Ready Or Not
Ready Or Not
... Why would one of the top oil producing nations in the world, with if anything an excess of the stuff, need to have something as incredibly unprofitable as nuclear power? ....
..something as incredibly unprofitable as nuclear power ..
Price per barrel , what 67 and rising? Soon, maybe reading by -Whale- Oil, or 'moonshine' alcohol, wicks.
Price rising, shortage on the horizon, maybe this is back handed proof that Iraq's invasion wasn't for 'oil'. Other commodity news, since Afghanistan has returned to growing poppies, we will find the street price of heroine stabilizing. But I digress.
That ""Energy Bill"" that just passed included "guarantee's "" for American corporations that will build nuke plants in the U.S. They won't "lose' any money even if the plants are behind schedule, or maybe even if they never generate a kilowatt.
Ready or not , six are proposed. Six freebies.
The FEAR of losing (political) power, by, losing 'electrical' power to run this nation
has inspired another bold venture in state - crony - capitalism.
Some call it socialism, or desperation, but recall the need for railroads was so great, in the 19th Century, that this transportation industry was federally subsidized.
Any prairie farmer, from that period, might tell how "fair" the railroads were to agriculture. The oppression was enough to elect SOCIALISTS in Prairie States ... Think the electric utlities will be "fair" to us? But I've digressed.
Americans building nuke plants. Mediocre financial record there, small "l' - losers, big B Billions, ... , can't we out source that? French, Japanese, Iranian. no not Iranian ... it's Haliburton, the moral equivalent of crony 'capo'-ism, or we freeze in the dark America .... well, we may glow as we freeze ...But I've digressed.
As the price of energy rises, "profit" and nuclear power plants will march to a NEO - ... creative accounting. More "New Age", air headed, wishful spinning to pump up the stock price and further this 'Buddhist' world view, zen engineering, --- illusionary --- economics.
Or was the stock market that Bush want's our retirement savings to bolster always ""buyer beware"'? ... It might be whenever individual funded ponsey schemes vaporize ... but I digress.
Why a nuclear Iran?
IF nuke plants are so f-ing - safe - these days, safe enough to construct on the fault lines of America. Why shouldn't Iran milk a 'win win' situation by selling oil for dollars, NOW, and when the dollar collapses for Euros and yen? It's modest electrical needs will be powered, now and into the future, by
the same energy source as the politicians in Washington say is NOW O.K. for the U.S.A. True to the ethos of 'Management By Crisis', the U.S. pol's will never plan ahead for this nation. Only drama wins attention, and 51% of 40% of the eligible votes in the Land of Reality TV.
Why punish Iran for planning ahead? Jealous?
Bush's issue isn't about dictators having A-bombs. Pakistan has Bush sanctioned A-bombs. The issue is ISLAMIC Iran , Israel hating, piss on the U.S. embassy, bomb the Marine Barracks, 400 plus days of media whore feeding hostage "reality TV" Iran, that Iran developing the technological base to build A-bombs, the ticket to adult nation status, is ANOTHER line in the sand for this Administration.
Forgetting Israeli security links here. Ignore nuclear brinksmanship in the Holy Land. We can, as Americans, go unconscious about Israel, it' may be a property of our fluorinated water .... or watching Reality TV ... or both ...
For some reason, it's 'better' that the A-bomb that El Quida - may - use be Pakistani, ex-Soviet, or fished from the sea, U.S. Cold War Surplus.
For some reason, the planet NEEDS an Iran that can be bullied by Bush ....
Or is this 'good cop, bad cop' intimidation 'therapy'?
It may be easier to bully nation states, particularly nation states that harbor non state entities, if they don't have A-bombs, but don't quote me ... Maybe Pakistan would have found Bin Laden, if it wasn't doing a nuclear gesticulation at India .... But I've digressed.
Oh. Ya. U.S. ground forces are 'busy' right now.
No fall back if there is a misunderstanding, a miss communication.
Bush MUST be pushy, or CLEAR, about his Administration's stand against independent nuclear development in Iran.
No. ifs' or maybes'.
Kuwait may have been invaded because of Bush Senior's "if and maybes'"....
So what ever happens, there won't be any "ifs' and maybes'""....
Ready or not, how's that for certainty ...