(2) US has either established or maintained numerous very violent dictatorships during the Cold War. Pinochet (Chile), Mobutu (Zaire), Doe (Liberia), Saddam (Iraq), The Shah (Iran), Marcos (Philippines), etc. Know your history.
Bullokcs. We supported everyone we could get our hands on, and not BECAUSE they where dictatorships. We just wanted to isolate the Soviets. The goal was not to support Dictatorship's fpr Dictatorship's sake-it was to isolate a much, much worse enemy who did create Dictatorships for Dictatorship's sake (at least in the intermediate term...yes, I have read Marx).
The one possible exception is Pinochet, and Ainde was one pathetic president who sank the economy and basically made Chile a field for ethier Soviet or Fascist dictators, and I think that America made the right choice, though IT might not have been ours to make.
(3) Writing a constitution and establishing a democracy are very different things. Afghanistan is run by a group of very nasty local warlords that have a history of not working together. The process of state formaiton in Afghanistan is still very undecided.
Would not go that far. They have the most powerful nation in the history of the world backing them up, they have a constitution, a trustable, sane president.
Many of you misunderstand what ethnic homogeny does to a nation. For instance, look at the Weichmark (damn spelling). Lot of homogeny there, but did that work out? In many situations, such as Iraq, three drastically opposing, yet almost equal sides, can actually help a situation. Sure, the Shia are in the majortiy, but once you combine an agenda with the Kurds, Shiites and the Turkmen on one side (such as the creation of a theocracy) it is hard to fail. Think of it as a cultural system of checks and balances.
world’s resources would be stretched to breaking point and the Yanks would have to lose their wasteful lifestyle (as would the rest of the world boo hoo). No more cheap labour and true free trade would result in America going suicide bomber style and nuking everything to maintain power
You either have no faith in humanity or think that all us "Yanks", as you so politely put them, are some kind of passive-agressive cappuccino drinking, nuclear bomb dropping badasses.
Thank you for the compliment, but not many of us want to see a nuclear war, and would give up some of our so called "decedance" to stop it.
Not only that, but you are totally ignorant of how rescources develop.
Look at England. They had ammased such a magnificent navy that there was barely a tree left standing. What did they think of? Steel ships. The truth is that human inginuity is much greater then what you are suggesting. When the supply of oil becomes scarce, what makes you think that in that almost distant future we will not have synthetic oil, or hydrogen based engines?
America never learns from its mistakes in foreign policy and always just tries to look after number 1 without taking the rest of the world into account.
Ill readily admit that sometimes the American populace can act like a ostrich just to protect it's world view, but the leaders (you know, the people that matter in a Federal Republic or Representative Democracy?) can learn. Look at Roosevelt during WW2. He knew that he had to help stop the Nazis, for he knew that they would target America at some point. Wilson learend as much, so he went into the war on the Allied side.
They install puppet dictatorships and try to create power balances that keep countries weak while looking after their own interests.
O, yeah, just like Iraq huh? Whoops, wrong on that.
I suppose it would be better, in your *enlightened* opinion that Osama resestablishes a Nuclear caliphate? And you think that a Mid East without law and order TODAY can become a democracy sometime in the future?
are only giving reconstruction contracts to nations that sent military support in Iraq (e.g. no good German engineers aloud)
Why would they reward someone who actively tried to check American power with the fruits of it? IT is like sharing the secret of ICBM technology to China because it is unfair that only ourselves and the Russians have it.
‘invade someone when the polls are down’
Actually, Bush had the most amount of support of any American president in my life time after September 11 and before Iraq. Sorry kiddo, wrong again.
also causes a great problem in that Turkey wont let Kurdistan have its independence fearing destabilisation
Wrong again. There has not been a singel attack against Turkish interests by the PKK or it's derivitves in months. Kurdistan has no problem with being a part of the modern Turkey. Frankly, the current regiem's platform was peace with the Kurds, and he has done it-Kurdish is tought in school, is allowed everywhere......