Is this boxer a super mutant?


Still Mildly Glowing
His name: Walujew
His mission: to punch you as hard as he can.





article with him:,10146,1669419,00.html

Damn, is he maybe the first real Super Mutant? He looks like one.
He looks like the love child of a Yeti and a Russian woman.
The Beast from the East at 7'2? Welcome to yesterday, man

Good boxer, though

This picture will never stop making me chuckle.
Whoa, dude, that's one sloped forehead. It's like 45 degrees steep.
Lauren isn't the only Russian woman on the planet, Elly :D
Kharn said:
The Beast from the East at 7'2? Welcome to yesterday, man

Good boxer, though

This picture will never stop making me chuckle.

I swear that looks like a man taking on a giant...

I mean I've heard of people that tall, but not also that heavily muscled.

The Vault Dweller
This guy is a pussy!

One swift kick in the happy sacks and he will drop like anyone else.........if he doesnt well then you can crap your skeleton.
I would pay good money to see a fight between him and Nathan Jones:

6'11'', 160kg vs 7'2'' 150kg. That'd be a mad clash of the titans :D
Serifan wrote:
This guy is a pussy!

One swift kick in the happy sacks and he will drop like anyone else.........if he doesnt well then you can crap your skeleton.

Umm... You'd better be pretty tall to even try to kick Goliath here in the happy sacks. And You'd probably want to run away as soon as you do, because even if he drops, he's gonna get up eventually. And be angry. Really, really angry. If he gets hold of you, he might just t-bag you until his happy sacks get happy again.

If I wanted to drop that beast, I'd do it Tanya Harding-style, crowbar to the knees. The toughest, baddest, meanest guy on the planet still moves pretty slow without any kneecaps.

You know, they should have got this guy to play Juggernaut in X-men III. He would have been a better physical match without any CG at all.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I mean I've heard of people that tall, but not also that heavily muscled.

The most surprising thing is that the man is not just a freak show. He actually is a *really* good boxer.
Bah. Nathan Jones broke his arm while arm-wrestling Magnus Samuelsson, a Swedish powerman.
Who also happens to be one of the top powermen of his era, who also happened to be an arm-wrestling champion, whereas nathan had no prior experiance in it.