It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Vault 13 said:

Whoever gets what i am refering to gets a :cookie:

Retarded Animal Babies?

Wow !
At least there is someone in this forum that has a tatse when it comes to flash animations !
here ...a basket of special made cookies for you :
More photos from Baghdad!!!

This is lil Rana... One of the brightest kids in our sector...


Once this mural was one of the largest drawn murals of Saddam. Now that he is gone, the locals have put something else...


This is the damn bullet that almost got me a day ago... Lucky me, huh?




Me and TC... He's a cool Iraq Jundi (soldier).


Me hunting....


The Bubblegum Gang... "Mr. Give me some Choclatai!"
Rana has the deportment of a future Iraqi military commander. A strategic genius, perhaps?

Also, the kids in the last picture gives me the same feeling from those Slovakian street-kids in Hostel.
To cut a long story short, lets just say that AQI (Al-Qaeda) wanted to make their presence known. What should have been a routine patrol turned into a two minute shoot out. That bullet I hold was the one that would have gotten me in the chest had the windage been just right... instead, hit one of the pillers on my right near the Childrens Memorial (very scarry place).

As far as we know we didn't get any of them... And if we did, his buddies took him away and faded into the dense concrete jungle. Battalion calls us and tells us not to pursue since the enemy was going into another sector outside our zone.

The bullet flew fairly close, sounded like an angry Bee or something.

Not really else much to say. It wasn't the battle of Mogadishu just two minutes of quick firing.
Looks like your AC is pretty good, Carib, right on. Glad to hear you're doing well.
ACs and APs, too :D

And yes, Lil Rana does look like she will grow up to be some military leader... The girl is pretty trig. And I am picking up enough arabic to make small conversation. Its not that hard... and the writing part of it... well hey, baby steps.

And the kids... The ones on the East side I patrol are nice by far.... But the ones on the East side are exactly like the kids from Hostel. They'd take the fillings from your teeth if they could.
Carib FMJ said:
And I am picking up enough arabic to make small conversation. Its not that hard... and the writing part of it... well hey, baby steps.
good to hear you're picking up a little something along the way.

don't underestimate the usefulness of that (both now & in years to come).
You don't have to tell me twice. I am actually enjoying the chance to learn arabic, and its wonderful when people speak and things begin to make sense. Besides, if I ever want to be in SF, I know for sure I'd have a hell of a head start in the language department.
what is it, alec? should he be ashamed of how he looks or of being a soldier in Iraq? i dont think so...
I wouldn't feel shame in neither. I know I am here and I can see events from a better perspective than those who judge or speak from the safety of their rooms. Of course, thats just me.
SuAside said:
what is it, alec? should he be ashamed of how he looks or of being a soldier in Iraq? i dont think so...
English, mister SuAside, do you speak it?
Did you even click that link?
I'm talking about the thread mentioned by Kilus: guy visits forum to ask questions about his new car, a couple of posts later someone mentions a horrible car accident. After some Sherlock Holmes magic, it seems that the guy who asked info about his new car is the guy who got killed in the car accident. Ka-boom!

Jesus. I guess I am indeed too smart for most people. I was simply saying that - after viewing the bullet pic and reading about Carib's adventures in Iraq - I would hate to see this thread evolve into a similar thread: guy talks about how he nearly got shot in Iraq, then another member posts something that mentions a young Americano got lynched in Iraq and he was from the same place Carib was from and he was just as old as Carib and his name was Carib's real name.

Get it, mister SuAside?

Phew. I have this friend who works with retarded children. Well, I would not be able to pull that off, day after day after day after day and so on. It must suck the energy right out of your bones.

I hope, mister SuAside, that it is clear now that I was not trying to offend Carib for being a nigger.


Oops. I probably shouldn't have said that, eh? :D

I'm just worried, that's all. Wouldn't want to see a fellow NMA'er perish in that hellhole. See, mister SuAside: a bullet won't change course just because a gun freak like you thinks that everything about going to Iraq is cool, ya know? Sod.
Why Carib isn't in the Order?

He might be honored with both The Terrorist Achievement and The Samwell Achievement, which is utterly cool. :dance: :cookie:

+ a bullet variation on Achievement of Cheating Death Through Surviving a Helicopter Crash, yay!
Carib said:
But the ones on the East side are exactly like the kids from Hostel.
Well, that explains the clip where UK troops beats the crap out of little kids.

Also, "[Al] Jahodi" is a little something that could be useful in the Arabic world. Lil Rana's opinion on those could elucidate her military potential.
Carib FMJ said:
That bullet I hold was the one that would have gotten me in the chest had the windage been just right... instead, hit one of the pillers on my right near the Childrens Memorial
Glad you're alright. I hope you stay this way.


Just me rockin' out.
alec said:
English, mister SuAside, do you speak it?
yes, perfectly fine actually. hell, i even write it better than i do dutch.
alec said:
Did you even click that link?
yes, and even the second link as well, but fuck if i could be bothered to read more than 2 posts at the order and i certainly didnt even click to the fourth page.

just looked like a thread set up to laugh at people.
alec said:
I was simply saying that - after viewing the bullet pic and reading about Carib's adventures in Iraq - I would hate to see this thread evolve into a similar thread: guy talks about how he nearly got shot in Iraq, then another member posts something that mentions a young Americano got lynched in Iraq and he was from the same place Carib was from and he was just as old as Carib and his name was Carib's real name.
it's a daily possibility for him. what about it?
it's one of the things you have to accept as a soldier. sure, it'd be sad, but it happens.
alec said:
I hope, mister SuAside, that it is clear now that I was not trying to offend Carib for being a nigger.
what does him being black having to do with anything, you cracker?
alec said:
I'm just worried, that's all. Wouldn't want to see a fellow NMA'er perish in that hellhole. See, mister SuAside: a bullet won't change course just because a gun freak like you thinks that everything about going to Iraq is cool, ya know? Sod.
i think it's moronic to go to Iraq actually, nothing cool about it.
it's not because i like sportshooting that i like war, you dumbass. *insert comment about friend that used to work with mentally retarded kids and adults here*