welsh said:
Except, I don't think most sane Americans are trying to minimize New Orleans. That was a colossal fuck up and
Bush's popularity rating is at all time lows.
But Bush isn't the issue anymore than Chirac is the issue in France. Both fucked up in response to an emergency that showed the ugly, ethnically defined underbelly of their socieities.
In this context I don't care about the response to Bush or the fact that the people of NO weren't helped fast enough or that the New Orleans Saints are suffering under a lot of stress because of it and thus suck
welsh said:
But you are wrong to think "it won't happen here" mentality is in the works. Rather a lot of cities are rethinking not just disaster relief but how they deal with the poor. People are starting to wonder if all this corporate welfare is such a good thing and why entire populations are being left behind.
Perhaps, but the point still stands that New Orleans, like anything that happens to you panic-prone Americans, was originally inflated beyond comprehension (10,000 dead, remember that?), which meant that once the original shock was over a lot of people, esp. white richies, could shrug and just ignore the issue.
I'm sure something is happening, just like something is happening in France, and this reaction is a response to the direct emergency, but not to the greater problem.
welsh said:
Ok, so maybe these riots are unique to France... but then you get Muslims killing a director in your neck of the woods, Muslims blowing up trains in London and Spain, and this is just the big news. It's adding up.
No, it's not. You're mixing up two completely different things here and making a vital mistake that a lot of righties are making.
The terrorists in London, Spain and the Netherlands were all without fail highly-educated people of prosperous background. Many had studied, had jobs or lived well enough illegally. They did not strike out because of poverty or desperation, they struck because they're radical Islamists and that is their creed. In other words, they struck because they're religious nutjobs.
The riots in France are not ethnic or religious in their basic nature. That's to say, these people are in their situation partially because of their ethnicity and religion, but neither lie directly at the root of the problem. They're striking out because they're poor and they're poor because they and the French state haven't worked enough towards integration into society and the economy, which is partially caused by them being muslims and ethnically different. If you cut out the middle link here, the last link drops off and is no longer a problem.
See the difference?
welsh said:
Huge? Fuck Kharn, it's been going on for two weeks and its spreading. What does "huge" have to be?
Actually, it's been decreasing with leaps and bounds (25%-50% decrease in burned cars a day) since Wednesday. At this rate, barring further aggrivation, it'll soon be over.
welsh said:
The underbelly of European's "integrated" civilization? You know at least most Americans are aware that there are Black-White problems in the US . But Europeans are deciding that "there is no problem?"
I said "integrated" rather than integrated for a reason welsh.
And you failed to properly catch the tone of "A lot of (...) is no problem". Read it again.
welsh said:
Listen to this- "France is unique." Yeah... That's why there are no problems between Germans and Turks in Germany, right? This is why the Swiss are just leaping for joy for having more Muslim refugees in their country?
Yes, and Russia is having problems with muslim immigrants too. As is Australia. And many others.
Does being in one big EU force us to draw parralels without discrimination? Try to understand, please, that we're SEPERATE countries. One country's problems are not another country's problems. There are EU-wide institutions dealing with the issues, but they are mostly forced to conclude that each seperate country has failed to integrate its populace in different ways and is thus facing different issues and different solutions to the problems.
I'm glad there are no people in charge here that are like you in thinking there's one blanket problem with one blanket solution in Europe. That'd be fucked up. Comparing France to Germany or the Netherlands might work. Comparing it to Poland or England would be insane.
welsh said:
Maybe France's problem is partially because of its fucked up economy but maybe it's also because of its notions of "french identity" and the power of entrenched special interests over other, less political powerful but more numerous groups?
France. Is. Unique.
Example. No other country in Europe has a constitution that forces the government to consider every person as a French citizen, period. By its own law France is not allowed to make distinctions based on colour or creed, which is why France never managed to analyse the problems of the ghettos on an official level. Because officially, the people in the ghettos are Frenchmen (or illegals), no more, no less. This does not happen in any other country.
welsh said:
How many riots and how many cities do you need before Europe wakes up to its problems?
Europe woke up a long time ago. It's easy enough to sit at the other end of the ocean and sneer, but waking up is more than is necessary to solve the problem. We woke up and many of think they have a solution, but nobody knows what the right solution is, and people are poking about and trying to figure it out.
What did you expect? This is a problem that comes from three generations back. Did you expect Europe to clap its hands and make it go away? How long did it take the US to get as far in solving its blacks and hispanics problems as it is and honestly can you call the point you reached a shining example for others? I think not. Maybe the finger needs to be cleaned before pointing with it.
You will be allowed to gloat if more non-French European cities have riots soon. It is possible, but expecting it to happen just shows a glaring lack of knowledge of Europe.