It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

How are you these days? The service?

Well, been out of the service for over a year now. Got medically retired. Two combat deployments will do that to you. Incidentally it was me putting in for Selection that got my issues identified. Right now, I work as a DOD contractor and life is not so bad. Get to spend time with my family and don't have to shave.
Getting medically retired doesn't sound like the best thing, but I hope you're fine now. I'm pretty sure it was a worthy sacrifice for that awesome beard.
Literally the best (and only) self photo I have ever taken.


Not all Puerto Ricans are dark skinned and spicy. That's just a stereotype.
I.... I can't imagine you like this. The days of your profile picture being Steve Harvey has been burned deep into my mind.....
i guess everyone is just getting older, Graves gained triple chin too compared to his pict a year ago...