It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

The Overseer said:
Cavalry? No wonder you got your asses kicked back in '82... Hehe.

Well frankly I find that offensive, I can't believe I have to explain.

Cavalry =


The US Army, UK armed forces, well any modern army has cavalry units also, they go from exploration light units using fast vehicles like strykers and such, to air assault units and mostly and mainly tank units.

Cavalry does not mean soldiers riding horses it describes the function of the unit.
The Overseer said:
Cavalry? No wonder you got your asses kicked back in '82... Hehe.

You know, I've heard a lot about horses being put into service in Afghanistan because they can go places the mighty go anywhere hummers can't.... and they cost less to operate :P
Well, I'm not particularly known for my sense of humour I must say. :)

But, believe me when I tell you there has been people in the past that asked me seriously if we go to fight using horses.
But really, why are the Falkland islands so important? And don't go all French nationalism on me.
Mmmmyep. Mighty fine piece of cloth, that. Oh, the tales it would tell, could it speak. Actually, maybe it's for the better, that it can't. :?
TorontRayne said:
My mommie made it for me....

I'm surprised she didn't go insane and murder the lot of you.

Then again, I'm wondering what that suit is actually made of, and don't say the skin of a thousand madmen! (Because I checked, and that shit is expensive)
The skin of a thousand madmen is so 1850's. Nowadays we prefer the Fallopian tubes of a hundred virgins. Makes more since if you think about it.
TorontRayne said:
The skin of a thousand madmen is so 1850's. Nowadays we prefer the Fallopian tubes of a hundred virgins. Makes more since if you think about it.

Since when have I ever thought about anything?

(thinks about it)

TorontRayne said:
My mommie made it for me....
If your mommie made that for you, she is one talented mommie. That costume looks perfect in each and every way.

Keep your mommie around.