It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Ashmo said:
In Germany every federal state has local laws for certain things, one of them is the educational system.
Unless they changed it, if you dropped out of school in Thüringen by failing to graduate, you would have no official qualification at all. You would not only not graduate, you would also lose all official qualifications you archieved during your school career. You'd have to start back in first grade, basically.

Two years ago or some point around that time, a student went on a killing spree in his school after getting into that situation. His parents were clueless because he was an adult (i.e. 18 years or older) and as such it was his decision whether his parents were to be informed about problems he had at school or not.

Of course people blamed tv and computer games for that and IIRC he conveniently had some nazi icons in his room, so it was easy to just call him insane and get on with life instead of thinking about actually changing anything.

I don't know whether the censorship (Oh, sorry, I meant to say "child protection") laws getting stricter had something to do with it, but it'd be likely.

AFAIK the laws were changed to conform to the ones all other states had: you can drop out, but you always keep all qualifications you earned.

Weapon laws DID get stricter tho, not like that'd have any effect (as you already needed a license for most kinds of weapons anyway and those licenses are not as easy to get as in some other countries).

Aaaaand what the fuck does this have to do with the picture thread? :D

Hmm... For some reason when I clicked the link, it kept taking me back to this same thread page. Seems to be working now that I C/Ped the address.

No worries. I'm sure the rest of the guys around here have boxers just like those. ;) - Colt
My lord man, have you no shame? Next time you take a photo, put on some damn pants. You are also a remarkably hairless individual Lillyffedawg.

Using my internet savy, here is the image:
Wooz said:
Ashmo said:
In Germany every federal state has local laws for certain things, one of them is the educational system.
Unless they changed it, if you dropped out of school in Thüringen by failing to graduate, you would have no official qualification at all. You would not only not graduate, you would also lose all official qualifications you archieved during your school career. You'd have to start back in first grade, basically.

Two years ago or some point around that time, a student went on a killing spree in his school after getting into that situation. His parents were clueless because he was an adult (i.e. 18 years or older) and as such it was his decision whether his parents were to be informed about problems he had at school or not.

Of course people blamed tv and computer games for that and IIRC he conveniently had some nazi icons in his room, so it was easy to just call him insane and get on with life instead of thinking about actually changing anything.

I don't know whether the censorship (Oh, sorry, I meant to say "child protection") laws getting stricter had something to do with it, but it'd be likely.

AFAIK the laws were changed to conform to the ones all other states had: you can drop out, but you always keep all qualifications you earned.

Weapon laws DID get stricter tho, not like that'd have any effect (as you already needed a license for most kinds of weapons anyway and those licenses are not as easy to get as in some other countries).

Aaaaand what the fuck does this have to do with the picture thread? :D

Nothing, it was an explanation for my question to Buxbaum. Big T asked, I answered.
Kotario said:
My lord man, have you no shame? Next time you take a photo, put on some damn pants. You are also a remarkably hairless individual Lillyffedawg.

Lol, to explain my attire... that is the bottom half of my cross country uniform and I figured it would make for a rather unsightly picture. But aye, hair doesn't seem to be a trait in our family line and my legs and head seems to be the only places that ever grow any. Maybe with a few more years I'll be able to earn my fair share but it's not looking likely :). Kotario, how did you get the picture to appear? I'll try putting up a picture that shows a little less of my privies :oops: .
Your school has pink as part of its colors? Where are you from, the New York School for the Performing Arts??

lilfyffedawg = ghei
Lilfyffedawg, was the tags your problem? It seems to me that your hosting might be caused difficulties, that was my take on why you were having trouble.

If that is the case, you might look into hosting your image elsewhere, such as [url=]Image Shack[/url], which I find to be a good, free service.
Murdoch said:
Your school has pink as part of its colors? Where are you from, the New York School for the Performing Arts??

lilfyffedawg = ghei

lol, the shorts are "technically" maroon but aye, they are rather questionable in their color. But hey, we still get beat out for most homosexual uniforms by a local school that has "purple pride" plastered on the backs :).

For your viewing pleasure, here's a few more pics for you to call me teh flaming homosexual in :). First is the full uniform, second is just at christmas with the fam.


I am very scared right now.

More pictures to make yer eyes bleed!


At 1.1.2005, precisely 00.00 i posed in a restaurant under a sign saying "Salad"
And i have absolutely no idea why, or why the fuck i was there in the first place. :D
You should tell that restaurant to check their spelling before they engrave wood.

Is that daylight in the background? At midnight? How far north are you?
I feel as though there is deeper meaning to this that I can't possibly fathom... What it is, I do not know. - Colt
For the love of Gd: stop posting pictures of yourselves!
It's a total mystery to me why people who lack the looks want to show themselves to others.
You are not handsome!
You are not goodlooking!
You are not going to score anytime soon!
You are a total waste of genetic material and - what's more - your parents know this.
You are ugly.
You should draw your conclusions and do something about it.
I recommend a healthy dose of creativity, a friggin' sharp knife and your wrists.
If not, try the rope.
If that doesn't work, hide your head between your buttocks.
And push.
Push hard.

Thank you. :twisted:

This was from my 18th, which was about 2 1/2 years ago now, though i still look the same.

I'm the chap second from the left, in the suit. Don't ask me why the fat guy on the left is trying to mollest me, I was far too drunk to remember :roll:

Additionally, my eyes don't actually glow red in reality. It's a trick of the camera ;)