It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Von Drunky said:
Wtf is that with your pubic hair running up an inch ABOVE your navel? My girl would hit me if I'd ever let it sprout that way. In the head. Repeatedly. With her .357. Until the Cylinder was empty.

Very manly, though.
This leads us then to the important question of our time. Where does pubic hair stop and belly hair start?
Loxley said:
This leads us then to the important question of our time. Where does pubic hair stop and belly hair start?
in my case, a better question would be where does it stop?

i'm pretty sure i'm somehow related to the Yeti or something. thankfully the backhair aint that bad.
Yeah you would call it something gross wouldn't you?

Did you ever eat worms or any other sort of bugs when you were little?
victor said:
No, because I'm not fucked up in the head like you.

When I'm not making music, or having sex, or work, I'm doing stuff like these.


While cooking this shit, I was listening to Project Pitchfork, Mindflow, Oomph! and Rammstein. I belief it has kinda "electro/industrial" feel in it.
Thanks dude.

Here is one of me working with demon immigrant children. The one in the hat is already in high school. Time runs by way too fast.

Astiaks said:
*looks at the first pic* it possible for you to die?

Afraid not until I do what needs to be done and I've been pretty busy drinking to figure out what it is that needs doing.
This pic is REALLY nice drunky. You don't look wasted in this pic unlike the other ones you have posted so far.
It also looks like there's a thermonuclear weapon being detonated to the left of the picture.

Proper exposure. Knowing about it can save your life.