Is the ghost in Fallout 2 considered canon?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arin Matthews
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Arin Matthews

You know that ghost named Anna Winslow you can give that amulet to? Is she canon?
It's up to you to choose it this happen in your head or if it's fit with the rest of the universe.

Personnally, i am ok with it, but i doubt this will be taken into account in the rest of the continuity. So as the special encounters.
Psychic thinkgs were already existed at Fo1.
so it won't be weird to ghost to exist.
and still, it's more realitic than vampire
It always felt out of place for me. Then again, many things in Fallout 2 did.

Thank you! Fallout 1 is always preferred over Fallout 2 to me. Its way more mature, and as Rosh has stated many times, it doesn't shove so many fucking 50's-60's related easter eggs down your throat (that are insanely easy to find and catch nonetheless) to where it just starts to get... ridiculous. They should have focused on more of a 50's retro-post apocalyptic environment more like of Fallout 1 instead of just adding a million easter eggs and expecting that to do the trick.

Fallout 1>Fallout 2 in spades.
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Psychic thinkgs were already existed at Fo1.
so it won't be weird to ghost to exist.
and still, it's more realitic than vampire

Maybe, but it was sci-fi psychics (caused by the FEV, mostly), which fits a bit better in the setting. Also, why would it be more realistic than vampires? At least the latter had an explanation as to why they were there. Half assed, and a stupid addition in itself, but existent.

I prefer to believe the PC is right if he tells her she is just a crazy woman with a stealth boy, as ghosts, IMO, don't fit in the Fallout universe. Otherwise, I'd just take it as an easter egg, i.e. non-canon.
It's up for debate. She does disappear into thin air and leave behind a bag of Anna Winslow's bones, but who's to say? Jet's a helluva drug.

I personally try to take the same thematic razor to the Interplay-Era games as I use on the Beth-Era ones: if something's stupid or doesn't fit the world, and it isn't tied directly in to any endgame slides or anything carried into the sequels, it doesn't matter whether or not it's canon and you're free to ignore it as you see fit. The original devs themselves did it more than once (or something close to it, via ramshackle quasi-official retcons like "FEV only makes SOME ghouls" or "Hey, how about those wacky pranksters doctoring that GNN holotape at the Sierra Army Depot, eh?"

Anna Winslow isn't any more or less real than Keeng Ra'at or Chuck Stodgers, which is to say, they'll likely never venture anywhere near that territory again except via wink-and-nod.
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Wasn't that just a crazy woman with a stealthboy? You can even gun her down.

Maybe. There wasn't anything pointing to that aside from the PC comment about it and the fact you can kill her, but the latter may just be because there are no immortal characters in Fallout 1 and 2, which makes me think that's an engine limitation on that regard. I don't know because I never tried to kill her, but does she have an insanely high amount of HP? If that's so, I think the intention was to make you unable to kill her, pointing to the devs wanting her to be a ghost.

EDIT: A brief search in the wiki tells me her HP is normal, but she is pretty much immune to any attacks aside from plasma. Ghostbusters!
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Uhmmm..... so what does that prove? A woman that carries around some bones she dug up qualifies as a Crazy person. They don't have to be ghosts, specially because Ghosts don't tend to carry their bones around, they are ghosts.
I think it's just another half-hearted attempt by Arin to point out flaws of the first games like the last 10 threads he's started on this forum. Call me a cynic.
And they all consist of a single sentence. Isn't there a forum rule against that?

No idea. What's funny is that this was already discussed, it's not like people here ignore this things and are just seeing the older games with rose-tinted glasses. As a matter of fact, when I mentioned the "crazy woman" line, I learned about it in the previous discussion of the subject, I didn't pay enough attention when I actually played that part (it was soon after my first playthrough).
And they all consist of a single sentence. Isn't there a forum rule against that?

No, when you are Arin Matthews you are cool thus meaning you don't need more than one sentence or the edit button.
Don't use my name in vain, mutant!

Also, seeing as the Chosen One comes from a tribe with hokey-dokey grass/drugsmoking crazy looney-popes (in my opinion), I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he saw ghosts/spirits now and then. Those with some spiritual power of sorts can sense ghosts or other spirits (which is noted in the RP when you talk to the shaman of Umbra Tribe), while the "civilized" people tend to not see/notice such themselves (or try to make a profit by stories of haunted houses). As for her being killable/loony woman with Stealth Boy, I can't say I ever did try to put her to rest other than the regular way from doing her quests, so I wouldn't know.
I merely consider her a quick way of scoring some xp. I wonder if that is very canon of me :I
Uhmmm..... so what does that prove? A woman that carries around some bones she dug up qualifies as a Crazy person. They don't have to be ghosts, specially because Ghosts don't tend to carry their bones around, they are ghosts.

So then why does the quest require you bury the bones in a grave named "Anna Winslow"?
So then why does the quest require you bury the bones in a grave named "Anna Winslow"?

Again, that only proves the real Anna Winslow is dead. I think that what is being suggested is that, yes, Anna Winslow is dead, yes, the "ghost" gives you her bones, but NO, the "ghost" is not the real Anna Winslow, but a random, crazy woman.

EDIT: Maybe even not a crazy woman, but someone trying to take advantage of goodie two shoes, supersticious people, and wanting the locket to sell or because it looks good.
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