It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

For one, maybe the other colored folken may like the term nigger, I am more a mulatto than black person. But it doesn't matter, I am not about to get into any debate on everyones terms. SO the subject dies there.

Now on to other business....
Sorry Carib, but I'd like to ask this question, I hope you won't feel offended.

What the fuck is with the word nigger\nigga\niggro or what ever? It's like someone called me whitey or white boy. I am white - why would I care if someone calls me white? OK, I get it that it is used to show black folks disrespect only because their skin is attoned to product more protein, which protects from UV radiation, but if it offensive, why black people can call each other nigger and it's okay, but I'd get skinned if I did the same? Because they're black and I'm not? Rasism, that is.

A digression only, I propose not to use word "nigger" at all.
And while we're at it, why is there no really good, visceral slur for white people? Cracker and honky are all well and good if you're guest-starring on an episode of The Jeffersons, but I'm a real man living in a fast-paced world and I really don't feel that society's properly addressed my need for hurtful invective.
Yamu said:
And while we're at it, why is there no really good, visceral slur for white people? Cracker and honky are all well and good if you're guest-starring on an episode of The Jeffersons, but I'm a real man living in a fast-paced world and I really don't feel that society's properly addressed my need for hurtful invective.

Because White people are the dominant group in American society, it's very hard to invent a word that damages them since they've never had to deal with racial oppression.

Hence why I settle for long rambling slurs involving white things like chalk and mayonnaise.
Ravager69 said:
What the fuck is with the word nigger\nigga\niggro or what ever? It's like someone called me whitey or white boy. I am white - why would I care if someone calls me white?

... Calling a black person a nigger is like calling a white person whitey?
Err... I'm sorry but I can't see a strong connection here. Maybe "blackey" but still, not really close. And honestly, being called whitey is pretty hurtful. I remember once in middle school when I was on the bus and a group of black kids sat around me and kept saying "hey white boy! Whitey!"

But I agree, the term should just not be used at all... anyways, let's get some pictures rolling.
Yamu said:
And while we're at it, why is there no really good, visceral slur for white people? Cracker and honky are all well and good if you're guest-starring on an episode of The Jeffersons, but I'm a real man living in a fast-paced world and I really don't feel that society's properly addressed my need for hurtful invective.
I think many white Americans feel as if they have to walk on egg shells around people of other ethnicities. In my line of work I find myself talking to many blacks, Asians and people of other descents. I really think about what I am going to say so I avoid what could be misconstrued as a racial insult...

At the same time, I feel I can't be too careful or I will be having a negative effect as our society (and others) need to move past these kinds of issues and focus on more important things.

Back to the pictures, here is a picture of me being stalked.

And one of me & my heterosexual life partner watching someone pwn at Guitar Hero... Never really cared for that game.
TwinkieGorilla said:
maphus! MAPHUS!!! DUDE!!!


God no! she has it in for me as it is... I keep implying the "lets just be friends" deal... not workin' so well for me though...
Yamu said:
And while we're at it, why is there no really good, visceral slur for white people? Cracker and honky are all well and good if you're guest-starring on an episode of The Jeffersons, but I'm a real man living in a fast-paced world and I really don't feel that society's properly addressed my need for hurtful invective.

Freaking Gringo :lol:
Wooz said:
That dude looks like an Asian... lumberjack?

...I never quite thought of the lumberjack thing! Hilarious! At any rate, he is a bit of a mans man, drives cruisers n' what not
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Hate to say it but your heterosexual life partner is gay.

No need to thank me.

I should have noticed that after all the friendly pats on the butt... or that night I passed out after one drink and woke up in a strange place with my cloths all re-arranged... I couldn't poo right for a week!