Bad call, this will just make terrorism increase. Oh well, your funeral, I don't really give a flying fuck.
But Bush saying Turkey should be in the EU a few days ago; well, let's just say I would have a few things to tell him if I met him:
1. Don't say anything, President Fucktard, if you can't even place neither Iraq, Turkey (hey, it's got the same name as your favorite food-bird) or the largest part of Europe on a world map.
2. Learn History and Geography. Turkey is mostly in Asia, and their capital is in Europe just because of a violent, war-mongering past that is still dormant today.
3. Learn Sociology. Turkey has worse prisons than you do (hey, didn't think that was possible) and they have the death penalty, torture, a semi-democratic government system. And they are poor. Very poor. Letting Eastern European countries (hence the russian mafia) join the EU was extreme enough, but this is beyond extreme.
4. Choke on your own dick, or pretzel.
I know it's all for strategic reasons, so he can have more allies close to Iraq (Turkey is his lapdog already though) and better harvest black gold, but urrgh... That only makes me hate him even more. Professionalism should be a criteria for presidency, I know it sounds "undemocratical", but you just can't let a yokel run the most powerful empire in the world. But then, all empires have an end, so why should I care?