Iraq is now a Soverign Nation

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Fox News story

Handover done 2 days early. Mainly done ratchet up the pressure on NATO, the request for help now comes from a soverign Iraq and not an occupied nation.

Great planning. Puts the pressure on NATO in Ankara, gets all planned "freedom fighter" attacks look like terrorists.....good news.
Good news, but simultaneously useless news. Most of the handover was symbolic, instead of practical. The USA, through commisions and fragmented handovers, retains a lot of power. Ah well, better than nothing.
Sander said:
Good news, but simultaneously useless news. Most of the handover was symbolic, instead of practical.

Like the terror alert levels? Buh-ZING!

"It does not matter if the war is not real. For when it is, victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, but it is meant to be continuous."*

*This is not meant to in any way degrade the incredibly high honor reserved for those who have served this country in the "war on terror". "those who served this country" does not include any member of this administration save Colin Powell.
Finally, some appeasement for those annoying Europeans. Eh comrades?

Ha ha...well, this is some good news indeed, and CCR beat me to posting the Fox News link, how rude. This still doesn't mean a pullout is alright though. Too much damn trouble down there, and the radicals would take power easily as soon as we left if we left now. *sigh* Sander has a point to some extent. This was just another PR boost, we still need to finish what we started, let's hope that can be soon now that Iraq has soverignty. Let freedom reign/ring (whatever that note said, it was in cursive damnit, give me a break) indeed.

And actually, the terror alert levels works pretty good, and aren't useless.
Of course it's purely PR, what else did you expect? Duh.

The date when US occupation of Iraq will end: 06/28/2004

The date when US military presence in Iraq will end: ??/??/200?

The date when all US influence over Iraqi authorities will end: N/A

(America will maintain a grasp over Iraq, especially economical, as long as it exists as a world power. People of Iraq better get used to drinking Coke and having American companies exploit their oil reserves, since that'll inevitably be part of their bright future.)

Killa-Killa said:
"It does not matter if the war is not real. For when it is, victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, but it is meant to be continuous."
Is that a quote from 1984?
Ratty said:
The date when US military presence in Iraq will end: ??/??/200?
Are you sure that shouldn't be "??/??/20??" ?
If the Iraqi gov't ends up being friendly with the American one it'd be a useful staging point for other wars/police actions/liberations in the Middle East.
The date when all US influence over Iraqi authorities will end: N/A
When the oil is gone. Or when the oil barons no longer have such influence in the States. Whichever is soonest.

Not an Anti-American post. Really. Anti-American Government maybe, Anti-Petroleum Industry definitely, but not Anti-American.
Big_T_UK said:
Not an Anti-American post. Really. Anti-American Government maybe, Anti-Petroleum Industry definitely, but not Anti-American.

What's this for? There aren't many Americans on this board who disagree with you.
Murdoch said:
What's this for? There aren't many Americans on this board who disagree with you.
Well that's good. I just don't want to get into another "Anti-American" flamewar with The Amazing Captain America or Right-Wing Boy. It's happened before and it achieves nothing.

*EDIT - Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent*

Dude...I don't care anymore. I never really did. I have stated so myself MANY times. This was for the oil. Why do I always get pointed out in these things?
Paladin Solo said:
Finally, some appeasement for those annoying Europeans. Eh comrades?

As if anyone cares.

This 'interim government' is just an extention of American politics. When the first democratically elected Iraqi government is there, then Europeans might shut up (a little).
So what is it with Iraq and the US of A anyway? Did someone die there or something? Eh? And what's all this talk about oil and governments? What oil? What government? :lol:

Oh, and what is democracy? Is that a new kind of lemonade or something? :lol:

Chill it: nothing happened, everything is still the same. We will see more dead people, though, and soon too, trust me.
everything is still the same

Tisk tisk tisk...I knew once a soveriegn nation was established, people would be saying this over and over. I don't know, maybe it gives them hope or something?
It's a step in the right direction. Iraq is now governed by Iraqis. They may bee Iraqis hand picked by the US, but they are Iraqis.
The next government (elected in Jan 05 I believe) will have a little more credibility and will hopefully represent the population accurately.
Bad call, this will just make terrorism increase. Oh well, your funeral, I don't really give a flying fuck.

But Bush saying Turkey should be in the EU a few days ago; well, let's just say I would have a few things to tell him if I met him:

1. Don't say anything, President Fucktard, if you can't even place neither Iraq, Turkey (hey, it's got the same name as your favorite food-bird) or the largest part of Europe on a world map.

2. Learn History and Geography. Turkey is mostly in Asia, and their capital is in Europe just because of a violent, war-mongering past that is still dormant today.

3. Learn Sociology. Turkey has worse prisons than you do (hey, didn't think that was possible) and they have the death penalty, torture, a semi-democratic government system. And they are poor. Very poor. Letting Eastern European countries (hence the russian mafia) join the EU was extreme enough, but this is beyond extreme.

4. Choke on your own dick, or pretzel.

I know it's all for strategic reasons, so he can have more allies close to Iraq (Turkey is his lapdog already though) and better harvest black gold, but urrgh... That only makes me hate him even more. Professionalism should be a criteria for presidency, I know it sounds "undemocratical", but you just can't let a yokel run the most powerful empire in the world. But then, all empires have an end, so why should I care?
Baboon said:
Letting Eastern European countries (hence the russian mafia) join the EU was extreme enough, but this is beyond extreme.
What in the fuck's sake are you talking about?
Arrrgh Baltic countries poor, organized crime living on economical misery. Just ignore it, rest of post is more what I wanted to say.
Isn't there a no angst rule?

Honestly dude, I think you fall for the jokes on pres Bush too easily. I would bet all my money he could outsmart you anyday. Or most of us, if not all of us for that matter. Sure he isn't liked, but that's a different story.
1. Don't say anything, President Fucktard, if you can't even place neither Iraq, Turkey (hey, it's got the same name as your favorite food-bird) or the largest part of Europe on a world map.
Yeah. I'm sure you can name and place all the American states, and Canadian provinces, right?

2. Learn History and Geography. Turkey is mostly in Asia, and their capital is in Europe just because of a violent, war-mongering past that is still dormant today.
Actually, Anatolia is the hearland of the Indo-European language, it was the home of Heroditus and maybe the greatest flourishing of Greacian art, home of Western's Europe.

3. Learn Sociology. Turkey has worse prisons than you do (hey, didn't think that was possible) and they have the death penalty, torture, a semi-democratic government system. And they are poor. Very poor. Letting Eastern European countries (hence the russian mafia) join the EU was extreme enough, but this is beyond extreme.
1) AKP is improving prisons
2) They do not have the death penalty sto0pid
3) AKP is reforming democracy, it's more democratic then Slovonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania or Hungary
4) It has a rapidly expanding economy combined with more money then Bulgaria or Croatia and a high literacy rate, also good population growth (something missing in any other nation in Europe)

4. Choke on your own dick, or pretzel.
No thanks, why would he need to do that when you're already so good at chaoking at you're hatred of all things American/Turkish.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
1. Don't say anything, President Fucktard, if you can't even place neither Iraq, Turkey (hey, it's got the same name as your favorite food-bird) or the largest part of Europe on a world map.
Yeah. I'm sure you can name and place all the American states, and Canadian provinces, right?
The difference being, Baboon isn't the leader of one of the most influential countries in the world. It's something that he should have a high level of knowledge on.