I expected a lot more ripping.Regret what?
Bull shark steroids?
You stopped drinking?
maximaz said:Actually, yes. Completely, stopped drinking, smoking, getting high.
TwinkieStabllis said:in order to become a meat-head? wow. cool.
That's no fun. You have to at least drink every once in a while. It's like the reason for existence.
Did you find the Flying Spaghetti Monster? It's all bullshit, I tell you. Bull-fucking-shit!
TwinkieStabllis said:maximaz said:Actually, yes. Completely, stopped drinking, smoking, getting high.
in order to become a meat-head? wow. cool.
Keane said:I was making fun of religion - as if you had found god or something. I'm a jerk like that.
If you do a google search, you'll get the jist of it.
When I walk past someone like that IRL, I always feel the need to mumble something mean, something really insulting, yet barely audible. It makes it easier for me to accept the fact that I can't possibly have this city, this country, this planet all for myself, but that I have to share it with other living... things.
maximaz said:Someone like what? I'm not exactly Ronnie Coleman.
Now why doesn't this surprise me? And what's with the health obsession? You want to live forever or something? Plus: shouldn't your god be looking out for you anyway, what with you believing in him/her and all, isn't that how it works? You pray a little and then magical shit happens? So that you could like smoke and drink and OD and shit, but your god would be like shaking some Wand of Intestine and Organ Protection +5 at you?maximaz said:Oh. Well, religion was one of the reasons actually. A big one too.
alec said:True. I just mean that you are like this member of this group and all of you look the fucking same. You have the same build and you wear the same clothes and, even worse, you all talk the same. I dunno. It's a group thing, I guess. I wouldn't know, being so goddamn lonely. But fact of the matter is that I kind of feel slightly repulsed when I see a member of your group. It's like you are living proof that Darwin is fucking wrong, you know? It's nothing personal, man, seriously, it's just that mayhaps history needs to be rewritten, you know, archeological findings updated and inventarized and so on. Like: whoa! Neanderthalers, you know? Maybe they're not extinct after all. You following me here? It's like, maybe, Neanderthaler genes are dormant in some examples of the homo sapiens kind, and maybe they get triggered from eating fastfood or just hanging out with the wrong kind of friends, if you know what I mean.
But again: this is nothing personal, 'cause for all I know you might be a totally cool guy who reads really good books and has an excellent taste in music and so on. I mean: I'm not the prettiest guy on the planet either, but at least I got a great personality.
Now why doesn't this surprise me?
Guess you're not cool either.
'cause for all I know you might be a totally cool guy who reads really good books and has an excellent taste in music and so on
maximaz said:if you were religious, like me, you would be a more pleasant individual who doesn't get repulsed by people because of the way they look. Maybe because of my belief, I did more to help other people than an average cool person like yourself.
TwinkieStabllis said:maybe, maybe not. but i wouldn't confuse your will to be who you are with religion as that is a bit of a cop-out and admission of a lack of integrity and intellectual weakness. wouldn't it feel better to say you have a more utilitarian approach to life because it makes you feel good...being good? i mean, instead of "i do this because i want to get into this magical fantasy land called heaven"?
let's not forget that religion is more often than not at the root of many of the worlds greatest wars, homicides and general societal disillusionment. it sure sounds transcendentally nice and peaceful in theory or on paper, but it breeds more intolerance than i've seen from say...your average atheist or humanist. altruism and existentialism are both quite possible as bedfellows, religion playing a factor or not.
and you can't really blame alec for judging you based on your photo. why else did you post it? you must be well aware that this is what happens in these kinds of threads. and whether or not you and i could have an enlightening conversation about Kierkegaard doesn't change the fact that you do look like a meat-head in your picture. don't kid yrself, kiddo...you passed "in shape" for "muscle-bound". and hell, i ain't saying there's a damn thing wrong with it...the only thing that seems fishy are what might be some very misguided intentions behind it all.
maximaz said:We probably shouldn't be turning this thread into discussion of religion.
maximaz said:Alec has a full right to judge and comment my pics, and I have a right to answer him. I posted the pics to get a laugh from all the ripping in the thread and to be honest I didn't expect someone to react so strongly. I did NOT complain though. He posted his comment to me and I replied.
alec said:But again: this is nothing personal, 'cause for all I know you might be a totally cool guy who reads really good books and has an excellent taste in music and so on. I mean: I'm not the prettiest guy on the planet either, but at least I got a great personality.