Is Christianity standing in the way of progress?

I Feel that stem cell research should be allowed to continue.

As far as i'm conserned Stemcells have not yet become a sentiant lifeform. However, if you want to argue that they are, fine by me. If by ending 1 life we can save thousands, why not do it?

Many people are too focused on just one thing to see a bigger picture. If my death could save a million, hell a thousand, even 10 lives, I'd be willing to die to save others. same applys to stemcells, if 1 'potential' life ended means that cures for diseases cn be found and used to treat people. I say let the little Zygote Serve a puropse to sosciety.
European rulership has been completely seperated from religion. And, IMHO, they rule with WAY more morality then the USA does.
So is the US. The US invented the idea of seperation of church and state. And all these nations are secularized, my comment was about an athiestic state.
1. "sin": read my previous post. Europeans don't use such simplistic statements.
Does not matter at all. I may have overstated it, in fact, I overstate everything, but that does not detract from my point.

2. "unsafe": It IS unsafe to the diversity of plantlife.
Total bullshit. If I where to genetically engineer a plant to be perfect in the wild, that would be fine. But these plants are for agracultural purposes alone, and thus have nothing to do with anything you are talking about.

3. GMO's will never help the billions of starving people in the world. I've already wrote the reasons to that down in another thread somewhere, and unfortunately I don't like repeating myself.
It is alot harder to farm an equivelent amount of say natural strawberries then it is to farm GMO Strawberries. Hence the price goes dowon on strawberries. Hence more people can afford Strawberries. Hence an imporvment in the quality of life.

Not a fetus, a zygote. That is nothing more then some cells. And IMO, if something isn't sentient it's not life.

Fair enough. But it is no more natural then making a dog with five asses.
Elissar said:
If my death could save even 10 lives, I'd be willing to die to save others.

If you don't kill yourself RIGHT NOW, I'm gonna go out and kill the first fuckin' ten people I meet! YOU'VE GOT TEN SECONDS!
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
The US invented the idea of seperation of church and state.

Nope. Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire 'invented' the principle of Trias Politica.

2. "unsafe": It IS unsafe to the diversity of plantlife.
Total bullshit. If I where to genetically engineer a plant to be perfect in the wild, that would be fine. But these plants are for agracultural purposes alone, and thus have nothing to do with anything you are talking about.

I don't have time to comment on that right now, but I'll get back to you on that later.

3. GMO's will never help the billions of starving people in the world. I've already wrote the reasons to that down in another thread somewhere, and unfortunately I don't like repeating myself.
It is alot harder to farm an equivelent amount of say natural strawberries then it is to farm GMO Strawberries. Hence the price goes dowon on strawberries. Hence more people can afford Strawberries. Hence an imporvment in the quality of life.

It might be cheaper for us here in the rich West, yes. But since the poor farmers in the world can't afford GMO strawberries, they won't get better. In fact, they'll get worse, because they won't be able to sell their stuff in the West anymore, because they can't compete with the low price of the GMO strawberries. Hence GMO's make world hunger worse. Tadaaaaa!

Not a fetus, a zygote. That is nothing more then some cells. And IMO, if something isn't sentient it's not life.

Fair enough. But it is no more natural then making a dog with five asses.

I would love to have a dog with five asses!
I was watching an episode of 'Law & Order' the other day. The subject was about the justification of injecting monkeys with AIDS for AIDS research. Now, the defense made the rhetorical question, to support the case for the monkeys, he asked:

"If you were given the choice of having the cure to cancer, but you had to kill 10 babies in order to have it, would you?"

And of course everyone is supposed to be shocked, and say, "Oh, God no!" and then think about the bad people they are for killing thousands of monkeys.

Now, I immediately said "Yes" to this question. Yes, I would sacrifice 10 babies (especially if they are retarded and/or orphans) to find the cure for cancer, AIDS, sickle cell, whatever else.

The point is:

The suffering of the 10 babies does not compare to the multitude of suffering that all the other people with these ailments endure. It is an enormous scale of suffering that is prevented. You might say, "You are heartless, it is totally immoral to murder 10 babies, even for the sake of a thousand-fold of prevented suffering."

Fine. Say what you want.

But, consider this: is it more moral to save the lives of 10 babies, or to save the lives of countless others, including the contraction of diseases in the future, plus the suffering induced...?

Also, in case moral arguments don't sway you, think of the economic benefits. Instead of wasting all the money on research and treatments, and hospitals, these people could contribute to productivity, and add to the economy, instead of draining it.

I'm done.

*prepares for the barrage of replies*

EDIT- Kind of got off the main point. The thing this tangent thing was supposed to say was "USE THE DAMN STEM CELLS." It's not even killing babies.
although im defiantly not an expert on the issue of evolution/creationism
i would just like to point out that experts have said for years that a certian dinosaur (the name of wich i don't remeber) started evolving into a bird starting out with stubby winged feathers and then progressing to full flight, after wich he took to the skys, now the point im tyring to make here is, that this dino wich is now a bird is no longer a "dino", and in fact the dinosaur ceased completely to be a dinosaur after it evolved.

the same theory dose in my mind apply the the theory of "evolution", that if indeed we "evolved" from apes how come there are still apes in existence? did you not just say that we evolved from that point?
I personally find it humorous that CCR is highly against the idea of conducting stem cell research because he hasn't heard anything important about it. But yet he'll fully support altering the genetic coding of our FOOD without knowing the long term effects that we can only get through research? :roll:

Daemon Spawn said:
especially if they are retarded
Hey, fuck you. Not only are you bashing a legally protected disability, you're also forgetting that alot of the more serious cognitive disabilities are from genetic defects themselves, so how would it be practical to do research on them?
Sorry Bob. Your logic states that since humans evolved form primates that primates no longer exist. This is obviously not the case. But even so, evolution occurs on a single organism basis, only one 'human' could evolve out of the primate gene pool. Evolution does not occur by an entire species evolving into another one, but by a single organism, the rest do not have to evolve. Also take it for granted that organisms choose to evolve, which they do not do.

And Daemon Spawn, it is unethical to experiment upon any human since it violates their human rights. It is also unethical to use a person for genetic experiments at their own volition because in society you do not have the right to treat yourself this way, or so I had this concept explained to me.
Jebus said:
European rulership has been completely seperated from religion. And, IMHO, they rule with WAY more morality then the USA does.

Well, I hate to attack a fellow Belgian (no I don't! :twisted:), but that's all but true, Jebus. History (and you ARE a history student, aren't you?) tells us the exact opposite. Think about the Crusaders. And do you know what happened to the American Indians when the Spanish arrived there? They did that for God, my friend. Ever heard of the Inquisition? Yep. Oh, that's too OLD, you'll say. I know. Guess what? Second world war? Hitler and the Pope? Yep. Even nowadays, it would probably amaze us all if we would know how many influence the church still has when it comes to politics, warfare and such.

Belgium may be "freed" from that, but a lot of European countries still aren't.
I personally find it humorous that CCR is highly against the idea of conducting stem cell research because he hasn't heard anything important about it. But yet he'll fully support altering the genetic coding of our FOOD without knowing the long term effects that we can only get through research?
I find it hilarious that you call the stuff you have been eating for 20 years "not knowing the long term effects" about food that is desigend not to dominate ecosystems but to help feed starving people, while it is A-Okay to alter someone's DNA without any fear of repercussion with these little half-babies.

By that definition, the begginings of a human life, and how we treat the cells of that beggining by putting them in another human being, are not nearly as important as the stuff we stuff our mouths with.

Which has a delightful aroma of BULLSHIT.

Nope. Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire 'invented' the principle of Trias Politica.
Damn. Should nto have forgotten that.
But then again, as important as the fucntion of the Vatican is to the development of secular politics, the HRE only did it because they could not win against the pope. Many of the great HREmporer's faught against the pope for total suprememcy of the Catolhic Church. Otto Ist, for instance, was half Byzantine and wanted to establish a Theocracy of europe with himself as the head. Hell, even Fredrik Barbarossa wanted to do something similar.

It might be cheaper for us here in the rich West, yes. But since the poor farmers in the world can't afford GMO strawberries, they won't get better. In fact, they'll get worse, because they won't be able to sell their stuff in the West anymore, because they can't compete with the low price of the GMO strawberries. Hence GMO's make world hunger worse. Tadaaaaa!
I thought of that. But think of it this way.

That farmer, lets call him Demercu, will, because of his loss of a farming job, will move to an industrial job. And because this food will be readily availbe in greater quantities, he will be able to expand economically unlike he would if he had reamined a farmer. Hence a very big incentive to move up on the economic ladder anyway.

And of course you forget that cheaper foods makes charity alot easier.

I would love to have a dog with five asses!
Yeah, but how would they greet eachother? Wouldnt that take half an hour?

Hitler and the Pope?

Hiterl's ideas where based on Nitche more then anybody else. And ask him what he thinks of the pope.

Not only that, but look at the worse commitings of genocide ever. Every man jack of them are commited by a Communist regiem, save the Nazis, who where doing it also for athiestic purposes as stated above, and the Armenian. Hell, even the Bosnian was on some pseudo-nationalistic thing, it's core was not religious. Same argument can be made about he Armenians and the Pontic genocide, even.
Jebus said:
Couldn't agree with you more, on the regulation part. You should read 'Brave New World' by Huxley (if you haven't already). It creates an eery vision of what a world without morality would lead to...

Good call on that Jebus, I was gonna mention that myself.
Objections to stem cell research (and cloning) are not just Christian objections, there are many people that feel it is wrong for moral reasons (rather than religious ones).

For those who have not read it, "Brave New World" is about a society where people are grown in labs (though i can't remember if they were cloned or not) who were doctored before birth to fit in a caste, dependant on their role in society.

This is the major fear i have about cloning, that clones would not be viewed, or treated, as full humans.
bob_the_rambler said:
although im defiantly not an expert on the issue of evolution/creationism
i would just like to point out that experts have said for years that a certian dinosaur (the name of wich i don't remeber) started evolving into a bird starting out with stubby winged feathers and then progressing to full flight, after wich he took to the skys, now the point im tyring to make here is, that this dino wich is now a bird is no longer a "dino", and in fact the dinosaur ceased completely to be a dinosaur after it evolved.

the same theory dose in my mind apply the the theory of "evolution", that if indeed we "evolved" from apes how come there are still apes in existence? did you not just say that we evolved from that point?

Well Bob, good thing I'm here. Cause I happen to be an expert on the topics of Anthropholgy, Evolution, History, and many many more things!

To start off, the reason there are still monkeys and gorillas and such is because humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. I'll try and dumb this down as much as possible. Australopithecus Afarensis is probably the most widely known common ancestor of ours. It was one of the first bipedal primates, and it had an opposable thumb. Since Australopithecus, several different species have evolved. This happens because different groups of primates procreated amongst themselves in there own groups for a long, long time, passing down their dominant genes, and random mutations would occur, which further afforded specific groups of primates advantages. Eventually, after a VERY long time, a clearly visible difference could be seen between the different groups, which had evolved into seperate species. Humans, gorillas, bonobos, chimps, etc., all evolved from these common, bipedal, primate ancestors. This has been scientifically proven.

On the topic of if Christianity impedes progress, I'm going to have to make revisions. It's not Christianity that impedes progress, but ALL religion in general. Without religion, the cause for countless wars wouldn't have existed, and neither would have the wars. The Middle Ages were a time when Christianity was the prevailing force in the world. Instead of progressing as a race, people were kept dumb, the only educated being the clergy and the royalty. People weren't supposed to progress. They were supposed to pray for salvation. Thusly, nothing ever progressed. It wasn't until the Renaissance that any progress actually took place. People began to look back to the Ancient Greek and Roman way of thinking, specifically the Humanist outlook on life. The Humanist view placed all confidence in the Capability of the Individual. Religion played no part in the Renaissance. In fact, people began to challenge religion because of the ideals that were being established. A more secular view also began to emerge in the Renaissance. However, the Renaissance only affected a comparitvely TINY upper class. It didn't really have any affect on the lower classes.
However, all the progress that was made in the Renaissance was put on hold with the Reformation. The Reformation brought religion back to the forefront in Europe, and sparked more war. Protestants vs. Catholics, blah blah blah. You know the story.
If it wasn't for the Humanist ideals the Martin Luther employed (yes, he consciously was inspired by the Humanist movement of the Renaissance, its well documented), we might have been put into the dark ages again. A good thing about this religious conflict, though, was that it greatly weaked the Roman Catholic Church(RCC). This allowed local rulers to take a lot of power. The weakening of the RCC was the foundation for the idea of central national governments in states. After the Reformation, secularism spread like wildfire. The Age of Enlightenment was an amazing time for the world. Devoid of any religious influence, science, math, cultures, EVERYTHING grew and progressed, and improved. The world was moving toward a better place. The Mercantile Revolution, the establishment of Capitalism, the establishment of liberal gov'ts(gov'ts that are created to protect the natural right of its citizens, ie. constitutional govt's), all this came during times when religion was not an issue. I contend that religion is still not an issue, nor does it impede progress. Saying that Christianity is impeding progress because Bush is a Christian, and is opposed to stem cell research is ignorant, among other things(like gay marriage) is ignorant (much like Bush is). Bush has certain morals, whether they're based in Christianity or not, and he won't swerve from those morals. If Bush wasn't in office (he shouldn't be) this wouldn't even be an issue. Al Gore (also a Christian) would be in office, and stem cell research would be funded by the government. So its not really Christianity that's impeding progress, it's George Queerbo W Bush that is impeding progess (queerbo, haha that's my new phrase). Religion is fine and dandy, and it has stayed out of government and the like for a long time now. It has taken a back seat in the world. The majority of people turn to religion for their own personal needs (an ideal established during the Reformation, in fact, personal religious practice was one of the main ideas of the reformation, but thats another topic, one we can discuss if you want). They don't use religion as a tool to dictate life for everyone else. Well, Bush does, and he's a QUEERBO for doing so. So, in this long rant, I have established two things.
1.) George W Bush is a Queerbo, and
2.) Relgion isn't impeding progress anymore, nor has it been since the Reformation. George W Bush is impeding progress (at least in America and on the topic of stem cell research).
I will make a couple of small interventions-

(1) This better not become an abortion debate or I will hate you all.

(2) Mind you the rules of decorum on the forum. Make nice or I lock and vat.

(3) Oh.... hmmm.... I forget.

From what I heard, there actually an abundence of stem cells that could be used, but if we ban stem cell research they all get flushed down the sink. Seems like a waste to me.

But I will let you folks get happy.
Ok, I never said I was against stemcell research. Hell, go for it, a better life for those that are already alive. I don't see it as murder or not. As for abortion, I can't say whether I'm against it or not yet. If other people want to do it, let them. So I will stay neutral on that one.

Now, the thing about science. I never said I was against it. I appreciate what science has given us, good things it has given us that is. I am just against the theory of evolution.

The Main Page

How Life Began

In The Beginning

The Collapse of Evolution

The Main Page of "Big Daddy?" Select many language versions.

Big Daddy?

Now once again, I will state, that I love the good things science gives us and am very grateful, but I just don't believe in the Theory of Evolution and find it funny how some scientists question religion when they don't quesiton evolution.
Jebus said:
Elissar said:
If my death could save even 10 lives, I'd be willing to die to save others.

If you don't kill yourself RIGHT NOW, I'm gonna go out and kill the first fuckin' ten people I meet! YOU'VE GOT TEN SECONDS!

Jebus. You are a fucking moron, you know that? Did your parents throw tennis balls at your head when you were a newborn or somthing?

Edit: Welsh, i know the rules about flameing and all, but it had to be said man... Wont happen again from me.
Use it if you must.. I already posted my views on this topic. Probally wont post any more in this thread unless i can interject a point or tear apart an argument.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Hitler and the Pope?


Read books (you know, those things the Nazis burned):

ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Hiterl's ideas where based on Nitche more then anybody else. And ask him what he thinks of the pope.

It's "Hitler" and "Nietzsche" ('typos, typos, typos,' they all say). And I can't ask Nietzsche what he thinks about Pope Pius XII, because Nietzsche already died. :rofl:

Anyway, I know what you mean, Craprunner. I read lots of Nietzsche's writings and know perfectly well what his opinions about religion and God were. The influence of Nietzsche on Hitler is smaller than you might think, though.

ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Not only that, but look at the worse commitings of genocide ever. Every man jack of them are commited by a Communist regiem, save the Nazis, who where doing it also for athiestic purposes as stated above, and the Armenian. Hell, even the Bosnian was on some pseudo-nationalistic thing, it's core was not religious. Same argument can be made about he Armenians and the Pontic genocide, even.

For your information: the only genocide that was truly successful (yeah, this is a semantic thing - meaning that every member of a certain nationality or race was killed), was the genocide the British inflicted upon the Tasmanians. No more pure bred Tasmanians nowadays. Oh yeah, and the British are NOT communists (just in case you wondered).

If you don't believe me, here's another list of books for you:

Hehe. :twisted:

Nevertheless, I should add that I do not believe that the Holocaust was caused by Christianity. It was the doings of a madman and his lakeys. I know that just as well as you do. :wink: