Islamic Terrorist Mumbai attacks


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Have not seen a thread on this yet so have at it. Still seeing conflicting reports on exactly how many are dead. Somewhere between 86-101.

"Mumbai gunmen battle army, foreigners held hostage

MUMBAI (Reuters) - Gunfire rang out as commandos and police laid siege to gunmen holding foreigners hostage in two of India's plushest hotels in the country's commercial capital on Thursday, after attacks that killed at least 86 people dead."

"Armed with AK-47 rifles, two terrorists entered the passenger hall of the CST at about 10:30 p.m., opened fire and threw grenades, killing at least ten people.[3][7] Two terrorists held fifteen hostages, including seven foreigners, in the Taj Mahal hotel.[8] Forty people are being held as hostages in the Oberoi Trident hotel.[9] Six blasts are reported to have taken place at the Taj hotel and one at the Oberoi Trident. [10][11] The Taj Mahal Hotel was reported to be completely under government control at 4:22 a.m [12]. Both hotels are on fire and have been surrounded and stormed by Rapid Action Forces commandos.[13][14] All terrorists are out of the Taj hotel, and police and firefighters are working to rescue the estimated 50 people trapped inside. Low-intensity blasts were reported in Vile Parle and a grenade attack in Santa Cruz. Two blasts were reported in the Napean Sea road area of south Mumbai. A petrol pump was blown up.[13] All local trains on the Mumbai Suburban Railway have been suspended."
Has anybody counted how many times India has been hit with a terrorist attack in these last couple of years?

I think there's been 3-4 just this year. I dont know enough about Indian history to know if thats unusual or not.
Pretentious said:
Has anybody counted how many times India has been hit with a terrorist attack in these last couple of years?

I think there's been 3-4 just this year. I dont know enough about Indian history to know if thats unusual or not.

It is indeed a very troubling area of the world.

"Terrorism in India has often been alleged to be sponsored by Pakistan. After most acts of terrorism in India, many journalists and politicians accuse Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence of playing a role. Recently, both the US and Afghanistan have accused Pakistan of carrying out terrorist acts in Afghanistan."

Out of Iraq and into Pakistan eh? Maybe Obama actually has the right idea.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Out of Iraq and into Pakistan eh? Maybe Obama actually has the right idea.

I am sure the people in Pakistan will hate a western invasion just as much as Iraq did.
Must be shitty for the special forces going into those hotels. I mean, entering a burning building to hunt for terrorists. Chaos is a nice way to describe this.
Loxley said:
Must be shitty for the special forces going into those hotels. I mean, entering a burning building to hunt for terrorists. Chaos is a nice way to describe this.

I am just waiting to see if the attackers were Pakistani or had Paki connections. If they are/did we will see some real chaos.
Actually, Pakistans attacks on India are legitimate, India has always treated Pakistan like crap, especially on the Kashmir-issue.
Dragula said:
Actually, Pakistans attacks on India are legitimate, India has always treated Pakistan like crap, especially on the Kashmir-issue.

Are you saying terrorist attacks supported by Pakistan against India are legitimate? I can only assume so as we are only talking about terrorist so far in this thread.

Supported by Pakistan or not I really do not care, these assholes targeted Americans and Britons in particular. I eagerly await more info on the dead men who carried out this attack and the organization they belong to.

It would just be icing on the cake if this had Paki influence and could
possibly set off a powder keg in the region.

"The Deccan Mujahideen are an alleged Islamic terrorist group within India that is, according to an e-mail sent to news organizations, claiming responsibility for attacks in Mumbai on November 26, 2008 in which 101[1] people have been killed[2] and over 250 others injured. The group's involvement has not been confirmed, and could be a hoax or assumed name for another group.[3] It is possible that the organization, if exists, could be related to the Indian Mujahideen.[4][5][6]"

More misguided souls just begging to be sent to Allah. Let us hope Indian Government grants the wish they so desire :twisted:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Are you saying terrorist attacks supported by Pakistan against India are legitimate? I can only assume so as we are only talking about terrorist so far in this thread.
Yes, and I can understand the attack on britain seeing that they support Indias claim on Kashmir. It would be like if Mexico came and wanted pieces of Texas back in USA.
Dragula said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Are you saying terrorist attacks supported by Pakistan against India are legitimate? I can only assume so as we are only talking about terrorist so far in this thread.
Yes, and I can understand the attack on britain seeing that they support Indias claim on Kashmir. It would be like if Mexico came and wanted pieces of Texas back in USA.

This was not an attack on the governments of the countries tho, it was an attack on its citizens. I am more or less surprised someone on here is actually saying it is ok to kill civilians for political purposes.

I am not going to judge however, I support carpet bombing Iraqi/Afghan towns and dealing with the civi deaths if it will protect Coalition servicemen and women lives in the long run.

So just for giggles...

Pakistan Vs. India

Who is your money on? :wink:
My money is on India, they have backup from GB, USA and so on. But I still think Kashmir is part of Pakistan. :P
Dragula said:
My money is on India, they have backup from GB, USA and so on. But I still think Kashmir is part of Pakistan. :P
The big problem with kashmir is that when the british pulled out each region was allowed to decide if it was going to be part of either india or pakistan. The ideal was that then the muslim dominated areas would become pakistani and vica versa. Problem was that the leader of kashmir, a indian, handed this predominatly pakistani/muslim province over to the indians. They have been at ods over it ever since.

Who will win such a war? I do not think either will get very far. India is far too big and heavily populated for pakistan to win, and pakistan is to chaotic so in the end the indians would never be able to win more than a "bush-victory" in other words the kind that bush declared in Iraq in his time. I also doubt such a war will be supported by any part of the international society since it will be a war between nuclear powers. And wars like that are not very much liked.
Bal-Sagoth said:
This was not an attack on the governments of the countries tho, it was an attack on its citizens. I am more or less surprised someone on here is actually saying it is ok to kill civilians for political purposes.

I am not going to judge however, I support carpet bombing Iraqi/Afghan towns and dealing with the civi deaths if it will protect Coalition servicemen and women lives in the long run.

How can you make both of those statements in a serious manner? You're all for slaughtering innocents in the middle east to secure the enterprises of the west, but very quick to take the moral high ground against terrorists who kill civilians because they want to decide their own political destinies.
Bal's being hypocritical, because he needs to cover his own ass somehow. He's going to be serving in Iraq or Afghanistan soon. He can't be against killing Iraqi and Afghan civvies, because they'll be trying to kill him.
Well, he doesn't have to disagree with the war. Its just annoying when someone is willfully ignorant so that they can tolerate something. If he wants to fight to "secure the enterprises of the west" then by all means. And if they try to kill him so that they can secure their own interests, then yes he'll have to kill them if he wants to stay alive. But don't pretend to hold some impregnable position of righteousness.
This might affect the itinerary of my hypothetical trip around the world next fall. I was really looking forward to going to India. I really hope it doesn't go nationwide, or affects the stability of the entire region.
Infernaeus said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
This was not an attack on the governments of the countries tho, it was an attack on its citizens. I am more or less surprised someone on here is actually saying it is ok to kill civilians for political purposes.

I am not going to judge however, I support carpet bombing Iraqi/Afghan towns and dealing with the civi deaths if it will protect Coalition servicemen and women lives in the long run.

How can you make both of those statements in a serious manner? You're all for slaughtering innocents in the middle east to secure the enterprises of the west, but very quick to take the moral high ground against terrorists who kill civilians because they want to decide their own political destinies.

Did you completely miss the part where I said "I am not going to judge"? Also where I said "More or less surprised someone on here was saying it is ok to kill civilians?"

My "extreme" views on acceptable civilian death during military operations are well known and I do not hide them. I was making a note that I was shocked to see someone else express the idea that terrorist actions are acceptable to achieve political goals.

It is rare to see someone make a serious argument for it unless they are just trying to get a rise out of people.
America has always supported Pakistan against India, lets not forget Pakis are a nuclear power, besides government of Pakistan is a puppet regime who supports America in their ghost chase against terror groups and supports such against India for purely secular reasons, as much as hardline algerians help theirs or did against France.
mulaalia said:
America has always supported Pakistan against India.
That's because India was friendly to the Soviets during the cold war. We still have a good alliance with India.
I have to say I think the States would sit this one out as well if India and Pakistan went at it.

I support going into Pakistan to take out Al Qaeda but I would rather not tango with any "real" organized military until we are out of Iraq and Obama has made good on his word to increase the size of the Army and Marine Corps.

Also this article is of interest:

'Mumbai attacks may be linked with al-Qaeda'

MOSCOW: The terrorists involved in multiple attacks in Mumbai killing over 100 people could be closely linked with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, a top Russian security official said on Thursday."

Take the Russians word for what its worth :P