John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

welsh, most of it is not a "good intention". They want the world to be poor because it is not fun to bikeride thru Ghana when they are not homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash.
No, why? Because the USA was NOT the aggressor there. The aggressor was Germany, defense is good, offense is bad. If you claim that this war was purely defense, then you are plyaing dumb.That is about as flawed as O'Reiley's statement that it was more likely to be murdered in California than be killed as a Soldier in Iraq. The same could be said about WW2, but does anyone anywhere outside of a Unitarian Church think that was wrong?
Then what about the protests about the soldiers being layed off? Iraqi companies getting no chance to rebuild something, because everything is being spent on foreign companies? And what about the soldiers taking away money, booze, weapons and other things, and never returning them to their owners?(Yes, this does happen, I'll see if I can find an article about it).Throwing less then 20% of the nation into Anarchy. Remember, only the Arab Sunnis are getting insane over this. No soldier has been killed in Kurdish Iraq or Shiite Iraq. Both those areas are undergoing their best period sense the Sassanians a millennia and a half ago, except for some areas of Kurdistand under Saladin.
Who is Avishai Maragalit(forgive my ignorance)? ANd apparently you are trying to convince me that I'm wrong by saying that I'm right. That's just stupid, the only people who would be stopped by a "label"are people who follow the group ad don't think for themselves but let others in the "group" they belong to think for them. In other words, it doesn't matter that you call me right, I won't change my mind because of that.You know, Avishai Maragalit was more right than anyone could imagine.
ANd now you're saying that killing is good. Simply because you think that the twentieth century proved it solved things. Newsflash: It didn't.Yeah, alot of things. I thought that was a major lesson of the twentieth century.
AGain, you assume that by saying that I'm thinking like someone/a group I will withdraw.Yeah, we should have all bent down and lubricated our ass for the Germans. This is more then unrealistic, more then naive...this is more repression, ignorance and Kissinger conservativisim
FYI, those areas were in bad shape right after the war. Yes, they recovered, but mainly due to things like the Marshall plan. Which cost a loft of money, and things like that will cost a lot of money for developed countries(mainly the USA), and I seriously doubt that they will want this, since the economy still is bad.Compare the area to Germany, or better Japan in 1946...we had people who where exclaiming "look at the results", but for whatever reason none of them where as talented as Vidal or Chomsky at Smack-talk.
Whch is why we have discussions like this.You can argue till the National Democratic Party takes Germany, but it wont make it so. I could argue that my ass is Terry Pratchett, but does that make it so?
"They didn''t have it, so they didn't want it."No, the war almost did not start because of oil concerns. Ever looked at a map of active Oil wells in Iraq before the war, and who where the major consumers? You ever thought that maybe Chirac was the one with blood-oil on his face?
No, let's not put down all of out weapons, but let's not invade and occupy countries.So lets all put down our weapons and watch Africa tear itself apart! That makes sense!
It is called "Neo-Conservativisim". We are like Trotskyites, with many former Trotskyite supporters (including myself), and dislike everyone who attempts to ignore any form of autocratic regime
Why? You cannot claim that the war was for only one reason, but you certainly cannot ignore a possible reason. Oilk is very important for any county, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that it didn't play a roll in the decision.This is about as true and about as offensive as the idea of a ultra-right takeover during Reagan. please, all I ask is that you try to not say that.
Just in case you hadn't noticed, Iraq is a lot less powerful than those countries, which means that you can actually force them to do such a thing. NOw, it would require force, it would require a lot of things, but it would NOT be invading and occupying a country.isn't that a lovely idea? Maybe we should do that in China, or maybe we should have done it to the USSR, or Nazi Germany.
That, and the fact that the place hasn't been ruled by a coalition of political parties *ever*. I don't think it'll be easy to implement on a society that worked under dictatorship since the beggining of the century.welsh said:I agree with the point that you cannot impose a democratic cabinet from abroad.
I would say go with elections and the creation of viable political parties, but I think a lot of Iraqis would be too worried about getting whacked as collaborators because they are not trusting US security.
WHich is yet another botch of the job of post conflict reconstruction done by Baby Bush.
Sander said:And in part, the coalition IS the problem, I haven't seen anyone else invade the country and cause a mess.
Loxley said:Actually you cannot invade and controll Russia and China. They are too damn big, just as noone in the world would try to take out the US.
Kharn said:Loxley said:Actually you cannot invade and controll Russia and China. They are too damn big, just as noone in the world would try to take out the US.
All countries are too big to control completely, excepting a few small ones like Monaco or Luxembourg...
Generally, the old rule stands "if you have the capitol, you have the country." The UN is officially "in control" of Afghanistan, but do they have anything other than the capitol? I think not. Same goes for Iraq. Same goes for most countries.
welsh said:Well Kharn, one of the symptoms of a collapsing state is that it has control of little more than the capital. The further the penetrative reach of the state, the more it usually has control.
welsh said:Actually China was conquered twice, and Russia was dominated by the Mongols for a damn long time.