whether Interplay would have done a good job or not isn't even relevant. They tried their best to not give up all of their ownership of the Fallout name in their sale of the rights to Bethesda, and all Bethesda needed was its foot in the door, then WELL BEFORE the deadlines stated in the agreements, they started suing Interplay JUST to kill them off financially and take the rest of the ownership for themselves.Are you referring to the entire Fallout MMO thing with Interplay? I thought that was supposed to be a good thing.
I forgot to mention what they did to Wayside, which is even more insidious. Here we have an indie team making fan films of the series, no profit, no monetization whatsoever, and they crowdfunded their endeavors so they could make a second season, again not for profit, again not to monetize. And IMMEDIATELY Bethesda files a copyright on any past present or future films containing Fallout content... for what? Again, to just own it all, and fuck all the rest from having a chance at creative expression. It's no coincidence that during the recent Paid Mods "scandal" with Valve that Bethesda was at the helm. Of COURSE they'd want to monetize 60-80% of all fan-made content. Why wouldn't they? Because they're Bethesda...
No, it's never a good thing. If a company legitimately fulfills its obligations, that's a good thing. Abusing every possible opportunity to run everyone else into the dirt, regardless of who "anyone else" may include, is a terrible thing. You're SUPPOSED to push your competition out of existence by offering the best product at the best price such that they cannot compete, which is a cyclical process that never ends. NOT by pushing shady products while using your resources to destroy them by other means. What we get as a result of Bethesda's actions are lesser creations because they have no obligations- even to their own consumers and fans -to make anything worthwhile. They own it all. The world can burn for all they care.
I said it before, but despite what people feel about EA and Bioware, had Bioware acquired the licensing rights to Fallout during the Bidding Wars, things WOULD have been better. The one tiny exception might be that we'd never have gotten FONV, but we would've gotten a FO3 worth remembering, that's for sure. Also, Bioware doesn't look like it's anywhere close to being devoured by EA like the others (if you're not familiar with what I'm referring to, it's a thing EA cyclically does) so we'd see many FO titles for years to come. Yes, I would MUCH prefer that Obsidian won the Bidding Wars, but I'm not talking about ideal situations, I'm talking about how practically EVERYTHING was a better alternative...
I forgot to mention what they did to Wayside, which is even more insidious. Here we have an indie team making fan films of the series, no profit, no monetization whatsoever, and they crowdfunded their endeavors so they could make a second season, again not for profit, again not to monetize. And IMMEDIATELY Bethesda files a copyright on any past present or future films containing Fallout content... for what? Again, to just own it all, and fuck all the rest from having a chance at creative expression. It's no coincidence that during the recent Paid Mods "scandal" with Valve that Bethesda was at the helm. Of COURSE they'd want to monetize 60-80% of all fan-made content. Why wouldn't they? Because they're Bethesda...
No, that's just plain wrong. Bioware would be the exact same - make a game that is completely different from the originals and slap terrible writing on it. Instead of "Steel be with you" we would have gotten "Life is a catch, I suggest you catch it while you can" in a terrible fake British accent.had Bioware acquired the licensing rights to Fallout during the Bidding Wars, things WOULD have been better.