Is Microsoft ready for a post-PC world?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Look at how painfully difficult it was for Microsoft to enter the videogame industry. Although they seem to be doing fine now, the numerous blunders with their two consoles are quite famous...

Look at how Microsoft is failing to enter the cell phone market currently dominated by Apple and Google. They keep trying to competitively enter but don't seem to be able to.

Even in other markets, Microsoft isn't doing to well...

I think that in a situation when the world moves past the Personal Computer, Microsoft will be like a fish without water...
Verd1234 said:
Look at how Microsoft is failing to enter the cell phone market currently dominated by Apple and Google. They keep trying to competitively enter but don't seem to be able to.

Microsoft has been in the cell phone market for over a decade, long before Apple or Google even thought of it. Windows Mobile was on top for a few years and even had a pretty good market-share until the iPhone and Android hit at which point they've been facing a lot of competition.

Windows Phone 7 has been received pretty positively so far, when it launches in North America we should have a better idea at how it will do long term.

Edit: And I wouldn't discount the Xbox division, they've made a lot of progress. Kinect should spur sales and Xbox Live is set to take in a billion dollars in revenue annually in a year or so according to analysts. The short run wasn't so great but long term looks better.
All these people with their PC phones is what is beyond.

Personally, i'm not a gadget person. I love my desktop PC. People won't be making the newest IMAX hit, or programming the newest fart app, on a pocket PC, so i'm content to feel the home PC won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Ehr, don't we hear about the death of the PC every few years?

It is getting rather old.

While I can understand that some would get portable PCs in any form for their work, getting one because it is a trend is rather stupid, at least to me.

It will probably become some kind of fad but I find it rather sad, wanting to have a portable PC just because someone else has one.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Ehr, don't we hear about the death of the PC every few years?

It is getting rather old.

While I can understand that some would get portable PCs in any form for their work, getting one because it is a trend is rather stupid, at least to me.

It will probably become some kind of fad but I find it rather sad, wanting to have a portable PC just because someone else has one.

The lines are always blurring, remember when we had pagers? Later we had cell phones and pagers, cell phones then advanced to include pager functionality, now how many of us have pagers? Very few.

Or even game consoles/X in 1 sets and DVD players.

Will the same happen to PC's? Perhaps to a certain degree, but I don't see people getting the same mainstream functionality from a Smartphone that they would on a PC without a ton of accessories attached to it.
microsoft has been in tablet/laptops/cell phones/pdas for a long time, the problem afaik is that they were never spiffy enough to really catch on.

plus with apples reputation as being "friendly" to the techno-tards is why it does so well even when lacking a lot of key features/abilities of their products. but the masses still buy into the hype and deal with their shit products missing key functionalities.

it is not a post-pc world. it will never be a post-pc world. PCs are where all the innovation is even though it is becomming harder and harder to find.

journalists try to get people to read what they say/think so they come up with even totally faulty headlines for shock value. congrats, you have just been trolled by the press.
Who gives a fuck. Can't get worse than it is now, so...
The Dutch Ghost said:
Ehr, don't we hear about the death of the PC every few years?
depends, when new shiny hyped console games are released we hear that kinda every month ...
Personally, when it comes to consoles, there are only two games I am interested in that have not been released on PC, and they were originally developed either for pc or as multiplatform but restricted to one console just before their release. I'm not going to to buy a console just so I can play TWO games, besides, the trend is not going to be consoles because consoles are better (wich in my opinion are not), but rather because they release stuff that would play better on a PC (hell that was even designed for PC) in only one console just so that they force you to buy their stupid consoles. I say screw it, I haven't had a console since my NES.
I didn't realise how much much a meglomaniac controlfreak Jobs was until I spent a couple of hours with various iProducts and a hardcore Mac user. Perhaps it will be more open if Macs had say 50% of the market share, but I seriously doubt it. (Because it would be cost-effective for third-party products to be produced)

From my experiance, consoles are much more popular with kids. Firstly, kids often have older PC's. Alot will have hand-me downs (my own '05 PC is now in the hands of my nephew), which mean's they often can't play the games they hear about. Most of the PC's they do have will be in poor condition (years of little/no maintence) and often missing things as graphics cards or driver updates. Quite alot of kids have their PC supplied by parents who think along the lines of 'for schoolwork' so no graphics cards, weedy RAM, etc. It doesn't help that PC games are becoming rarer by the day in physical stores, and as they don't have cards, they can't go online. That's why consoles are so popular. Just plug 'n play.
yea, the wal mart in my area used to have 2 whole shelves devoted to computer games, and then the system software

then it became just 2 shelves with system software on it

then it became 1 shelf with system software on it

and currently it is a 1/4 shelf with the computer games and system software in that little bit.

and by system software i mean things like norton works and such
Tell me about it. In the UK, where I live, the market consentration means that there is only HMV and Game left for your needs, and their selection is shrinking by the day. If you want an indie game or one that is a couple of years old - forget it. In fact, these days 'indie' stands more and more for 'not an EA game' which really makes me sad. It's becoming a death spiral, as the selection shrinks, more go online. As more go online, the selection is reduced as they don't make 'minimum sales'.