Iraq is now a Soverign Nation

Murdoch said:
Then go vote for Nader, you damn pessimist!

To quote the Simpsons "Go ahead, throw your vote away!"

I think the problems in the electoral college are well displayed in that episode, where two aliens replace the presidents, but the American people have no choice but to vote for either because of the electoral college.

Murdoch said:
One battle at a time Kharn, one battle at a time...

Yeh, 'cause voting democrats or republicans will help. Obviously, both those parties are strongly in favour of instituting a democratic system that would make them lose power and *gasp* maybe even run the country properly.

I am puzzled at times why you people put up with this...well..."oppression"
Is this going to derail into a discussion about lack of democracy in America? Because if it is, let me know - I have to read up on my conspiracy theories.
At least Kerry hasn't spent his entire life presenting himself as a rich, spineless dipshit with integrity of a con-artist.
No, Kerry hase'nt, but he's the worse one for it. His wife has as much money as the Bush family, and he's trying to present himself as Mr. Middleamerican. He's fucking rich, look at his wife.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
No, Kerry hase'nt, but he's the worse one for it. His wife has as much money as the Bush family, and he's trying to present himself as Mr. Middleamerican. He's fucking rich, look at his wife.
So, basically he's a gigolo? I'm really beginning to like this Kerry dude.
Kharn said:
I am puzzled at times why you people put up with this...well..."oppression"

Because it doesn't really effect the day to day lives of most Americans. Social unrest generally requires things like widespread poverty or famine, which aren't prevelant enough in America to force change.