Is House that great of a leader?

Wish I had a cool name9

First time out of the vault
A lot of people seem to see him as the best possible leader of Vegas. All I see is a common thug who got lucky and saved a city from nuclear destruction, quite and achievement but as Benny points out it doesn't give him eternal rule over the city.

He's not a legitimate leader he's just an eloquent thug, just like the families who are just cannibals and sex traffickers that house decided would look nice in suits. He's not any better, he walls himself off and presents a centuries old picture of himself just to hide that he's a mummified freak who technically might not even be alive.

His personality seems to be both narcissistic and sociopathic. He mentions that he wouldn't have saved the old world if he could have and in several conversations seems to have nothing but contempt for both the people who visit his city and those who work for him. I enjoyed Caesars remark about him after reading his last words.

"the guy certainly had a high opinion of himself"

On a final note his winning would almost certainly result in the destruction of Vegas with him attacking the NCR, Legion and Brotherhood.
He has resources (lots of them), smarts (he became a billionare by himself after getting screwed over by his brother out of his Inheritance, not to mention the defense system and Securitrons are his Designs), he has charisma. I say that is good for a leader.
Also he has no intention of attacking the NCR, he specifically mentions that they are his best clients, he just wants them not trying to take over everything and to stop planning his assassination (things they are doing) and is interested in having a trading relationship with them.
The Bos are just an isolated Chapter and he has his army of killer robots to take care of them so I don't see how it would result in Vegas destroyed.

He is indeed very egocentric, but I don't see how that affects his leadership.
He is a genius. This is inarguable, just look at the empire he's created. Look at his inventions, his accomplishments... calling himself an unparalleled intellect is, while not humble, true.

It's not narcissism, it's just a total lack of the (very Christian) values of humility or modesty.
He has resources (lots of them
Superiority of numbers, the brotherhood and the enclave learned that the hard way.

it's just a total lack of the (very Christian) values of humility or modesty.
I'm not religious in any way but I have always respected people who submit themselves to an ethical system that demands values such as humility and community over individual needs and wants. I see self love as a form of weakness, maybe making the individual stronger but overall hurting the community at large.

Also he has no intention of attacking the NCR
Doesn't matter, lots of NCR and Legion died by his actions.

The Bos are just an isolated Chapter and he has his army of killer robots to take care of them so I don't see how it would result in Vegas destroyed.
The Brotherhood has forces across the nation, and maybe even beyond that. I'd take power armored warriors over securitrons any day of the week.

If I was in his shoes I'd get some powerful allies fast, the Brotherhood, maybe even some Enclave survivors to help train a force of humans that could act as a standing army. Of course that wouldn't work because his empire is built on currency rather than faith or duty which is why he relies upon robots over humans who need something more than financial progress to believe in.
Humility is only a value because people don't like being reminded that other is better than them. Unless it veers into unbearable or unwarranted I don't see wh ysomeone should be forced to think less of themselves.

Also he sets it up so the situation in the Mojave will be blamed on a set of figure heads that everybody had grown tired of in the NCR, even chief Hanlon (a very NCR and proud guy) hates the Pres and Oliver and his political career includes denouncing their ways in one of the endings. Vegas still has resources to trade with the NCR and enough Bread and Circus for the people to have an interest in visiting it. NCR soldiers die mostly to the Legion, but in the end expectign to find a solution with 0 deaths in an all out war for territory is very naive.

Also the BOS only has forces across the nation in Fallout Tactics (which is considered on semi canon in broad strokes). Also they are not an useful factions they only care about hording tech.

Also the Enclave is death, so how are a bunch of ex soldiers a Powerful Allies? he has his robots an army of death machines entirely under his control that, barring Yesman, have no way of overthrowing him. He has economical power and resources to offer, he has the tools to succeed. Also I am pretty sure that safety, wealth and having a part in a bigger goal is more than enough for people to rally under it.
Humility is only a value because people don't like being reminded that other is better than them. Unless it veers into unbearable or unwarranted I don't see how someone should be forced to think less of themselves.
Then your saying that all of recorded human history is crap. Look at every epic tale, whether it came from the Vikings, the Greeks, or from Christianity and Islam that came to replace more primitive belief systems. The proud are humbled.

Also the BOS only has forces across the nation in Fallout Tactics (which is considered on semi canon in broad strokes). Also they are not an useful factions they only care about hording tech.
That the Brotherhood are scattered across the nation is confirmed in both F3 and Vegas.

Also the Enclave is death
Not according to Elder Lyons are EDE. There's and Enclave base in Chicago.

Also I am pretty sure that safety, wealth and having a part in a bigger goal is more than enough for people to rally under it.
I'd rather have Crusaders.
If specific faction have only few remnants outposts (enclave, midwestern BoS) it's clearly dead.
Well you have the DC Brotherhood as well, the BOS that's scattered across the west fighting the NCR. Caesar says he's captured BOS scouts out West so I assume those were Midwestern ones.
He's just another greedy Boss of company.
maybe he can make company rich but don't think he care much about out of company or low-rank employee.
Wish I had a cool name9 said:

So many misconceptions...

House is a good leader.

1. He is pragmatic. He doesn't give a damn about maintaining facades, or greater ideals, or lofty goals that are often used to obfuscate wrongdoings.

2. He is incorruptible. His flesh is no longer a factor, meaning he cannot be swayed by sex, drugs, or any other form of debauchery that's the undoing of despotic kingdoms.

3. He has the vision and genius necessary to fulfill his plans. Apart from foreseeing the war and making the necessary preparations to save Vegas and the Mojave, he has shown the acumen necessary to fulfill his goals. In less than a decade, he made Vegas a regional commercial powerhouse.

4. He has the necessary resources. An army of robots to defend himself, an independent source of power in the form of Lucky 38's reactor, a source of revenue in the form of Hoover Dam and its supply of power and electricity, and the infrastructure built up in the past decade that brings visitors, commerce, and everything else to the Mojave.

5. He is not bound by petty morality. Sure, you may throw around how Christian values that and Christian virtues this, but the world ain't Christian and its never going to be. House does the optimal thing, without regard for Christian values. If he tried to save everyone, every effort he made would be pointless. He focuses on what's needed to further the goal of restoring the civilization to its pre-War level.

6. He is not hostile to anyone who doesn't try to steal Vegas from under him. He is not planning on attacking the Republic. The NCR is a good business partner. His beef is with the current leadership that seeks to kill him and annex Vegas. That's why he uses the Hoover battle to take over the Mojave and demand the NCR's withdrawal.

7. He is the optimal choice for the Mojave and the NCR. The establishment of the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas (FEZ-NV) is actually a positive for the Republic. They gain a valuable ally on their eastern flank that will keep the Legion at bay (and in fact slaughters the Legion armies massed on the banks of the Colorado as a gesture of good faith), keep the water and power flowing, but without the Republic having to expend money and troops on keeping the Mojave safe, and providing a center of commerce and a hub for NCR trading houses. Furthermore, he will deal with any Brotherhood zealots that pop up, like with the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel.

In summary, painting House as a common thug is asinine. A common thug would not be able to achieve even a fraction of what House did in his lifetime and what others in this thread accurately explained.
The Brotherhood and the Enclave are dead. They, of all factions, are the least threat to anything.

The largest grouping of BoS- if you consider them Brotherhood- are on the opposite side of the continent, under the command of a ludicrously inept Elder. The Enclave have outposts- outposts- in Chicago and likely scattered across the country.

Sorry, but the old technophile power-armor and big guns factions are done. Fallout has moved on. Other threads have been made detailing this, with being one. Refer to that.

As for House? He's without argument the best option for the Mojave, or even the human race. Getting man into space- something he will do- would secure the fate of the human race. Secure across multiple worlds.

Man would enter the stars, cue Fallout: Space Opera and galaxy-spanning empires a la retrofuture. Of course, this is not the path Fallout as a series is going to go, but it is what would happen under House:

Oppen said:
Tagaziel, I think you convinced me to go House in my next playthrough.
Siding with House is one of the most fun paths, I think. You feel more valued than NCR or Legion, but there's also more structure than Independent. Ending is great too.

[spoiler:9d46a350cc]This is just the start, you see. This is where it all begins.[/spoiler:9d46a350cc]
I would prefer house myself.

As others stated, his primary concern is the well-being of humanity. He gives not a shits care about race, religion, sexual preference, gender, morality, etc.

As House states, the NCR merely imitates the same bullshit politics that ended up frying the world crispy clean. The legion have no real direction or vision besides Ceasers vision. Lanius seemed to be a violent brute whom Ceasar sees a use, akin to Tywin Lannisters use of the Hound and Mountain that rides.

The BoS canon seems to have followed the non-work with NCR route which has essentially doomed them to failure.

The enclave, deluded genocidal maniacs.
I think someone once said that democracy is the worst system one could use to govern. Except when compared to any other.

I think the same goes with house. He's egotistical, maybe. He cares for new vegas and gambling and whatnot too much, maybe.

But he's clearly better when compared with any of the other 2. Depending on your courier the independent route could be better of course.
Does this matter? Players have differing opinions, and mine is that house is selfish, and only looks out for him and his interests, while everyone else has to solve their own problems. I mean, why did he shut Victor Down when you recruit him for the powder ganger problem? Because it would not benefit him or the strip. Destroy the BoS? That benefits him and the strip because he is paranoid that the BoS will come after his upgraded Securitrons, which can easily tear them (The BoS) apart.