It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

being where?

he posted a picture of himself, his bunk and his service weapon.

if people get to say Von Drunky looks like a Brazilian gay-porn star, i get to comment on his IMBEL FAL. to each his own hobby, alright?
Buxbaum666 said:
Could you keep the gun-nut "and when I pull the trigger it goes, like, BANG yore DEAD lolz"-stuff where it belongs?


No, we love our guns. We love talking about our guns. And when we see the FAL... we drool... alot...

*masturbates to the machine for being that damn sexy*
Here's me a couple years back:


And for the gun nuts.. me shooting the Weatherby Regency at some clay:

SuAside said:
being where?

he posted a picture of himself, his bunk and his service weapon.

if people get to say Von Drunky looks like a Brazilian gay-porn star, i get to comment on his IMBEL FAL. to each his own hobby, alright?

Sacrilege! This is not an IMBEL, it is an FM FAL, do not compare ours with the Industria de Material Bélico do Brasil one. FM stands for Fabricaciones Militares, and it means it is nationally produced, not bought from somewhere else. BTW our FAL's are better ;)

Anyway, this is me during field training. Sweaty, tired, and with worn out camo

Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Sacrilege! This is not an IMBEL, it is an FM FAL, do not compare ours with the Industria de Material Bélico do Brasil one. FM stands for Fabricaciones Militares, and it means it is nationally produced, not bought from somewhere else. BTW our FAL's are better ;)
well, take better pics next time and maybe i'd be able to tell the difference!

i though FM stopped making FALs a long time ago. is yours select-fire?
SuAside said:
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Sacrilege! This is not an IMBEL, it is an FM FAL, do not compare ours with the Industria de Material Bélico do Brasil one. FM stands for Fabricaciones Militares, and it means it is nationally produced, not bought from somewhere else. BTW our FAL's are better ;)
well, take better pics next time and maybe i'd be able to tell the difference!

i though FM stopped making FALs a long time ago. is yours select-fire?
Like you said to one of the guys earlier : "That's FM Fail in your case !" :mrgreen: :wink:
SuAside said:
well, take better pics next time and maybe i'd be able to tell the difference!

i though FM stopped making FALs a long time ago. is yours select-fire?

We never had foreign made FAL's, I belive maybe there was a small period in wich FM stopped production, mostly because of corrupt politicians, but it is operational right now, with a range of home made products, including locally designed sidearms and SMG's.

And yes, it is select-fire, although we hardly ever use it in automatic, we have the MAG's for that, made here also.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
We never had foreign made FAL's, I belive maybe there was a small period in wich FM stopped production, mostly because of corrupt politicians, but it is operational right now, with a range of home made products, including locally designed sidearms and SMG's.
FM doesn't seem too good at exporting their FALs though. if you're talking about a south-american FAL, it's pretty much almost always an IMBEL.

what's your sidearm btw? an FM HP? or did you trade up? :)
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
And yes, it is select-fire, although we hardly ever use it in automatic, we have the MAG's for that, made here also.
full auto FALs is what made the argy commandos so awesome during the Falklands imo. ^^

practise until you can handle it like this guy:

(gl with that)
SuAside said:
being where?

SuAside said:
if people get to say Von Drunky looks like a Brazilian gay-porn star,(...)
That is just the truth, whilst...

SuAside said:
(...)i get to comment on his IMBEL FAL. to each his own hobby, alright?
...that is something nobody (except three or four guys) gives a rat's ass about.

vampyrian said:
Not photos of me, but something really cool that my friend did for his post-apoc warhammer game.:)
"Big Sausage Pizza"; "Sizes start at LARGE", eh? :mrgreen: Am I the only one to know the reference?
Your honor, I present Exhibit A... the rifle that shot Kennedy...


Some old rifle... I suspect British make or perhaps even Russkie... I am no expert... but I do tell you one thing, its old and rusted.
Dude clean the rust off shine it a bit and try to sell it on Ebay. Depending on how old the model is and how many were made its probably somewhat rare.

The Vault Dweller
aw, come on man, that's clearly a SMLE (Short Magazine Lee Enfield). if you show me the muzzle, i'll tell you which make as well. but since the bolt had been hollowed out, i suspect a later manufacture WW2 era SMLE, probably an N°4 MkI. unless modified, it shoots .303 British, Carib. it's what the Afghanis used when fucking up Ruskies from afar and out of reach from the AKs.

it's easy to identify a SMLE due to the metal behind the trigger, the telltale magazine and the bolt.

your particular weapon there however looks as if it has been bubbah'ed. the shape of the stock near the magazine & further forward doesn't compute, and there is a plug on it that shouldnt be there (probably to hold the non-original stock in place?).

Here is me drunk and unshaven on a typical Tuesday night picking up Grannys at some bar with my friends of color.