It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!



Big T said:
KQX said:
Oh come on. You can apply that observation to like 90% of NMA members, and I don't think that's much of an exaggeration. And like you look any more stable, you Nazi Skinhead, you.
Aye, I apply this characteristic to myself too albeit minus the Nazi jibe.

Also, why is Gekko not Gerko?

Whenceforth is he?

Are you serious?

I hate this pic! I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT! But it's the only recent one I have, unless you want to see one of me in th grade holding a small alligator...
Thank you so much(?). Particularly considered the fact i only wrote that skateboard thing because my posting looked so naked without any text. Kickflip galore!