It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Yeah, I'm stoned. Obviously.:roll:

And I already know about the unibrow.

And no: I do not suck cock.


Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you people.
He's a perverted mentally unbalanced arty farty druggie, Member of Khans... Let's not inflate his ego more than it already is, shall we?
alec said:

Member of Khans said:
Handsome man, though.
Is it the pooched out succulence of his insolent pouting rictus that turns you on. :wink:
Alec, I'm casting you as Aradesh in my Fallout 1 live action movie.

There's no budget so you have to do it for free.
Fine Ignore me w/e. The only thing alec has in common with Aradesh is that they both looked stoned and have an ass chin.
The Goon said:

Uploaded with

Proof of life outside the internet. Day tripping in Coney baby, wit ma nappy head of hair putting the black man to shame.
That chick on the far right looks like fun...

Sorry what were you saying?
The Goon is Von Drunky; the blond fellow he claims to be is just a wily subterfuge. Perhaps, not so wily.